
16 September 2020

A Peek into my Day


Outside my window it is cloudy and warm.  Once again the distant hills are obscured, this seems to be a bit of a theme on the days that I choose to do these posts!  We have had the warm temperatures return, warm for here, after a very cool and damp August.  I am hoping it will last the week as is forecast, in this last week of the Summer.

Around the house there are swimming bits drying from a late evening swim at the beginning of the week, part finished craft projects waiting to be picked up again, several parcels waiting to be taken to the post office by Cameron when he goes to work in the morning.

I have read on many occasions about people choosing a word for their coming year, I read something recently about choosing a word for a season, a month or day.  I love the idea of a word for a day, something to carry you through, particularly on those difficult days.  I am thinking of words that I could write down on small pieces of paper to put in a jar, I will keep it by my bed and each morning will take one out to be the word that carries me through the day.  

We are still continuing to swim outdoors regularly, at least once a week, sometimes more.  I am so thankful to live in a beautiful area where this is not only possible but makes the swim even more special as I am surrounded by wonderful scenery too.

In my kitchen there is once again three bananas going black waiting to be baked into banana bread, a bag of pears slowly ripening, a thoughtful gift from a friend, a bowl of fat waiting for the purchase of more bird seed, so that it can be mixed in and put out for the birds who love it and the washing up from dinner.

My mittens are off the needles and need the ends weaving in, actually I think it is just one end left to weave in, I really should get on and do that.  Now I am creating a hat using some leftover ends of yarn that I found in my stash.  I had a bit of a needle fail as my circular needle came apart near the tip, I have glued it but not that well, I only need to knit a few more rows before changing to a bigger size, I do hope it lasts long enough to do that.

Tomorrow is a day out for us, well nearly a whole day, I am going all over the place. The Archery range with Cameron, dropping Alice for a piano lesson, doing the shopping, going for an acupuncture appointment and then picking Alice up from a friend's house on the way home.  I could do these things on separate days but it would make the week really full and not very flexible so we are trialling doing them all on one day, it seems to working ok for now, I just need to come up with a simple and quick meal for tea as we ate at 9pm last week!

It is my birthday next month, one of those birthdays where the age ends in a zero, a new decade for me.  I am pondering a few ideas of what to do now that we have new restrictions in place, it has put paid to some of my very simple plans!

My birthday plans are being further complicated by the fact that we have flights booked to travel in November.  We booked them back in January when COVID had not reached these shores.  I am hoping that BA releases it policy, for flights during the period we are due to fly, very soon, which will allow us to decide what to do as we are not at all comfortable with continuing with our plans and would like to change them at minimal or no cost to ourselves if at all possible.  We were due to be away for a month which my husband has booked off work, we don't want to take a month off in the UK but would like to take some time off and if possible have a holiday in the UK at an alternative time if we can but there is not much of the year left now to rebook the time.

I am still reading the books I mentioned last month and have added a fourth one to the list!  A Long, Long Life of Trees by Fiona Stafford, it is not like me to be reading so many books at once.  It is a good light read for the end of the day when I do most of my reading.  The other books tend to be read during the day, which doesn't happen very often, they will be on my reading pile for a long while, I think.

One person can't do everything, but every person can do something is my favourite quote at the moment, I remind myself of this as we navigate through this incredibly difficult year we are all experiencing.

I am looking forward to meeting up with two friends at the weekend, it is something that we try and arrange to do every six weeks and I hope that we can continue to do that for the months to come.  It is so nourishing and restoring.  We try and coincide our meet ups with the wheel of the year festivals, it is the equinox next week so we will be celebrating what this time of the year means in our lives. 

The current restrictions here in the UK have just made it even harder for home educators to get together, I am learning to accept that this is likely to be the new normal for us for some time to come.  It is hard enough to forge a different path in life without having to justify why you are doing what you doing when you are out and about.  The restrictions are so confusing it makes it difficult to know what we should be doing, and where you draw the line on what is defined as educational, and what is social, gathering.

Cameron is interested in going to college next year to do an art based course.  I am wondering how long I should leave it before contacting them as I know that they are still grappling with restarting their courses for this academic year.  It would be good to know what they will require him to have in terms of exams etc and get those organised.

I am wearing navy leggings and a tunic top with large 70s style flowers in blues and greens.

I have spent quite a bit of time listening to Podcasts today,  there are some I always listen to whenever a new episode pops into my feed, Code Switch is one that l am listening to and learning so much from.

A Peek in to my day.


  1. I love a good podcast too! You sound very busy. I know that this year is hard for so many people -and making plans for travel is ally difficult. I hope you cancome to a resolution about yours in November.

    1. I am a recent convert to podcasts but I wouldn't be with out them now, they are amazing. There are so many out there to choose from. I am busy but not overly so, it always looks/sounds like a lot when you write it all down doesn't it. Still waiting to hear about our travel plans, they will have to make a decision by the end of the month we are told.....

  2. I hope those travel plans can be sorted for you. It has been a difficult year and does look as though this will continue for some time to come. Keeping going and having things we enjoy doing will continue to be important, I think.
    Best wishes

    1. Thank you Ellie, we are still waiting to hear they have made a decision on their policy if you booked since 3 March but we booked in January so still waiting, we hope to hear soon. It would be nice to be able to make some alternative plans.

  3. Holidays is a tricky one at the moment, even travelling in this country isn't guaranteed with the threat of restrictions coming back into force. I've been feeling I really need a holiday after all that's gone on over the last eighteen months, we didn't go anywhere last year, I didn't feel I could leave my dad after my mum died, so it's a long time now since we've had a proper holiday. I hope you manage to get off somewhere. It was dull again here yesterday but the sun's back again today, it would be nice if summer lasted a little longer.

    1. You are right Jo, it is impossible to make any plans at the moment isn't it. I am slightly reluctant to make any much ahead of time, just see what we can do when the times comes. I hope that you manage to get away somewhere soon too.

  4. Yesterday here (north east Lancs) was rather miserable and working outside for the day certainly made me feel cold however today seems to be glorious and long may it last as I am off on a jolly (sort of bus-man's holiday) to visit and tinker in a private walled garden as part of the Pendle Hill Landscape partnership. Enjoy the rest of your week x

    1. I hope that you have been enjoying the lovely sunny weather we have had hear this past week it has been glorious, autumn is well and truly here today!

  5. Although you sound busy I find a slowness and calm when reading your post. You obviously manage to have a variety of different things to do and maybe that is what gives the impression of calm. Hope you manage to find a solution to your holiday problem.

    1. Thank you! It is pretty calm in these parts, I am going with the flow as much as possible. I am most definitely not worrying about things that I have no control over.

  6. It must be difficult to organise home education activities when restrictions change on a weekly basis. I hadn't thought about that actually (living in my little bubble). I hope you are still able to arrange some activities at least. I also hope you can sort something out for your holiday. It is a difficult one because travel corridors change all the time and you might not feel that travelling is the right thing to do just now but airlines make it difficult to change or cancel travel arrangements. We are in a similar situation for a one week holiday... I am so glad you say "a holiday in the UK" rather than a "staycation"! I can't stand this word, it implies that having a holiday in the UK is somewhat inferior. Fingers crossed you find a solution for your existing booking and an alternative place to visit. Meanwhile, enjoy the beautiful scenery and make the best of the still warm enough swimming days.

    1. Thank you Christina. We now have a slightly clearer idea of what we can and can't do based on current restrictions. We are finding a way through them to organise a few things, it hasn't been easy! I am not keen on Staycation either holidays in the UK are amazing, there are so many wonderful places to visit it is in no way inferior I agree.

  7. Busy life of a overwhelming as it must seem sometimes, it's something you will miss (at times!!!!!) when everyone is grown. Speaking from experience!!!
    I'm reading Tall Trees older book by the same author who wrote Hot Zone about the Ebola outbreak. Easy, yet provocative read.
    Do hope your travel plans can happen...all our travel got cancelled this year, and if the US doesn't wake up soon, we may never travel again!!!!! Crazy times.

    1. I know that I will miss it all when the children have grown, it is what my life revolves around at the moment. I love it, it is just hard to arrange things when the advice is changing all the time!

  8. Lovely post! Thanks for sharing :)
    Jenna ♥
    Stay in touch? Life of an Earth Muffin

    1. Hello and welcome. I am glad you enjoyed reading.

  9. You sound like you are handling things very well. I had to cancel my travel plans, too. It helps to have a comfortable home life. Your knitting sounds wonderful!

    1. Thank you. We are hoping to cancel them but at the moment we are not able to do that without incurring fees which is somewhat frustrating, it is a waiting game.

  10. Wow snow! We have had some low temperatures at night but not cool enough for frosts or snow just yet.

  11. I love the idea of having a jar filled with nurturing and choosing one as part of your morning ritual. I do that on my yoga mat each day, at the end of my stretching standing at the end of the mat and setting an 'intention' for the day in as few words as possible. I'm always a bit late to your blogs, I hope the holiday situation has resolved and you have found an alternative if you're not going. So tricky...


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