
04 May 2022

Nourishing Belief

It is the time of Beltain here, in the Northern Hemisphere, the halfway point between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice (If you are in the Southern Hemisphere you can read my Samhein post here).   I know that the emergence of Spring is different in different parts of the Northern Hemisphere, this is written to reflect what is happening in my part of the world.

The earth energies are at their strongest and most active, everywhere we look there is colour, everywhere we listen the world is full of bird song.

All of nature is bursting with fertility, we are in the peak of the spring season, on the cusp of the beginning of the growing season.  It is a time of sunshine and rain, flowers are everywhere, birds and animals have their young, the sounds of birdsong fills the air, buds are swelling and bursting, the sap is rising unseen in the trees.

See the yellow catkins cover
All the slender willows over;
And on the mossy banks so green
Starlike primroses are seen;
And their clustering leaves below
White and purple violets grown.

Hark, the little lambs are bleating
And the cawing rooks are meeting
In the elms, a noisy crowd;
And all birds are singing loud.
There, the first white butterfly
In the sun goes flitting by.

Whilst the Earth is showing us its wonderful abundance through the wonderful colours, sounds and smells, we celebrate and give thanks to the Earth for its fertility and sharing its bounty with us.  We give thanks for the air, the breath of life, We thank to the sun for beginning to warm up the Earth, bringing with it new growth and later abundance. We give thanks for the rain that brings fertility and life giving energy.

Never before has it been so important to reach out and develop our connections to our beautiful Earth.  We can be its protector in our own way.  We can be mindful of our actions and behaviours, deepening our own love and connection for the Earth, we must reach out and listen to its guidance.

As we are mindful of our actions towards the Earth now is also a time to be mindful of ourselves too.

This is a time to be conscious of your emotions and where they take you, follow your heart with its positive and loving intent. Be open to energies deep within you and within nature, bring them and your emotions outwards finding creative ways to release them. Now is the time to work out where we are and what it is we want and need, to focus our thoughts to reach our goals.  Thoughts that are focused and inspiring.

You may have an idea of something you want to achieve but does that idea take you where you want to be?

If your ideas and plans don't meet your goals then now is the time to plant new seeds and nurture them so they and we can grow strong and well.  As the Earth is warming up we too can warm up our creativity to full strength, bringing in spontaneity, expansion, self expression and growth.

We also need to be mindful with our words as well, they have power, using them wisely either with ourselves or what we say to others.

Whether they are seeds of thoughts that have been hibernating for a while or those that we have just sown we must allow them to grow and bloom.  We are all worth it, we must believe in ourselves, reach out for what it is we need and take that energy in.  There will be energy deep within you that you must engage with, be receptive to its power.  Our emotions can often get the better of us, help yourself by finding new ways to express your emotions and your deepest feelings and ways to release them.

Believe in yourself

You deserve it, it will come to you, everything is possible

I wait
The flooding of my soul
With the deep secrets of 
The Universe.
I nurse
And cherish a hope.
These moments pass
And I must look through glass
darkly a little longer
Albeit growing stronger
In the belief that one day 
I shall know
My heart will flow
In harmony with creation;
A veil will lift
And the divine gift
of understanding 
will flood my soul
And make me whole!

From Seeking by Margaret Gudemain

Our energy, our inner energy is what will carry us through this period of growth and change.  It will help us to bring our dreams and aspirations to fruition.  It will help us to believe in ourselves, that we can bring about that which we would most like to make happen.  It may only be the beginnings but if we believe in ourselves we can make it happen.

Beltain Blessings to you.


  1. So true that this time of year is inspiring in so many ways. Bright shiny days that make you feel you can do anything. A lovely positive post. Thank you. B x

    1. Thank you so much. I am loving the spring flowers as I do every year, I notice the flowers more at this time of year after the long period of nothing growing. It is like greeting old friends when each flower reaches its flowering time.

  2. What an inspiring and beautiful post. The energy of spring certainly blows away the cobwebs and sends us on new paths. I just loved both of those poems and that utterly delightful photo of the maypole, quite enchanting. xxx

    1. Aw thank you, that is so kind of you. The energy of spring is wonderful isn't it. I am glad you enjoyed the poems. My daughter made the maypole with her dad, the children and I made the wee people, we have had it for a few years now and love adding it to our seasonal table for a few weeks each year.

  3. Sorry, comment was from

  4. What a beautiful post with such an important message! Happy Beltain to you! :-)

  5. 'There will be energy deep within you that you must engage with, be receptive to its power.' This is a wonderful sentence, and one I will meditate on. It also works for our southern hemisphere with our waning light, when energy is drawing down deep inside. I do love your wheel of the year posts, they delight my druidly soul:)

  6. I can only echo what others have said, hope is a beautiful thing.

  7. I am inspired by the dogwoods that are still blossoming and looking ever so beautiful!! I do like this part of spring and I even enjoy early summer.

  8. A bit late but Beltane blessings to you, too. Cx

  9. Happy beltane dear SM. It's a wonderful time of year and you have captured it perfectly. The hedgerows are bursting with energy and t ' kettle's on. How cute are your Maypole figurines ! :) :) :) x


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