
05 September 2020

A Solo Adventure

Yesterday I found myself with some time without the children, none of our usual home ed groups are up and running again yet so this is highly unusual at the moment, in fact I cannot remember the last time I had so much time to myself.  I could of course have dropped them off at their friends house and returned home, I could of spent the day pottering at home probably not doing very much, as is usual when I am free of distractions.  How is that we long for those times when we can just get on with things and not be disturbed, but when that time comes we can never remember all those things we wanted to do?

Having established that one friend was not free to meet up, I realised that I didn't want any company I wanted to go out for a walk on my own with my thoughts and the beautiful scenery as my companions.  I woke on Friday morning with that as my plan but not knowing where I was going to go.  In and amongst sorting food for the day for all of us, doing the laundry, some yoga and taking delivery of a large food order from a wholesaler, I made plans for where I would go.  I needed a lie down in a darkened room by the time I had sorted all that, not the adventure I had in store for myself!

As with everything I do there is always something to do on the way, having dropped the children at their friends house, I met with another friend to drop off some flour.  The large food order I mentioned was not just for me, I run a food group with the wholesaler and co-ordinate orders for several friends through my account.  Only one person had ordered this time, nearly 150kg of flour, it completely filled the boot of my small car and coated everything I put in there afterwards in a layer of white dust!  Having dropped off the flour I had to head into town to run a few errands that I had forgotten or not been able to do the day before. I was glad to finally get to where I was going to walk from, my time rather reduced by all the jobs needing my attention, but here I was all set to go.  

Well not quite.  I wasn't sure if I was going to have to pay for the car park I wanted to use, a quick look online before setting off didn't answer that for me.  I have a pot of change in the house which I keep for such times, except, you have guessed it, that is the one thing I had left at home.  My purse held a few pennies and the machine did not take cards.  Whilst I sorted my stuff I thought about what I should do, there was no where else to park, if I parked elsewhere it would mean a change of plans.  So I found an old receipt, my purse was full of those, and wrote a note explaining why I did not have a parking ticket in my car.  Finally, off I set.

I had chosen the location based on the weather forecast.  It was meant to be very wet in my part of the county but drier further west so that is where I headed.  I know a forecast is a best guess, on this occasion it was a pretty bad guess, almost as soon as headed off, the heavens opened.  Not just a little rain but a full on deluge.  Luckily I was walking in the trees at this point (the clump you can see in the photo above) so I didn't get too wet.  It was very drippy though as the rain filtered down through the tree canopy.  The path had been laid with stones in part, which are always a little treacherous in the wet, I nearly went flat on my face at one point early on, not a great start to my walk.  Treading more carefully I made my way up through the trees.  One of things that I love about walking on my own is the wildlife that you see as you quietly walk through the world, I was rewarded with many delights, including a red squirrel that was half way up a tree looking at something above it.  Annoyingly it was too dark for me to get a good photo as it stayed still like that for ages.

My destination was this tarn, the local word for a small lake, where I was going to have a swim.  It had rained a little more on my way up to here and the wind was rippling across the water in small gusts.  I hoped the rain would stay away whilst I got changed, I don't mind swimming in the rain, in fact I rather enjoy it, but getting changed in the rain is no fun at all.  The weather had other ideas for me as once again I was hit by strong winds and lots of rain, I was starting to wonder if this was such a good idea.  I sat it out for a while until it stopped and the sun came out and stayed out for my whole swim.  I would be lying if I said it was warm in that water, it wasn't, it was cold but so refreshing.  I managed 15 minutes in the water before deciding that I was cooled enough that I ought to get out. I needed to be able to get myself out of my wetsuit which I can't manage on my own if I get too cold!  The sun on my face was wonderful, as was the beautiful and wild surroundings.

Having got myself into many layers of clothing and drunk some soup I was still feeling a little chilled.  The tarn was pretty much surrounded by sloping land creating a bowl shape that was carved out by glaciers millions of years ago, I thought a walk uphill would help to warm me up.  As I squelched my way uphill I could feel the blood running again and my temperature started to rise.  I walked up to a high point and was rewarded with magnificent views and strong winds trying to blow me off my feet.  I could see rain blowing through the neighbouring valleys. The skies flickered from moody darkness to bright sunshine.

As I headed down to the car my thoughts, which have been swirling a little this week, were calm and still.  I felt happy and content after my adventure even it was slightly bonkers, it has filled my cup back up, I am ready to face the world and all it throws at me for the coming week.


  1. Sometimes the most bonkers (micro) adventures are the very best ones.

    That looked like a cathartic and healing little trip. Well done you 👍🏻 👏🏻 😊

    1. Thank you Jayne, you are right the most bonkers trips are usually the best ones. It was a very healing trip, I am so glad that I persevered with it!

  2. What a beautiful part of the country to have adventures in! A bit of time for yourself is a wonderful thing.
    Best wishes

    1. I do live in a beautiful part of the world, I feel so blessed to be able to call it my home. I will never take it for granted.

  3. It's a wonder you managed to get off with all those chores to do beforehand. The scenery is fabulous, though you're braver than I am, swimming in cold water isn't for me, brrrr. I can imagine how exhilarating it is though, especially in those surroundings. Well done for grabbing your opportunity, it's so easy to let any time we have to ourselves just slip by.

    1. It did feel like the world was against me before I actually set off walking. I think I was so determined to make it happen that I wasn't going to let them get in my way.

      I do live in a truly beautiful area, it is wonderful for be able to drive a few miles and still be in wonderful fabulous scenery, it is why where I live is so popular with tourists.

      The swim was exhilarating, I don't think about the cold, I wouldn't get in if I did!

      It is so easy to let the time slip by and I know that is what would have happened if I had stayed at home.

  4. What a beautiful setting! I swear adventures needs to be planned to get done - otherwise we will just sit at home. I bet this trip will fill your soul for a long time.

    1. Hello and welcome KJ. You are so right that adventures need to be planned to get done, I would definitely sit at home otherwise, I have come to realise that this is what I need to do. I am not very good at spontaneous especially when the weather is so unpredictable here most of the time. I do hope that my soul will be filled for a good while by this trip.

  5. I’m glad your cup is full once again. I envy you still being able to go wild swimming. My time for that is over now that the temperatures have dropped. It looks lovely and quiet where you were. Perfect restorative time. X

    1. Thank you Jules. The temperatures have dropped haven't they it does make it rather cold for wild swimming, I wouldn't be going in if is wasn't for my wetsuit. It was so quiet, I saw four people during the day and only one of those was close enough to speak to!

  6. What a lovely way to spend some much earned free time. The tarn looks perfect for swimming and the views wonderful. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. B x

    1. Thank you! It was a lovely way to spend some me time. The tarn was an amazing place to swim, I would like to go back with company so I can spend a little more time in the water.

  7. Hello!.I just found your blog via Sue,Quiet Life in the Country.It looks a lovely area where you live.I am Debi and live in Leicester,Midlands.Im looking forward to reading through your post and I hope that you are having a lovely weekend!,xx

    1. Hello Debi, welcome. Thank you for dropping by and leaving a comment.

  8. Looks wonderful so glad you had a good time and returned refreshed and renewed. Well done!

    1. Thank you, I was thoroughly refreshed and renewed, my cobwebs were well and truly blown away!

  9. Thanks for taking us with you. I feel better--all clear headed, bright eyed and my blood isn't sluggish. You have the most beautiful views.

    I miss walking in the woods. I miss walking along fence lines, exploring the ditches that separate the road from the pastures, communing with the horses and cows . . . A new subdivision took all those joys from me. The country is slowly being developed to within inches of its life. Reading such posts is therapeutic.

    1. Thank you for you lovely kind comment. I am glad you enjoyed reading my words and photos. I am sorry to hear that were you live is being built over.

  10. It was amazing Laurie. The scenery is beautiful where I live, it is why it is so popular with tourists. I could have sat for hours watching the tarn, but I was a bit too cold for that! I am feeling really recharged.

  11. there is nothing more lovely to photography (IMHO) than a cloud-strewn landscape...and you did yours justice. So glad you had this special time to yourself, yet were thinking of us enough to take all those photos and share them!!!

    1. I have just got a, new to me, camera and this was one of its first outings. I am still getting used to it but it so much better than my old one. I am touched by your compliments on my photography, thank you so much.

  12. Rather you than me swimming in cold water! I'm not a happy swimmer at the best of times, I put it down to being a fire sign.

    What a lovely area to explore though and I am sure getting away from it all helped clear your head.

    1. I didn't think it was for me either but now I am completely hooked. Weirdly it was reading a book about wild swimming in the depths of winter that inspired me to give it a go. Something about the way it was described made me want to get into the water. I cannot imagine swimming in a municipal pool ever again!

  13. What a treat to be able to not only be out on your own but to walk and take in those magnificent views. I really admire your outdoor swimming. I know a lot of fol krave about it but I am always sick whenever I catch a chill, I don't have the energy for my body to be able to warm up afterwards. Here's hoping this week is a good one xx

    1. It was a rare treat and I wanted to make the most of it! I have never really enjoyed swimming in public swimming pools, swimming in the outdoors is completely different for me, it is so nourishing and replenishing. We are trying to making it happen every week and are succeeding for the moment!

  14. That sounds like my sort of adventure. I really fancy wild swimming. What a beautiful part of the world you live.

    1. I can thoroughly recommend it, it is wonderful!

  15. You're so brave to go off by yourself, I don't even like popping into town on my own! I'm not at all brave or adventurous. I can't swim either, water frightens me; I only have showers as I don't like a bath. What wonderful photos all that open space and fresh air, I do like walking though as long as i have someone with me. Best, Jane :)

    1. I am sorry to hear that water frightens you, I am glad to hear that you found a way to wash. I do love my own company from time to time. It helps me gather my thoughts together, but we all need different things don't we, so I know that it would not be everyone's cup of tea.

  16. beautiful gorgeous photos! I love how you left a note for the car parking. We rarely have to pay for parking near here it's mostly free or we drive to where it's free and walk. I find it funny that we are trying to save 25 cents...but still money is money!!

    1. Thank you Karen. I wish we didn't have to pay for parking, I live in a touristy area and the parking can be really expensive round here. I wish there was a residents rate to acknowledge that we live here and want to enjoy the area too. The car parking was £8/$10 for the time I was there, a car park in the middle of no where, you pay less than that to park in the centre of towns and cities in my county!

  17. What stunning scenery! I am with Karen... I love how you left that note! What a lovely place to spend sometime with yourself! :)

    1. Thank you Kat, I was a little nervous to leave the note, I thought I might come back to a ticket or fine but nothing! It was so expensive to park, £8/$10 for the time I was there.

  18. What a beautiful place you live in and that walk so empty of people, just wild, though to be honest wild swimming is something you need to be very brave.

    1. I do live in a beautiful place, I am very lucky. I wasn't feeling terribly brave when I was walking towards the water in my swimming stuff but once I was in the water I didn't want to get out. It is such a wonderful experience being in the water with that scenery all around you.

  19. It's good to hear that you had such a lovely walk and swim after all those challenges that were thrown at you. Oh, stunningly beautiful photos, how I love your part of the world, I am missing it, hoping to go in

    1. Thank you, it was so soothing and calming despite being on my own. I love where I live too, I hope you can come and visit in October and that it is still possible to do that.

  20. Admirably adventurous of you. Looks beautiful.

    1. Welcome! Thank you for visiting and commenting.

  21. That sounds lovely but very brave. I'm not a very good swimmer and would be quite scared of going into water alone. However I always appreciate getting out into nature. It's always the most special when I am completely on my own. Love that you saw a red squirrel. X

    1. I wasn't sure if it was a wise thing to go in on my own, but it was not terribly deep. The depth though doesn't bother me though here is something about swimming outdoors that I find incredibly calming. I am not at all scared, we all have an inner strength and I am guessing mine is supporting me whilst I swim.

      The red squirrel was so amazing, I have no idea what it was looking at but it sat half way up a tree for a several minutes! I do love it when I spot one.

  22. What a wonderful adventure, even if it did take a while to get going! Wild swimming, warm soup, trekking and red squirrels - what a treat. You do live in such a stunning part of the country! X


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