
10 June 2020

A Peek in to my thoughts

Outside my window the sun shines occasionally, the clouds appear and disappear sometimes dropping rain but all is calm.  A calmness that feels so at odds with what is happening in the rest of the world right now.  Where I live has always made me feel separate from what is going on in the rest of my own country let alone the world, now it feels even more remote.

I am feeling the full gamut of emotions from disbelief to anxiety and everything in between.  How is is possible that a life is so little valued, that persons in authority, who are there to protect, can cause so much harm to so many.  What does the future hold for us all now, it really needs to be a place where everyone feels safe, feels heard and has a voice.  Is this possible?

I am thinking that it really needs to be ok to take time to process events that seem so utterly dreadful that we don't want them to be real.  If we look like we are carrying on as normal, maybe that is what we need to do as part of our processing.  We need to pause to be at our best, to deepen our attention so that we can respond wisely and allow us to get in touch with how we feel about what we see, hear and read.

I am wondering why it is that some people feel the need to point fingers, to bring to attention issues that are detracting from those that are most important.  I am also wondering what will end this.

I am pondering two quotes I have heard this week 'the child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth', part of our village, our community is hurting if responding to this is optional does that make us complicit?  The second is Martin Luther King, 'riot is the language of the unheard'.

I am listening to many Podcasts to help me make sense of what I have seen and read and my reactions to that.

I am reading, slowly, as much content as I can online.  I want to understand why we find ourselves in this place and to be part of the process to ensure that it doesn't happen again.

I am learning that my ideals of believing that we have a duty to educate the next generation does not work if the beliefs are that of entrenched superiority.  This is not my fault, but I am complicit and now I can wake up and respond.  I need to be willing to be open about how I feel right now.

I am hoping to be a compassionate witness, to speak out, to be an advocate.


  1. All love to you. We are on a journey together

    1. Thank you, we do need to do this together, everyone together.

  2. I really loved this post, thank you. It is a time for learning for all of us. Here in Australia we have our own very shameful history of mistreating our first nations people and I am hoping that this is a time when we can confront something of what that means. I love that our young people are leading this movement and hauling us along with them.

    1. Thank you Jo. This is the time to confront what this all means, I totally agree.

  3. A wise and thoughtful post putting into words that which many of us are feeling just now. Thank you.

  4. We are all sharing in these feelings - beautifully expressed in this post.
    Best wishes

    1. I am glad to hear that you share these feelings and thank you for your kind words.

  5. Thank you for this...and yes, to all of it. xo

  6. I am thinking that you and I think the same things. You wrote a beautiful post!

    1. I am glad to hear that people are thinking the same, I was a little nervous to click 'post' on this one.

  7. how beautifully put...thank you.

  8. I add my "thank you for this" ... message so many of us feel .. your words are wonderfully written.

  9. I think your thoughts capture the general feeling just now. Well said.

    1. Thank you Jo, I was a little nervous to 'post' this one.

  10. Thank you Laurie. It is indeed an awakening, I just hope that we continue to be awake to this and do all we can to ensure that things change from now.

  11. Beautiful thoughtful words - we must all step up to the mark now in whatever way we can.

    1. Thank you Lil, we must and not forget when it all dies down in the media.

    2. So sorry Fil not Lil, blooming auto-correct!

  12. I salute you! A wonderful, thoughtful post!xxx

  13. Really thoughtful post. I too have been trying to let all of this filter through and spent the longest time I ever have done on my monthly newsletter to try and make sense of it and my role in it and what needs to change. I am curious to know if you listened to Tara Brach's podcast? I heard through that the quote about 'The child who is not embraced by the village...' and have been thinking a lot about it too.

    1. Thank you. I did hear that quote through Tara Brach's podcast, I think it was you that introduced me to her and I am really grateful, I am really appreciating her thoughtful words and meditations right now.

    2. I'm so pleased Tara Brach has resonated with you - I think she is incredible and she has helped me enormously over the years.


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