A Peek into my Day

15 September 2024

Outside my window my view is somewhat shortened to a few fields, the clouds are low today

Around my house it is mostly tidy and clean, the carpets, however, are in a desperate need of a hoover, there is a pile of bits at the top of the stairs waiting to be put in the loft, I need them again on Wednesday so I suspect they won't make it up there, half a tent is waiting on a new tent pole as we broke one during its last use, a rucksack hangs on the newel post drying out.

Reading in the news of a terrible tragedy I am incredibly thankful that my Dad is still with us.  He is the same age and was assaulted by a 17 year old after he crashed into my Dad on his electric scooter in a pedestrianised area in his town.  My Dad has poor eyesight, a condition that has no name, but he struggles with changes of light and can no longer see things which are moving quickly, I am absolutely sure he would not have seen the lad.  Despite the assault breaking bones in my Dad's face, for which he was operated on this week, amazingly he did not fall over.  The outcome could have been so very different, for which I feel so blessed.  My thoughts are with the family whom have lost a loved one.

I have started on Christmas knitting this week, am I allowed to mention the C word this early in the year? I guess it is a bit late now.  I am creating a pair of socks, a present for a friend.  I do so love knitting socks.

After what has felt like weeks of rain I am hoping the weather forecast of three days of sunshine this week comes good.  There is nothing like a bit of sun as a pick me up.

With the advent of a new term comes changes to our routine we haven't quite refined it yet and I am thinking about some of the spaces that have been created an whether to fill them with regular things or leave them to see what happens.  It is always fine balance.

A chance conversation with a friend means that we no longer need to do quite so much driving one day a week I am loving the space this has created.  A small thing that has created lightness.

In my kitchen my sourdough starter is doing its thing, my sprouter is full of seeds and beans just reaching that stage of starting to sprout, tomorrows soup, a rather wonderfully named Belly Hug Soup, made with lots of spices, lentils and veg is sat in a pan, there is a loaf of sourdough defrosting on the side to be eaten with said soup.

Although I started work again when the schools went back on the 4th I am going to my first meeting of the term tomorrow night.  Most of my work is completed alone in a time of my choosing, it often gets done out and about whilst Alice is at her groups.

I have a presentation to do this week and I am pondering what to include, I don't want to create death by powerpoint.

I am remembering fond memories of my uncle who died last week.  He was an incredibly talented musician and inspired Alice to take up piano lessons.  I loved listening to him play.

I finished a book last night and am now on to the next one I am reading The Wild Silence by Raynor Winn I am already well into Chapter 3.  I am doing something I never thought I would and am reading some books on my phone.  They have a ridiculous number of pages but I am reading more than I have for a long time, if I am waiting to do a pick up and things are running a little late,  I always have a book in my pocket.

Before Covid I played in an orchestra, our rehearsals stopped when the pandemic reached our shores.  As is the way in family life other things filled its place once things started up again.  That night is once again free and I am wondering if I have space to start going again.

I love Podcasts, they are the soundtrack of my life these days. I am listening to Cautionary Tales with Tim Hartford an eclectic mix of fascinating stories of human error, catastrophes and hilarious fiascos.  I love it when an episode pops up in my feed, there were two this week, to my delight.

After reading an article on substack I am enjoying making use of the Calm app it was suggested as an alternative to doom scrolling on waking, this not something I have ever partaken of but I was intrigued enough to check the app out.  I had tried the Health and Her app but I didn't get on it with, I am enjoying the daily check-in's and reflections on Calm.

I am wearing navy leggings, a long sleeved merino top and stripy me knit socks, I have been for a longish walk this afternoon and have yet to get changed.

I was sorting through the notes on my phone which had become a little numerous, I came across a page of quotes my favourite quote amongst them 'you can't pour from an empty cup'.  I am much better at keeping my cup full these days 

A Peek into my Day


  1. I am so sorry to hear of your Dad's frightening encounter. What a terrible story. There seems to be so little regard for human life anymore. Here in the US, with one mass shooting after the other, we're just told to get over it.
    I LOVE the Calm app. It got me through those terrible pandemic days when I really thought I would lose my mind with worry. I had two Grands on the way during the peak of the thing when friends and family were dying at an alarming rate. I still take the Daily Trip with Jeff every morning. At my worst, I even kept a journal of all the points he would make in each session so I could recall them when I needed them. I love the walking meditations. I swear I logged hundreds of miles around my kitchen island listening in the middle of the night when I couldn't sleep.

  2. I'm sorry about your Uncle. I do love peeking into your day!

  3. I am so very sorry to hear about your dad. What a terrible and frightening experience for him. Not to mention, an incredibly worrying time for you and your family. Sending my very best wishes as he continues his healing journey. Xx


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