
01 January 2022

Snapshots of a year

I have not been blogging much this year, being away from this space means that I take far less photos, I really wanted to do a roundup of the year post as a reminder to myself of what we got up to and I managed to find a photo of something we or I had done for each month.   So here are some of the things that I and the family have been doing this year.  

January bought us snow, lots of it, which meant that we were out sledging at every opportunity.  I love how the familiar world around you changes so much when it snows.  It becomes quieter and when the sun shines really sparkly.  The sound of snow creaking underfoot is unique to this time of year.   I do love a really cold sunny winters day when you wrap up warm and venture out.  

February is usually a grey, cold, wet month when I find myself wanting to be inside all the time, it would have been very easy to hibernate inside all month but as we were still in lockdown I was determined to get out, whatever the weather, for a daily walk somewhere.  We did have rare instances of sun, these were the only time the camera came out......

March saw the end of months of hard work by Cameron as he completed his Bronze Arts Award.  The final piece of this project was for him to run a tutorial based on the skills he had learnt for the other elements of the award.  He chose to run a tutorial on drawing cars which, as we were in lockdown at the time, had to be held online.  I wasn't sure how he manage running a tutorial, when he started this level of the award scheme he was nervous about this element.  He was totally ready for it and it was a great success, it lasted a whole hour and he had some lovely feedback from the children who joined him and their parents.  He did not dictate to the participants what kind of car they should be drawing, he just gave them tips and advice on each section related to different types of cars.  He chose to draw a vehicle himself at the same time, and the photo above is the car that he drew.

In April Alice was finally able to have the haircut that she had waited so long for.  She had mentioned back in November 2020 that she really want to have her hair cut short, at the time we were in a lockdown so I was not able to make an appointment.  When that was possible again, a few weeks later, the first appointment I could get was for January that ended up being cancelled due to another lockdown.  My lovely hairdresser who knew why Alice wanted this appointment contacted me as soon as she was able to start working again to make a date.  Alice had hair down past her waist and she wanted to donate it to a charity who make wigs for children whose hair has fallen out.  They particularly wanted donations over 30cm.  Alice donated a whopping 50cm/20 inches!  My hairdresser, who has been cutting my hair for over 20 years, would not take a penny for cutting Alice's hair she was so impressed with what Alice was doing for someone else less fortunate than her.

May was a rather chilly and blustery month with a fair amount of rain.  It is Alice's birthday month and she really wanted to camp with her friends this year.  She was not able to meet with anyone last year and was hopeful that she could get to spend time with friends whatever the weather threw at us.  It ended up being a very wet cold night but they still had a wonderful time.  They had a wonderful evening together cooking tea before the weather broke.  I am not sure that much sleeping happened as they all looked very tired when we went to pick them up!  Alice's best friend lives on a small farm and they were able to camp there, they had amazing views from their tent.  I am so glad that she got to spend her birthday with friends this year.

After a chilly blustery May,  June was much warmer and sunnier.  My husband had booked a weeks leave and it coincided with some lovely dry, warm weather.  We decided to make the most of the weather and the fact that the children are now much taller and stronger this year to take to the hills near our home for a walking expedition.  We planned our route to pass as many tarns (small lakes) as possible and packed our swimming stuff along with tents, provisions and other kit for an over night in the hills.  We managed to swim in three tarns over the two days, one right next to where we camped.  It was a beautiful spot well away from the crowds we had encountered as we set off that morning.  Whilst walking back to the car the following day we explored a few old mines and quarries, long abandoned but a reminder that the hillside would once have been a busy, noisy and bustling place. 

My husband had another week of leave in July, it was a wetter week this time but we still managed to find a two day window to do another walking expedition into the hills.  Again we started off from a popular place with tourists, we got ourselves ready the night before and set off as early as we could, once Cameron had finished work, to make sure we had a good spot to park.  We didn't see another soul until we returned to the car the following day.  We stopped to swim in the stream on our way up the valley reaching a high tarn where we pitched our tents.  We left Cameron to have a snooze (he got up really early to do his paper round so we could set off early) and headed up to the ridge above the tarn, the views were amazing from there and the photo above is taken looking down from there towards our tents which you can just see in the centre of the photo, above the tarn which we swam in to cool off after our ridge walk.  We woke the next morning to find we were in the clouds which was a little different to the beautiful sunny day the day before.  We swam in a tarn on the way down which was a really strange experience as it too was in the cloud and you could not see very far!  When we returned to the car there were so many people around, mostly enjoying themselves by the large lake in the valley.  We took the opportunity to swim in there too, it is a really deep one and we were amazed at how clear it was.  We wore wetsuits for that swim (we carried a basic swimming kit into the hills) which meant that we could stay in for longer, we only got out as we were hungry, the water was so warm we could have stayed in for hours.

August is a bank holiday month in this part of the world and often falls on a friend's birthday.  He wanted to go sea kayaking this year and ask my husband and I to join us as we are more experienced than him  and his wife.  We were blessed with glorious weather for most of the trip, the first day was rather foggy to start which made kayaking rather interesting as we could not see very far at all.  We were out for the best part of three days, paddling round two islands and camping in two different spots on the largest of the two.  We saw lots of seals and some birds species that I have not seen in years.  The wind picked up on the final day which made crossing back to the mainland rather interesting!  This was the first trip where we have left the children with friends and travelled so far away.  Over the same weekend Cameron also completed his expedition for his Bronze D of E Award which made arrangements for him rather complicated.  As I was writing this I realised that this is the only time I left the county where I live in the whole year,  I haven't travelled far in 2021!

Alice and I had a lot of adjusting to do in September when Cameron left us both to start college, after twelve years of home educating this was a big change for all of us.  We found things to do, her and I, including going out to a spot a short walk from home to do some nature study for a Scout badge.  We live in an area rich in geology and right where we live we have limestone and granite side by side.  She chose this limestone escarpment to focus on, we found a rich variety of flowers and learnt a few more names for grasses.  We visited a few times and were there for the Autumn Equinox, we had a small ceremony together and a short eared owl joined us for a fly by as we were pausing at the end.

October saw me completing two jumpers for myself.  The green one I started back in August pausing in September to knit up a smaller version of the pattern for my nephew as a birthday present.  I loved it so much that I bought some more yarn and knit another.  I have no idea how I have lived without these jumpers I wear them all the time, they are cosy and warm, fit me perfectly (I have long arms and bought jumpers are never long enough) and go with everything in my wardrobe.  This bought my knitting tally of the year to four jumpers and two cardigans along with several hats socks, mitts and cowls, the other jumper was for my mum who although a knitter herself is not very quick, I was very honoured to be asked to knit for her.  One of the cardigans was for me, the other a birthday gift for a dear friend who turned 50 in 2021.

Back in September Alice and I started going to a newly created home ed group, like all new groups it took a while to feel settled and established and is now a lovely, welcoming and friendly group of all ages.  Someone suggested that we do some knitting as a group (having watched me knit whilst there) and we came up with the idea of knitting squares to make a blanket to donate.  It has been a lovely social activity with upwards of 20 children and adults, some weeks, all sat around knitting and nattering.  Some could already knit, some were rusty and needed reminding of the skills and others were complete beginners.  The blanket is growing slowly and we now have 27 squares.  We are hoping that this will be an ongoing project and once one blanket is complete we will start on another.

A few years ago I started the slow transition to wearing a different kind of shoe, some call them barefoot shoes, I would call them super comfy and totally transformational.  This kind of shoe has an ultra thin sole (to mimic walking barefoot), are totally flat with no heel at all and have a lovely wide toe box to allow your toes to spread and sit as they need to without being squished.  The slow transition has not been because I don't like these shoes but because they are expensive (but worth the expense) or I have been searching for second hand pairs which don't come around in my size and a style that I like and works for my feet that often.  I am slowly replacing each type of shoe I own and for my birthday I received a new pair of walking boots.  These have been used a lot in December as we have been out for many walks especially during the Christmas and New Year holiday period.  I am loving these boots which are super comfy and have completely stopped any pains in my knees that I used to get after long walks.   I am now totally confident about crossing the many streams we have in this part of the world as it is so much easier for me to find my balance, my foot moulds around the rocks as I cross.  I got a second pair of shoes from this company for Christmas, the fabric of which is made from recycled coffee grounds!

Thank you for all of your lovely comments when I started blogging again recently, after a year away.  It was so lovely to be welcomed back into the lovely blogging community with open arms.  I have been really touched by your kind words.  I am looking forward to reading along with you and sharing more of my own adventures in 2022.


  1. You are so blessed to have such amazing countryside on your doorstep. Happy New Year! X

    1. I am Jules, it is wonderful. Happy New Year to you too x

  2. You've certainly had a very full and busy 2021. I enjoyed catching up with the things you've been up to whilst away from blogging. Wishing you and your family all the best for 2022.

    1. Thank you Jo, I am so glad you enjoyed reading this post. Best Wishes for you and your family in 2022.

  3. what a lovely review of your fortunate you are to live in such a beautiful part of the world! Kudos to Alice and her generous contribution; some child will be so happy while dealing with so much. Happy New Year!!!

    1. Lovely to hear from you Steph, I do feel blessed to live in such a beautiful part of the world. Thank you for your kind words about Alice. Happy New Year to you too xx

  4. Looks like you have many happy memories, despite lockdown. That is a wonderful record! Question about your barefoot shoes - I am imagining the soles would wear out quickly, especially with walking boots. Is this something you have found?

    1. Thank you Jo, it was lovely to look back and reflect using the photos that I had taken.

      That is a good question about barefoot shoes, the first pair I ever bought are now three years old. They are a pair of winter boots, my only pair of winter boots that I wear for about six months of the year. The soles have a very slight tread which is worn to a 'slick' on the ball of the foot. They are not worn through yet though. There are several FB groups where you can get advice about barefoot shoes and I have read there that it is possible to get them resoled with a similar thin sole. I will be looking into whether this is possible once the weather has warmed up enough that I no longer need to wear them this year. It is a long time since I have had to had a shoe resoled or rehealed but I suspect it would be just as often on a more conventional shoe?

  5. my photography has been lacking as well. I am just going with it since I go in waves of what interests me. I try to snap something at least every day with my phone but sometimes I miss. Happy New Year!

    1. Glad to hear it is not just me. I have definitely taken more photos in the past few weeks than I have in ages. I am loving getting my camera out more.

  6. What a lovely way to look back over the year! Happy New Year! XO

  7. You certainly had a good year of outdoor activities. I love the photos of the tarns and the mountains. Here's to an even better year in 2022.

    1. I do hope it is a better year this year, it would be good wouldn't it and we can always hope. We are fortunate to live in a beautiful area which lends itself to doing lots of outdoor activities.

  8. What a lovely year and kudos to Alice for such a loving heart towards others and I love your hairdressers response - 'kindness begets kindness and round and round it goes'Sara Groves I'm sure 2022 will be full of many more opportunities for adventure and growth xx

    1. Thank you so much San. I love that quote that is exactly how I think but that it is such a lovely way of putting it.

  9. It's great to see that you have had a lovely year. Very impressed that Alice gave up her hair for such a good cause. X

    1. Thank you. I was a little tearful when it was cut, I love it now but it did take some getting used to, she has had long hair for so long.

  10. Those shoes fascinate me! I must look out for some. Bless Alice, what a kind thing to do. Some wonderful photos here! I did enjoy your yearly

    1. Thank you for your kind words. I started wearing barefoot shoes three years ago and I would never go back.

  11. Thank you for sharing your year with us. Happy New Year!

    1. Welcome! Thank you for dropping by and am so glad to hear that you enjoyed my post.

  12. Super blog. Happy new year ��

    1. Welcome! Thank you for dropping by and am so glad to hear that you enjoyed my post.

  13. What beautiful scenery you live amongst! It's great that you were able to get out so often to enjoy it. I have also started wearing a lot of zero-drop (but not necessarily barefoot) shoes, which have made my wider feet very happy. I can't even look at a pair of tight high heels without cringing!

    1. Welcome! Thank you for dropping by and am so glad to hear that you enjoyed my post. I hear you on high heels I am the same, I am glad to hear that you your feet are happier.

  14. Wonderful photos. Fab that you get to go snow sledging and tarn swimming! Your daughter's ponytail donation is adorable. Happy knitting! xXx

    1. Thank you Lulu, I do live in a wonderful area that has so much to offer.

  15. Hello, lovely to see you are back.
    I am about to replace my old walking boots (10-12years!!) which I wear almost daily for dog walking and often for fell walking.
    I would be very grateful for any information you can share on which make you purchased. Is it the one you link to - I have been trying to work out from the photo!? I have narrow feet but inherited bunions so comfort is key! Many thanks, Jo

    1. Hi Jo, thank you for your lovely comment. The walking boots are not the ones that I have linked to although they are made by the same company. My boots are Freet Mudees if you click on the link above and then hover over the words outdoor & sport above the picture of the shoes you will see Freet Mudees which will take you to the page for the boots. I hope that helps.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting x


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