
21 January 2022

Hibernation Tendancies

I mentioned in my last post about spending time in my cosy corner of the sofa every evening enjoying our fire and knitting.  I have spent most of the last week sat there as I succumbed to some kind of virus just over a week ago.  I have done a lot of sleeping.  On a couple of those days my only movement was between my cosy corner of the sofa and bed.  I am up and about more now doing a little more now.  My outside time stopped for a few days and then rather than a walk I wrapped up and spent five minutes or so soaking up the winter sunshine that graced our door this week.  I did feel better for doing that.

We had to cancel our plans for some of the days this week, those plans that I could not make happen without others helping with transport.  Alice managed to get to her weekly home ed group as a kind mum offered to come out of her way to pick her up.  She goes to a friends for tea afterwards following by a canoe polo session in the local pool so she was really glad that she could still do all of that.  I had a very quiet afternoon working under a blanket on the sofa.  

I did some driving around on Wednesday my cuckoo clock day as I am in and out all day operating mum's taxi service.  After nearly a week of small amounts of movement it was a little weird to watch the world move by so fast from the car window as I drove to collect Cameron from his half day at college.  I remember that feeling during lockdown when I would only use the car once a week, the first time I drove much further took some getting used to.  It was Alice's turn to take up residence on the sofa, I honestly thought she was coming down with the same thing as me but she was only ill for a day, thankfully.  It did mean that the afternoon taxi service was stood down for this week, which I was thankful for.  Walking round the supermarket in the morning was a strange experience after nearly a week of being housebound.  It is easy to forget that there is a world going about its business when you are hibernating at home.  It all felt like far too much stimulation.

I thought it might mean that Thursday I could remain at home, but it was my husband's turn for some time on the sofa so I had to get Cameron to college and pick him up.  So more driving was needed.  I shelved plans to do the small independent food shops which we usually visit along with a piano lesson on a Thursday.  Alice although much better was not feeling up to a lesson this week.  The driving back and forth was quite enough for one day.  Our friends that we usually see in the afternoon has not happened yet this year what with one thing and another, it sometimes works that way but never for want of trying to make it happen.

Friday I managed the last bits of shopping, the drive to town was slowed by a funeral cortege.  It drove through most of the village with someone walking in front of the main car, I have not witnessed that for a while.  There were lots of people lining the streets I have no idea whose funeral it was, folks in my village tend to live here their entire lives, there are many families with several generations living here.  I will get Cameron to find out when he next does his paper round.  Once the car had left the village it drove at about twenty miles an hour to the point where I think it was turning to the crematorium.  Perhaps for a service there.  I was quite grateful for the slow speed, after the drive the day before it was good to be able to take it slower without someone behind trying to speed things up, the roads are a little narrow in places to allow for overtaking.

I really fancied a walk in the afternoon after the shopping and lunch were all done.  It was another sunny day and I was feeling like I was ready to actually walk rather than just spend some time outside soaking up the fresh air.  I mentioned it to my husband who was up for a stroll too except I then sat in a comfy chair and fell asleep!  We did have a short walk, my first for over a week, I was very slow and was ready to sit down when we got back home.  I fell asleep again when we returned!  My energy levels are not back to their usual levels yet, it would seem.  I haven't managed my morning yoga for over a week.  I am thinking I might start with something very gentle tomorrow.  I don't want to stiffen up completely.

I finally managed to order some yarn for a bigger project than knitting squares.  I have been debating the shade of grey to order.  It is hard to see the true colour when you are ordering online, I hope it is the shade I am after.  

We were supposed to be out and about all day on Sunday doing something that I ordinarily love doing so I was rather relieved when it was no longer necessary to run it and it has now been cancelled.  I wasn't particularly looking forward to a long day out.   

I even managed to do some de-cluttering from the warmth of my cosy spot on the sofa.  The blog reader that I have been using for some time had become increasingly unreliable.  On those rare occasions that I am able to sit down and read the other wonderful blogs I follow I would get a message telling me it was not possible to access the website to do that and I would need to come back later.  Somewhat frustrating.  I had halfheartedly migrated a few blogs to a different reader a few years ago which I was also using as a means of keeping track of a few news sites I also follow.  Time to migrate properly.  I was following over 100 blogs many of which were no longer posting.  I deleted some of these and left the rest on the old reader which I will check from time to time to see if they have posted again.  I now have a more manageable amount on the new website, all folks who post regularly for them, not all at the same time thankfully for me I would not be able to read all those in one day.  A different kind of de-cluttering but clearing up and tidying all the same and I no longer get a message telling me to come back and read later.

So often when I am unwell or recovering, I miss all the things I usually do but this time I have enjoyed being at home, at not having to go out anywhere.  I am really feeling the need to hibernate,  the pull of the comfort of a warm fire, a cosy blanket and a sofa to sink into.  I have been ill with a virus every month since October.  Every now and then I have a late Autumn and Winter like this one where I seem to catch everything that is going.  It is usually followed by many more without any illness.  It's as if I get them all at once to build immunity before another batch of viruses comes along.  Winter is about recharging so maybe it is my body's way of telling me that it needs me to slow down this year, to take my time to fully and properly rest before being ready for the busyness of the seasons to come.


  1. "Winter is about recharging so maybe it is my body's way of telling me that it needs me to slow down this year, to take my time to fully and properly rest before being ready for the busyness of the seasons to come."
    This is so true and I need to learn to lean in and embrace this even more. I've been turning on a few lamps and plugging in the mantle faux evergreen; I find the warm lighting at night has really made me feel cozy and more relaxed in the evenings. I know summer will come again with longer days and more activities but for now I really need this "winter" season (though I'd happily do without quite so much snow and ice - sigh).

    1. It is hard to embrace this time of year isn't it. It is so much easier to resist it but it has so much to offer us. I love this time of slow.

  2. How wise, to allow yourself to slow down and heal. Being sick is no fun and we often make it worse by trying to continue at the same pace as when we're well. I hope all of you recover completely very soon.

    1. Thank you. You are right that we have culture of pushing ourselves to carry on which is not healthy at all, for anyone.

  3. Sorry to hear you have all been unwell, but it is sometimes good to have to take things more slowly. Have you tried echinacea to boost your immune system? It may not work for you, but it helped me when I was working in a school and seemed to get everything germ going. I still take it occasionally now, when I feel my immune system needs boosting.
    Have a gentle week
    Best wishes

    1. I had forgotten about the immune boosting properties of Echinacea, thank you. I do have some somewhere I will dig it out.

  4. I hope you're feeling better now and that you're fully recovered soon. I think our body knows when it needs time to recharge and I'm sure it will thank you for those slow days in the cosy corner of the sofa.

    1. Thank you Jo, it is important that we listen to your bodies, isn't it. I am still loving my cosy corner of the sofa.

  5. Glad you are feeling a bit better. Certainly the right time of year to hibernate. I loved the idea of having a cuckoo clock day. It describes so perfectly those mad days when we are in and out running errands for our family. Hope you have a good week. B x

    1. I do love hibernating and have not missed going out apart from my daily walk and to do the food shopping. The simple things in life.

  6. No fun being ill but at least in Winter you can get cosy under a blanket like you did. X

    1. I have quite enjoyed slowing down, I am not ready to speed things up again any time soon

  7. I hope you're feeling better! You are quite wise to "hibernate" and rest. (And ""cuckoo clock day does describe those in-and-out-of-the-driveway days so well.) :-)

    1. Thank you Kym, I am all better now. I am still feeling the pull to hibernate.

  8. I love staying home but sometimes there are appointments to keep and food to buy! I do not miss those days when the kids kept me super busy :) I do miss them though :)

    1. You are right we do have to go out sometimes, I love keeping that to a minimum at this time of year.

  9. It sounds like you were knocked out by this virus yet managed to enjoy your week from the comfort of your cosy sofa and comfort blanket. Sometimes a week like that is wonderful even when well. Hoping all the family have now

    1. It has continued this week whilst I am well. It is an important part of my day to cosy up on the sofa under a blanket.

  10. I sometimes deliberately hang back behind a learner driver, even when I could overtake, because I'm relishing the more cautious speed. I did a lot of driving around yesterday (Thursday is always my day for it) and I just find it so stressful these days. I almost (whisper it) miss lockdowns where I couldn't drive anywhere. If I could have that without the existential anxiety, uncertainty and general fear, that would be splendid.
    Have a lovely weekend - there's been some great weather this week. Lots of splashes of sunshine.


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