
20 April 2022

The benefits of pausing

The sun is setting on the day, as I gaze out of the window, the shadows are spreading across the fields.  As I gaze, I am seated at my dining room table listening to the family's conversation wafting around me and pondering the past seven days which have felt more like seven weeks with the amount of things they have been filled with.  I cannot remember what I was doing seven days ago it has been the fullest of weeks.

Full weeks often mean no blog posts and less visiting to your online spaces by me.  I think I am caught up with you all now, I know that I don't really need to apologise for my tardiness, I hadn't disappeared again just pressing pause whilst life took my focus elsewhere.

I had one of these weeks when several big things were close together, filling my head with their needs.  Everything got done as it needed to, I had made space in between, a breathing space, a lesson that I have learnt the hard way.  It is so easy to keep saying yes to doing things without thinking about the time we need to make things happen, I no longer have to remind myself that I need that.  The pauses give me time to recharge before moving onto the next thing.

The sunshine has been wonderful this week, spring is most definitely coming to these parts.  The green haze is visible in some places, not from my windows just yet but it is very close.  I had a wonderful day in some local woods whilst my children were busy doing things with friends, fuel prices being what they currently are I made the decision to stay out for the day rather than driving home between drop off and pick ups and was so glad that I did.  The peace and quiet, the trees and the signs of spring were just what I needed for a recharge.  A space between two big things taking up so much head space, I was able to forget all that and focus on my surroundings and taking photos of the signs of spring.

Meal planning has been very dis-ordered and somewhat neglected this week, so I was glad when my husband suggested a fish and chip supper at the end of a busy day, being able to pre-order online before hand meant that we could pick it up on our way home.  It was good not to have to think about cooking on top of everything else my head was filled with on that day.  

I was exhausted that evening and upset by a thoughtless and unkind message left by someone on a WhatsApp group I created to organise an event that day.  My reaction was that I wanted to respond, to defend myself from being made to look foolish and stupid,  but my head was too mushy and tired to know what to say, I also wanted to be sure that I was not upset because I was tired, so I left it.  I left it the next day too, I was still very tired but my reaction to the message was shifting, changing.  There was a little voice somewhere in me telling me to leave it but I didn't know why or what the voice was trying to tell me.  I am always amazed by our intuition and how it is sometimes all to easy to silence it, dismiss it especially when we don't understand what it is trying to tell us.  My pause allowed me to see that it was not me that was the foolish one, but the person who had left the message.  I have ignored it and moved on, my dignity in tact by not reacting and actually making myself look foolish.

I am now fully rested.  Recharged by a much needed two day pause of pottering at home.  In reality I have probably done as much in the last two days by pottering at home as I have on others days this past week, but as they were days that had no schedule, no deadlines, my head could rest.  It didn't matter if things didn't get done, not that that ever should matter as we can only do what we can do as long as no one is going to get hurt or injured by us not doing things, it has to be ok that we are doing our best.  

I am now ready for the rest of the week.


  1. All we can ever do is our best. Taking time to pause is always a good idea.
    Best wishes

    1. It is a good idea to pause, and you are right that all we can ever do is our best that is a healthy way to be about things.

  2. It's a good idea to pause when our life takes a busy turn, though often we don't recognise that we need to do this so well done for putting some things to one side for a while. I'm sorry to hear that you were left an unkind message, I don't know why some people think it's okay to do that, I was always taught that if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all. I think you did the right thing ignoring it, some people like to get a reaction and the fact that you didn't leave a comment in return probably annoyed them, haha.

    1. I too was taught that if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say it, like you I don't get why folks would say unkind things. It is so hard to recognise when we need to pause, I agree Jo, I am work in progress with that one and do try and notice when I do it and I get a benefit from it.

  3. I am learning this year, in a way I never have appreciated before, how much I need to prioritize rest. And, ironically, when I give myself space to rest (and putter), I actually end up accomplishing more items on my to-do list. Unimportant tasks I would have prioritized lose their urgency, and I end up doing more of what's important to me/aligns with my values.
    The photos in this post are also lovely; like a nice calming vision for a rest and reset.
    I'm so glad you're feeling ready to greet the day.

    1. Yes to accomplishing more when we pause, I hear you on that one, it is a good reminder of why it is a good idea to take rest and do less. I am glad that you enjoyed the photos, I love taking those kind of pictures :)

  4. Rest . . . a pause . . . is good for our souls. So glad you had a chance to recharge. XO

  5. I want to do so much each and every day and yet there is only so much time in a day and sometimes I cannot do it all. I loved your post and the photos you paired with it.

    1. Thank you Karen, there are so many wonderful things we could be doing each day aren't there. It can be hard to chose or it is hard when we want to do things and there is always something else that takes our time.

  6. Your time in the woods sounds blissful and you needed this after your busy week. Some weeks are like that, leaving you a bit washed out. I try to learn from you, giving myself space and time to breathe. I am a work in progress! Have a wonderful week and weekend x

    1. My time in the woods was indeed blissful, it was just what I needed. It is so hard to give ourselves space when we are busy but it is so vital for our long term well being. I am a work in progress too, it is hard isn't it.

  7. I totally agree with having those pause moments. Always good to sleep before making decisions in the heat of the moment. The outcome is always better after time to consider. Just gently pottering here today. Very therapeutic. Have a lovely weekend. B x

    1. Sleeping before making decision is not something I always do as it has been known to keep me awake but there are some decisions when this is important and on this occasion this was the right thing for me to do. Pottering is so therapeutic isn't it, I agree!

  8. Beautiful photos SM :) Sounds like a day in the woods worked wonders. You did right to ignore the unkind comment on the group chat. I do like a good pause, with a cup of tea of course. I've been off with the kids this week and whilst we crammed a fair bit in, the mornings were a wonderful slow pace, not having to rush off on the school / work run :) Pottering about is just lovely xXx

    1. Thank you for your kind words about my photos. Glad to hear from someone else who likes pottering, I try and keep my life at a slow pace but I don't always manage it, it is blissful when we do though isn't it.

  9. I enjoyed reading this as I too have been allowing myself more time to rest and potter about lately. To simply be. Your time in the woods sounds like just the tonic. It's important that we all find those spaces, those moments, to rest and recharge. Without them, life can feel like a constant whirlwind! I'm also saddened to hear of your uncomfortable situation, but gladdened that you were able to think it through and walk away. I'm taking a leaf out of your book as I navigate a difficult situation myself right now. Wishing you a wonderful week!

    1. I am so glad to hear that you enjoyed reading this. It is so important to find those spaces to recharge, I love that you have used that word to describe them they are indeed spaces, spaces in so many senses of the word too. I really do not want my life to go back to the crazy whirlwind that it was before COVID. In the past I would have rushed in to respond to the message I got which was unkind but something inside me told me to wait and I am so glad I did as it gave me a chance to have a proper perspective. If is hard to step away and separate ourselves to be able to see things as we navigate through them, I do hope you have been able to do that now.

  10. We all need to pause when life gets too busy and just breathe and enjoy a moment pf peace. Delighted to hear you ignored the unpleasant message, often staying silent is the best way forward with nasty people who thrive on drama, Lovely photos. Had a problem posting this, hope it goes through. From Snowbird xxx

    1. You are so right about people thriving on drama, that is something that I had not considered so thank you for those supportive words they mean a lot to me.


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