
06 June 2020


Last week we celebrated the end of Alice's eleventh year round the sun, a year that has been full of change.  She wasn't able to do what she would have liked for her birthday, which is to spend a whole day with her best friend.  She had to make do with her family instead, luckily her birthday was on a bank holiday this year so Daddy was at home too.  She spent many hours playing and talking to friends on video calls and several friends and some family joined us on Zoom to sing her Happy Birthday with her cake.

So at the end of year of change Alice, I write these words for you.

You have found talking about things that matter to you so much easier this year, your emotional thoughts have slowly come into focus more for you and you have been finding ways to express these.  You can explain what you mean and find the words without getting so frustrated.  You have always been good at telling us how you feel about things but sometimes you needed our help to make sense of what you were feeling.  This may have been because you started the year knowing that a dear friend was going to move away.  She lived a forty five minute drive away which wasn't that close but now she is hundreds of miles away in another country. It was hard for you, knowing that she was leaving when she was still here.  I tried to make sure that you got lots of time together in those last weeks whilst knowing that it would not ease the pain for you.  We talked a lot about how we could keep your connection alive despite the distance.  You wrote each other letters and you started to video call each other once or twice a month, not knowing at the time that this would stand you in good stead in the last few months of your eleventh year.  You have found this separation very hard, there are times it has made you cry, a lot, you were frustrated but at the same time you understood why.

In the way that life can often throw things at us, with unfortunate timing a month after your dear friend left, you had yet more change.  A French class you have been part of for five years had to come to stop, we weren't sure for how long and luckily it was just a pause but at the time we did not know that.  It wasn't quite the same watching French videos on YouTube to keep your learning going, you missed the lovely lady that runs the class, you missed the friends who you only saw then.  A visit to the dentist in the same week we found this out, we learnt that he was moving back to his home country, he had been your dentist all your life and you had just found the confidence to sit in the chair by yourself.  The cumulative effect of these was so unsettling for you.

Whilst they were difficult things for you to process and make sense of, I hope that they have made it easier for you to think things through and talk about them, a skill that will stand you in good stead as you make your way in the world.

You have continued in your usual determined way to master the skill of reading, this is not something you are ever going to find easy but that has not stopped you trying very hard to learn.  You have started to look at books yourself, reading them in your own way something you have never done before.  You have read to me a lot less this year, I think this has actually helped you, you need time to help things bed in before trying again.  I am proud of your determination to overcome your difficulties.

Whilst you have found reading difficult there are many other things that you can do with ease, often things that I find really hard.  You built a complicated wooden kit from scratch, I read the instructions to you and you got on with, it was completely incomprehensible to me.  You have discovered a love of needle felting this year, you have made fairies, animals, dragons and many other things.  I have enjoyed learning to do this alongside you as it is new to me too.  You haven't needed a pattern to start with, although you asked for books, for you birthday, to help you develop your skills.  Many of things you have made have been presents for your friends, I love that you want to make them things rather than go out and buy something.

Your body is beginning the changes from a girl to a woman, we have talked about these changes and what they mean.  It has been hard for me watch my little girl changing but I am also loving this time to be by your side holding your hand and guiding you through.

The last few months of your year have been very difficult for you, as they have for everyone, for you the lack of face to face interaction with your friends has been very hard.  You love to be around people all the time, you are not keen on your own company.  It is not surprising as you have been attending home ed meet ups since you were a few months old, being around groups of people has always been part of your life.  You are loving the video calls that you have, one for each day of the week, but they are not the same, by the end of your birthday it hit you hard.  We will get through this my love, it is hard whilst we are living through it but one day we will be able to look back and think about what we coped with and how much stronger that has made us.

I hope your twelfth year is a little easier for you, Happy Birthday my love, I am proud to be your mum.



  1. what a lovely way to celebrate and remember a birthday with a letter!

    1. Thank you, there are a few years missing which is a shame as I don't think I could write them now!

  2. What a lucky girl Alice is to have such an understanding Mum! It's not always a bad thing to have to go through changes and leave friends behind along the way - as an only child who moved a lot I came to realise that I could make new starts in new places with different friends and these days keeping in touch is so much easier. I am sure that one day Alice will look back on her 11th year and realise that some of the lessons she had to learn often the hard way have made her the person she now is and be glad. Belated birthday wishes to her.

    1. Thank you! I do hope she will look back and be glad. It is never easy when you are living through it, but you are right it does make us a stronger person.

  3. What a lot of changes to cope with in just a year, but it sounds as though Alice has dealt with them in a mature way. It's such a shame that so many birthdays are happening in lockdown and they can't be celebrated as we would wish but I'm sure you made her day very special nontheless.

    1. It was a lot, I found it challenging too, it is rather tiring. I hope she looks back on her birthday with fondness, and I am sure as she gets older it will be one that she remembers for many years to come!

  4. Happy birthday to Alice! It sounds like the loveliest birthday possible while we are in times like these. MegXx

  5. Sending huge hugs to you both, it's so hard to watch our kids struggling with the effects of this pandemic. You did a fab job with the bunting, it is so cheery and a true labour of love given all was done in secret!

    Alice well done for persevering with your reading that is a true test of strength of character :-) I'm quite envious of your needle felting abilities, it is a craft I'm yet to try, I must admit to feeling a bit phased by it all! I'm so glad that you get to have much welcomed daily chats with your friends, we have a daily lunch time date with Dave's mum via WhatsApp and we enjoy our time together. Growing up can be a real challenge but you have a fab ally in your mum (and dad too!) I hope that this year is kind to you and that you continue to enjoy making memories with your family and friends xx

    1. Thank you San. I am so glad to have finally made the bunting, it will be rolled out for all birthdays.

      Needles felting is something I also thought was really difficult but it isn't at all. We started by making stars using biscuit cutters to give us a shape it was so easy. I would say give it a go, it is not difficult at all, but like all craft it needs its own set of materials.......

  6. Sounds like your (no longer) small girl had a wonderful day despite current circumstances. You have written such beautiful words that will be really special to look back on in years to come. Oh, and I love your wrapping fabric! ;o)

    1. Thank you Evi. My aim is to give both my children their 'letters' when they are older. There are some gaps but I hope they don't mind that!

  7. Your birthday bunting is so lovely. Sending my very best wishes to Alice at the end of her eleventh year. Xx

    1. Thank you Jules, the bunting was a labour of love. I really enjoyed making it and am so glad I finally managed to make it.

  8. Many, many happy wishes to Alice....what a wonderful way to commemorate her special day. The 'tween' years are so full, aren't they? It sounds as if she has a wonderful grounding in herself...the ability to identify and talk about emotions is a rare skill and it's wonderful that she has come to the work so will hold her in good stead. xo

    1. Thank you Mel. I do hope her ability to identify and talk about her emotions will stand her in good stead. I have tried to encourage this in both my children. I know how important this is to me and how hard I have found it as I didn't start at this age but much, much later and by then there was so much to unpick, I wanted it to be easier for them.

  9. happy birthday to your daughter!! time is a flying!!

    1. Thank you Karen, time is indeed flying, too fast sometimes!

  10. Ahhh, happy birthday to Alice. This is beautiful, it had me tearing

    1. Thank you so much, what a lovely thing to say xxx

  11. What a beautiful letter and tribute to your daughter ❤️ Made me well up! X


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