
09 September 2020

Replenishing and Nourishing

Thank you all for the lovely comments on my last post,  I am glad that you all enjoyed the photos of my part of the world.  My cup is still full from that adventure, it has been further filled by another swim on Sunday, this time with my whole family.  The weather forecast was even better than we expected, once again I swam with the sun on my face the whole time, it makes such a difference, that little bit of warmth, especially when the water is so cold!

I know that wild swimming is not everyones cup of tea, it is good to make the time in our lives for those things that replenish and nourish us isn't it, whatever that looks like.  In recent years I have come to realise how important these things are in my life.  There is a pressure in society to always be busy and productive but this isn't helpful or useful if that leaves us feeling tired and worn out all the time.  I am still holding onto hope that COVID will slowly start to turn the tide on this pressure and we will start to value those things that can't be measured.

So onto another pastime that fills my cup up, knitting.  My shawl is not ready to share more than this, I am still waiting on buttons to come into stock at my local sewing shop, I have sown on the the 24 buttons that I have, I bought 25 but one has mysteriously disappeared somewhere in the house....I need another five, I just need to be patient.  The weather has warmed up here a little so I am not in need of this right now, but I do hope they come back in stock in time for when the temperatures eventually start to drop.

In the meantime I have a whole skein of this wool left over.  I think the amount I needed would have taken me a few metres over the skeins that I used, so the fifth was a just in case skein.  I have been ratching through my stash and found some small balls of yarn, mostly left over from other projects, that I think will work to make some kind of colour work hat, I am still looking at patterns.  I also need to do a few swatches to work out which colours and yarns would be suitable and work together.

My hat is now off the needles and finished and I have been stash diving again and found another yarn for some mittens.  I actually had the ball band from this yarn so I could work out how much I had left without resorting to guesstimating with my, not terribly accurate for the job, weighing scales.  I have a set of traditional kitchen scales, you know the sort with weights.  When I was weighing the yarn for the hat I realised that the scales are not terribly well balanced which is fine for cooking as long as everything is wrong together it won't matter, but for weighing yarn to work out how much I have left, well it is a best guess.  These mitts are a really quick knit, for me, I am sure some people could do them both in a day!

So my knitting is all about small projects at the moment, Alice needs a new cardigan, the last one I knit is now too short in the arms and she has worn it so much she has worn through both elbows!  She is really reluctant to part with it, I need to see if I can get the same yarn and knit the next size up.

I have some birthday knitting to do for a friend, it was my present to her, to knit her a cardigan.  Covid has made it difficult to sort this, but we have finally chosen a pattern, now onto the is a 4ply knit so I am keen to get this on the needles soon as I am really slow knitting up in such thin yarn.

What replenishes and nourishes you?

Joining with Kat this week.


  1. love the peek of the shawl-gorgeous!! I'm working on the wedding shawl and a pair of socks for my daughter for Christmas. I have more projects in my head but not on my needles.

    1. Thank you, I am still waiting on buttons, it is getting a little tedious now, I would love to start using it but I have gaps in the button placement so it looks a little odd.....

  2. Your knitting is lovely - I can only knit a scarf and even that wouldn't be terribly good!
    I live in fingerless mittens for most of the year as I have Raynaud's so can lose circulation in my fingers. It seems to have got worse this year and I have needed the mittens in the summer! Your mittens are a lovely colour.
    Nourishing and replenishing me is my crafting - papercraft and mixed media - I just love it!
    Best wishes

    1. Thank you Ellie. We all find crafts/art that works for us don't we. I am sorry to hear that you have Raynauds, that has always sounded really painful to me.

  3. I too am hoping 2020 will have a positive affect in American culture, slow down, stop consuming so much and smell the roses!

    1. That would be a wonderful outcome to the year wouldn't it?

  4. From what I can see of the shawl it looks beautiful, I can't wait to see more of it, and finished in time for the start of the cooler weather, though it looks as if the temperatures are going up a bit this week. I think it must be the time for planning new projects, I've got a few new things in the pipeline myself, it's so exciting to start something new.

    1. Thank you Jo. I do hope that I am able to get some buttons for it soon, I am thinking that I shouldn't have sown on the ones that I bought. I really wanted to support my local sewing shop but they don't stock more than 25 of any button and I needed 30 for this shawl.

  5. Well done on getting out swimming again. Bowscale Tarn?
    My own plans to improve my strength/swimming technique so that I could wild swim went off the rails with lockdown and my lovely warm pool closing. They have opened now, but the restrictions on when I can go and what I have to do when there make it unlikely I will return. But there’s always next year :-)

    So impressed by your beautiful knitting, not something I have ever managed to master. x

    1. It is Blea Water, Jayne, a beautiful tarn just up from Haweswater. I am sorry to hear that your swimming plans have had to pause, I do hope that you can start going again soon, as you say there is always next year.

  6. That shawl glimpse... gorgeous! Hurry up buttons! And, I love that pile of's beautiful together!

    1. I am wanting those buttons to hurry up too, it is cool enough today to want to wear that shawl. That pile of yarn is now slowly becoming a hat.....

  7. I love swimming in the sea and other bodies of water but am not a confident enough swimmer to swim in a lonely place on my own much as I would like to. What beautiful scenery. I love to walk alone to refresh myself. Today I walked for over 2 hours on a route that is partly new to me and partly revisited after years. I also love to look at maps and plan my adventures. I enjoyed reading about your adventure.

    1. Than you Jean. There is something special about walking alone isn't there. I loved swimming on my own but it is much better with others, I can stay in the water longer then.

  8. What replenishes me? Being outdoors walking or gardening, knitting, writing, poetry. Your shawl is beautiful.

    1. Thank you. We have similar things that replenish us x

  9. Being outdoors definitely.
    And I did have my first wild swim this year with friends and their girls. I must admit it was wonderful. :)

    1. I am glad to hear that you enjoyed your wild swim too, it is wonderful isn't it.

  10. Wonderful that you got to enjoy a family swim. You have some lovely knitting projects on the go, I do hope your buttons arrive soon. We've had some lovely sunshine too so lots of time spent outdoors.I love your photos, so

    1. Thank you! I hope those buttons arrive soon too, they are not showing any sign of doing so....

  11. Thank you Laurie.

    The water is cold isn't Laurie, yes it is cold here too but it is good for us.


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