Old Threads

This is not a comprehensive list of all the posts I have ever written, just some of them.  An archive created by date isn't easy for the reader to find posts they might be interested in, so I have picked out the subjects I write about and linked (the pink words) to the posts.............................Happy Reading!

Our lives
I used to post every Monday using the same headings, a round up of some of the things that we had being doing, I have stopped those now, sometimes I write a peek into our day and I have also written monthly post about our attempts at sustainable living again these have stopped now.  I also post about our family lifefestivals we celebrate, and my children's birthdays.

Home Education
We are a home educating family.  You can read about my philosophy here.  We spend a lot of time outside learning.

It gets mentioned here..........being a parent........I am a mother with a diagnosis with of crohns disease which I occasionally write about, thankfully this is very much in remission, I have taken no medication for nearly fifteen years.

Natural Home
If you want to make your own deodorant, washing powder or other cleaning products you will find them here.  Some of the recipes are rather buried in the posts!

We eat seasonally and always from scratch.  It is really important to us to buy food that is locally produced as possible.  We sometimes forage for food and often preserve in the Autumn with foraged and home grown produce.  The link will take you to the separate page of recipes.  I started an In my Kitchen series in early 2016 a round up of what I have been cooking in the previous month, you are most welcome to join in.

I am a moderately successful gardener, we have a small patch mostly given over to veg and fruit growing.  I have used Biodynamic methods to some success.

I always have a knitting project, sometimes several, on the go.  I am on Ravelry you can find me here.  In the past I have joined in with a monthly knitting linkup, Yarn Along, although I rarely do these days, a new one starts on the first Wednesday of each month.  I have written a few patterns or adaptations of patterns which you can find here.

I am a completely self taught sewer.  I bought a second hand sewing machine for £5 over twenty years ago, it is really basic and meets all my needs.  I am always trying out new techniques and rarely, if ever, follow a pattern.  Amongst my sewing posts you will find all manner of projects including making story sacks, items for a seasonal tabletoys and a waldorf doll and clothes and there are a few tutorials.  I have join a weekly crafting link up Keep Calm, Craft On in the past but rarely do these days.

I love reading!  I make sure I have time for it in my day, for now that is at bedtime.  You can read about some of the books reviews I have written for the link up A Year in Books below.  In 2014 we took part in a children's picture book reading challenge which you find out more about here, I have also written a few reviews of children's books too.

Link Ups
Apart from the knitting and crafting linkups I mentioned earlier I have joined various other blog carnivals in the past, writing on all manner of subjects.....

Alphabet Photography Project a weekly linkup of photos of something relating to each letter of the alphabet
A Year in Books a monthly link up of book reviews
Carnival of Natural Parenting a monthly link up of posts written around a given theme on parenting.
Gratitude Sunday, a weekly link up to reflect and share weekly gratitudes
Photography Scavenger Hunt a monthly link up of photos relating to prompts
Simply Living Blog Carnival a monthly link up of posts on themes of simple living
Slow Living Essentials a monthly link up based on ten topics central to slow living
Soul food Friday a beautiful link up, anything that has fed your soul during the week
writealm prompts monthly prompts to inspire writing

Some of these are still going strong, some you may find have finished for now.