
27 April 2022

A Peek into my Day

Outside my window there is a heavy dew on the grass and the sheep are sleeping whilst the lambs look keen to up and about, some look to have been up already leaving tracks in the dew.  The sky is overcast, the hills are faint in the distance.  The trees are almost a green haze, heralding spring.

Around my house it is not very tidy right now, Alice has had a friend to stay so there is spare bedding that needs putting away, the box of food processor parts is still sat on the hall floor, my desk is buried under a pile of papers, books etc that have been piling up over the past week and moved to the dining room table each time I need to work there.  I am busy ignoring it all and getting on with life.

The sun has been shining for most of this month I am thankful for the blue skies and sunshine, it is far from warm but the sun is so uplifting even on the coolest of days.

I am thinking about many things including D of E Expeditions, Scout Programmes, Agendas for meetings, shopping lists, writing letters to ask for donations, fundraising, ordering food from the wholesalers, birthday plans for Alice, my list is rather long at the moment!

In my kitchen the slow cooker is filled with vegetables for a stew for tonight's tea, my sourdough starter is bubbling away, the washing up needs doing, there is a pile of cook books on the side - I have been looking for some new, to us, recipes.

I am creating knitted wash cloths and embroidered needle cases depending on my mood, more items to be sold for fundraising to get Alice and her group to South Korea.

Wednesdays are one of my busy days in my week, I have added an extra thing to my day and I am going to attempt to do food shopping when I drop Alice in the local town, it might be one thing too many but I won't know that until I try it.

I was given a blackberry plant last week and I am pondering where the best place in the garden is for it.

I am remembering our wonderful month long holiday staying with our friends in the Bahamas and longing to go back there, our plans to return in 2020 were stalled by COVID, Cameron being at college has shelved us doing that any time soon.

Now that we are heading towards the summer I am loving the long and lighter evenings, I do love every season for what it brings.

I finally managed to sow some seeds this past week and I am hoping that I will have some seedlings very soon.

I am reading a rather wonderful and fascinating book, Looking for the Mother Tree by Suzanne Simard.  I thought I might have finished it by now but I am savouring it by reading it slowly.

Better and honest yes than an insincere no, is my favourite quote at the moment.

Alice's dearest friend is moving to Ireland tomorrow to live and I am wondering how we are going to get through the next year or so before we can go and visit.  I am sure they will see each other here before we can go and visit, but the parting is going to be hard.

My life is really full and busy now and I am learning that it is still possible to find balance and rest when life is busy.  

We have been invited to a BBQ this weekend and I am looking forward to catching up with friends we have not seen for ages.

I am wearing green leggings, a green and lighter bluey green patterned, buttoned down needlecord dress, with a cardigan that exactly matches the lighter colour on my dress.  I am starting the day barefoot in the vain hope that I can stay that way, this is a time of year when that is not always possible and my feet get too cold so I am reaching for the socks

Lam listening to more tunes on Spotify this year.  I often sit of an evening reading blogs and catching up with the news online with music playing in my ears.  I have found some great news songs to add to my playlists.


  1. That is a very busy day! I hope you will find some time to recharge your batteries...
    Best wishes

    1. I did find the time but it was only in patches, I am hoping there is more time for that this week!

  2. I love these little peeks into your day. How lovely to look out of your window and see lambs, you have such a gorgeous view from your window.

    1. Thank you Jo. I love my view too, I never tire of it.

  3. I love these little peeks into your day. How lovely to look out and see lambs, you have such a gorgeous view from your window.

  4. Always love reading your posts. You definitely seem to be spinning a lots of plates at the moment. Hope your shopping ties in with all your other activities.Barbara x

    1. Yeah my plates are definitely spinning at the moment. My shopping went well thank you x

  5. The view outside your lovely!
    These posts always feel so...cozy. Like we get to step into your life for a while; sit on the couch, put up our feet, and share a cup of tea. Sourdough bread - yum!

    1. Aw thank you for your kind words. I love that you felt like that as that is the impression I am trying to create. I love my view, I feel very blessed to be able to see that every morning when I open the curtains, unless of course the cloud is down and then we cannot see very much at all.

  6. Another lovely peek into your day. What a wonderful view. Good to hear you've sowed seeds. Ahhh, hope the parting goes as well as it can for Alice. Snowbird xxx

    1. Thank you, I love my view! The parting was hard but is softening with time.

  7. Yeah. Success. Many thanks for your advice x

  8. love seeing your day! Welcome home and isn't it funny that I am going to whip up a few washcloths to give to people??

    1. Thank you! The washcloth knitting is going apace!

  9. Managed a quick catch up and greeted with lovely news of Alice’s trip! She certainly aced the selection procedure 🙂. I hope the fundraising efforts go well, at least there is plenty of time xx

    1. Lovely to hear from you San, thank you for your kind words about Alice's trip it is all rather scary with amount we have to fundraise but we are getting there, slowly but surely. Hope you are all keeping well.

  10. That is a lovely view. Thank you for this gentle glimpse into your day. X

    1. I love my view! I do feel blessed to see it every time I open the curtains. Glad you enjoyed this post.

  11. There are always so many admin-type things to think about aren't there. Lovely to get some seeds in and start growing for the season.

    1. Yes! There is always far too much admin, I would love it all to just stop sometimes! Lovely to hear from you thank you for dropping by x

  12. Looks like you have a lot to think about. Glad you can balance it all out. Hope Alice is ok and good luck with the fund raising. X

    1. I do have a lot to think about at the moment! Alice is doing ok thank you for asking, slow steps.

  13. What a busy beaver! (p.s. beavers are my favourite animal so please take this as a huge compliment :) )

    Life has been a bit hectic for me and I have become very good at ignoring the house chores. Wishing you better luck with finding a spot for the blackberries - I got some thornless ones a couple of years and the poor things are still sat in their pots :0

    Your previous month long Bahamas trip sounds heavenly. That's a beautiful view you have too (top picture). Enjoy m' luverly xXx


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