
16 February 2022

Busy (Gently) Doing

We are now seven weeks into the year and my hopes of early last month that we would soon be able to get back into our rhythms did not materialise until last week.  A month of illnesses put paid to that.  We finally managed to find our rhythm again last week which was lovely, it is like wearing really comfortable clothes.  It is a school holiday here this week so Cameron is home with us, which I always love, coupled with the fact that most of our home ed activities also stop has meant that our restarted rhythm has stopped once again!  Perhaps it is going to one of those years?

I mentioned in that same post about words that I had written in my diary to hold space for me between each of the festivals that we celebrate here as part of the wheel of the year.  Now that Imbolc has passed I have a new set of words to carry me through to the Spring Equinox, Cleanse, Sow, beginnings, inner voice and rising energy.  I look in my diary several times a day as I use it for so many things, I have these words written at the top of every page for the weeks up to the Spring Equinox, as a reminder to myself.

My intention for the year of getting outside and walking somewhere every day has been mostly happening, there have been a few days when it has not been possible to fit it in but I am not beating myself up for that.  I have been out in all weathers, snow, wind, horizontal rain and sunny days which I do so love in the Winter.  The deep blue of a sunny Winter day is always so beautiful however cold the temperatures are.  It takes a lot of effort to go out when it sounds like someone is hosing down the front of your house, but when you come home to a warming fire and a glow in your cheeks it really does feel like the cobwebs have been blown away.  Time outside is just the thing when you need a break from work staring at a screen.  I tend to stay in the village during the week, usually walking on my own, venturing further afield with the family over the weekend.  It has got us out exploring places that are not far from home that we have never been to before.

I am really loving my other intention to declutter somewhere in the house each week, this seems to be happening each week on a weekend.  One Saturday I started tidying my cosy corner of the sofa as it had become rather overflowing with stuff and was not feeling very cosy anymore.  You know how it goes when you start with one corner of a room, I moved on to clearing next to the sofa, under the sofa and before I knew it I was over by another corner and clearing and cleaning that too.  Alice had joined in by then and as we moved around the room we were joined by Cameron and my husband too.  By the time we had finished going through every shelf, nook and cranny we had four big bags of books, DVDs and games that were looking for new homes and a shiny clean living room.  I have also since been through several kitchen cupboards too.

I managed to break a very small piece off my food processor which means that it no longer works.  It is the bit on the jug lid that slots it in and switches the motor on to turn the blades.  Without it the whole thing is, well, useless.  It is old, I inherited from my mother in law, so despite it being immaculate from hardly being used by my in laws I have searched everywhere online and no one is selling spare lids for that processor anymore.  I reluctantly accepted that I was going to have to buy one to replace it.  I love having a food processor in my kitchen and have struggled without one for a couple of weeks.  I realised that the new one is the first one I have bought in my life, my previous ones have all been gifts or passed on to me as unwanted.  I am going to be ultra careful with this new one.  I now have a large box of bits on the hall floor which I plan to sell on as parts, I am sure someone will want the rest of the bits, some have been barely used.  I really don't want to send it to landfill.

When I was sorting through the my cosy corner I went through the two bags I keep knitting stuff in and found a pair of socks that were nearly finished, they just needed the toe closing on one of the socks.  I am not sure how long they have been sat there waiting for me to complete that small task but it took me a few minutes and now I have another pair of hand knit socks.  That same bag had an almost finished pair of mittens for Alice in it too, they too only needed a few minutes of work.  She has been glad of them these past few weeks as it has been so cold and windy.  It was a bag of very nearly completed projects!  I am guessing I put them there and cast on the next thing thinking I would finish them off at some point and forgot about them.  My jumper is growing, I have passed the point where you divide for the sleeves (for non knitters this means putting the sleeve stitches onto scrap yarn or similar to hold them whilst you knit the body, you then knit each sleeve once the body is complete) and am now knitting down the body.  I have completed about 10cm/4'.  I am enjoying this pattern and loving the fact that I can see how my skills have improved when I knit a pattern like this.  When we reach this stage with anything we do it is always good to notice these things isn't it?   A reminder of what we have achieved and learnt.

I have not done much sewing this month at all, apart from the gift I made a friend for her birthday.  I made several birthday cards and started on some embroidery.  I haven't done any since making this bag back in 2020.  That was from a tutorial I found online, this time we drew our own designs onto the fabric, Alice did this straight onto the fabric, I drew onto paper first and then traced it onto the fabric.  My design is primroses, Alice chose mushrooms.  We are now using a painting with the thread technique that some friends introduced us to, it is so effective and makes you really look at the detail of the colours, it is amazing how many colours there are in a primrose flower and its leaves.

We had some exciting news here last month.  There were moments when I didn't think it was going to come to be. Back last year Alice decided to put herself forward for something and was accepted on a selection weekend last November.  Sadly this had to be cancelled as storms had closed most of the roads in our county, trees preventing anyone driving through.  The selection process was changed to one of two stages, with a two pieces of work to be presented in December either as videos or written documents as stage one.  She got through that stage, one of 36 out of 70, the date for the second stage was in January, on the Wednesday before she tested positive for COVID.  This had been considered and she was offered a virtual selection with two others which lasted an hour, the face to face was over a day and half with an overnight.  I was a nervous wreck waiting to hear, I kept thinking about the one hour she had to prove herself compared to the day and half the rest of the group had.  We found out on the Sunday of that weekend that she had been selected, Alice is off to South Korea in the summer of 2023 on a World Scout Jamboree, she is part of a Unit of 18 Scouts from our area and will be joining 4,000 other young people from the UK and thousands from other countries all over the world.  A trip of lifetime.  I am immensely proud of her putting herself forward for selection and gaining a place.  This is really special for my extended family as my brother also attended a World Scout Jamboree and unbelievably he also went to South Korea.  We now have the herculean task of raising a very large sum of money to get her and her fellow scouts from the area to South Korea.  We are doing it as a Unit rather than individually which makes it feel like a rather large sum of money, but we will all be supporting each other which I feel is a better way of organising things.  I think I will be living and dreaming about fundraising for the next 18 months. 

It has been quite a month!


  1. Finding a bag of almost-finished knitting projects is like hitting the jackpot! It does feel nice to be back in a normal routine, doesn't it? That is so exciting about Korea!

    1. It did feel like hitting the jackpot, finding that bag, although I did wonder why I had not finished them at the time of knitting the final stitches. I do love a routine, I do hope we can find again in the coming weeks. It is so exciting about Korea mixed with daunt at the amount of money we need to fund raise.

  2. Huge congratulations to Alice. What an achievement to be selected. X

  3. Wow, well done to Alice, what a fantastic opportunity, something I'm sure she'll remember for the rest of her life. It can be daunting to put yourself forward for selection for something but it's paid off and I'm sure that will build her confidence. Well done on getting a couple of projects finished off, just in time too with the storms which have hit today, socks and mittens are just what are needed.

    1. Thank you Jo, it is a fantastic opportunity, my brother still talks about his trip all these years later. The storm was quite something wasn't it Jo, such high winds, I hope you managed to stay safe.

  4. Such an enjoyable read that has its own soft rhythm. I too am walking daily. I find it's such an important part of lifting the heart! I'm trying to focus on the coming light and all it brings. And it sounds like you have a lot of light coming your way with Alice's achievement. How exciting!

    1. Thank you, you are so right that a daily walk is lifting to the heart, I love that you have described it that way. It can really change how you are feeling, you are so right. The coming light is wonderful isn't it, I do love this time of year, the promise of warmer weather but we can still snuggle by the fire and rest/hibernate.

  5. Such an enjoyable read that has its own soft rhythm. I too am walking daily. I find it's such an important part of lifting the heart! I'm trying to focus on the coming light and all it brings. And it sounds like you have a lot of light coming your way with Alice's achievement. How exciting!

  6. It has been quite a time for you all. It is lovely to hear about Alice's news - good for her and well done! It's always good to finish off those project which only need five minutes or so spent on them. The satisfaction factor is enormous!
    Best wishes

    1. Thank you Ellie. You are right that the satisfaction of a project finished is big and it was good to get two done in a day.

  7. Wonderful news about Alice, so exciting for everyone. It always feels good to both have a good sort out and also finish a few projects - I know I have one or two waiting for me. I have only been home a day and already mum is asking when we will be visiting her and I have been lined up for babysitting on Friday...maybe those projects of mine will be around a while longer!

    1. Thank you! it is a little frustrating when we are not able to get on with our projects but it is hard to say no to family isn't. Perhaps you can combine the project with babysitting, unless it is not a portable one then it could be a little tricky!

  8. Wow! That is so exciting about Alice's selection.
    I've been outside for a 1km walk every day since January 1st and it's the biggest thing getting me through an absolutely horrific Canadian winter (so much snow, but then rain, then FREEZING cold and ice - the weather is just in constant flux). I've walked in rainstorms, I've walked in hail, I've walked in the wind and the sun and lots and lots of snow.
    I'm so enjoying seeing the sunshine linger a bit longer each day; we're often now eating supper in semi-light instead of pitch darkness. I am so excited for spring, but trying to enjoy the perks of winter (it DOES feel cozy, and I do love snuggling in early in the evenings to relax/read).

    1. Thank you Elisabeth, it is exciting about the selection tinged with daunt at the amount of money we need to raise. I love that I have a fellow walker miles away who goes out daily whatever the weather. It sounds like it is colder but as unpredictable as our weather here. The British always talk about the weather, it is one of our national pastimes! The lengthening days are wonderful aren't they but like you I am loving cosying up to the fire at night and the rest/hibernation/slower pace at this time of year too.

  9. Well done Alice, what a great event to be attending!

    1. Thank you, I am sure she will remember it for the rest of her life. My brother still talks about all these years later.

  10. Walks are so good at setting you up for the day or clearing your head. I'm looking forward to factoring in some hill walks when the weather settles down a bit. Certainly not attempting one today!
    That's fantastic news about Alice - well done her!

  11. glad everyone is feeling better! I have been looking at corners of my house and thinning out what doesn't serve me, it makes for feeling great. I try to walk daily BUT if the weather is bad or the snow truck dumps too much salt on the road I do not walk (Frodo cannot handle the salt on his paws)

  12. Good job on the continued de-cluttering and knitting. Congratulations to your daughter - what an incredibly exciting adventure to look forward to. Regarding your blender, it is very annoying when spare sites do not deliver isn't it. My colleague had a posh breadmaker rendered useless because a tiny part snapped off. He was going to look into getting a 3D printed part, but I'm not sure how this turned out. I'm like you, in that all my appliances are hand-me-downs... bar the kettle, because I do drink a lot of tea ;) Hope you have a lovely week and enjoy those woolly socks xXx

  13. What an adventure for your Alice. I can imagine how excited she is, and how excited and nervous you must be. I so enjoyed reading this post about all your doings, and your timely reminder of the gifts of this time of renewal. I bet those socks are beautiful too.

  14. Congratulations to Alice, how very exciting! Good luck with the fundraising. It really is wonderful when areas are decluttered, I need to go through my granddaughters toys which are beginning to build


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