
28 January 2022

Clocking up the Miles

Thank you to all of your lovely comments on my last post, wishing me well after my recent illness.  I am completely recovered now.  My husband who was unwell at the end of last week went into work on Monday morning feeling better, a work colleague had tested positive for COVID over the weekend and as he had been working closely with her last week thought it wise to do one himself.  It was positive too so he came home for the rest week.  I took several tests last week when I was unwell which were all negative.  I was due to take Alice to her music group on Wednesday and got her to take a test which was also positive, she has no symptoms and apart from her day on the sofa last week she is has been fine since and has tested negative today.  Cameron has to take a test several times a week for college, his have all been negative too.  All rather strange.

My husband being at home, meant that Cameron needed taking to college this week.  They normally go together, his campus is handily a fifteen minute walk from Dad's work place.  I have forgotten what it is like to do so much driving.  In the time before COVID I was doing over 200 miles a week driving every day to home ed groups, classes and meet ups all over the place.  They never really got going again before Cameron started at college and Alice and I have chosen a more sedate pace to our week with two whole days at home each week.  I have driven everyday this week clocking up nearly 200 miles this week never more than 15 miles from home,  I am not used to this now and I am ready for a quiet weekend.

On one of those journeys to pick up Cameron I was thinking about all the driving I had been doing this week.  I was reminded of driving to my Grandparents who lived exactly 100 miles from my childhood home.  We didn't own a car until I was in eleven or twelve and I remember the first time we drove. it seemed so exciting to be driving there rather than taking all day to get there by train.  It still took three hours to do that journey, there was only about twenty miles of motorway on the route at that time, the rest was on slow winding roads.  That excitement did not last long.  The train was much more appealing than three hours squished into a car, you couldn't get up and walk around when you wanted to.  We would think nothing of driving 100 miles nowadays, I am sure you could do that journey in a fraction of the time now.  Life has sped up in ways that are not always totally positive.

My complete change of routine this week has meant another week of not doing very much housework apart from the bare minimum (laundry, changing beds and a cursory wipe down of surfaces in the bathroom).  I found a routine at the beginning of 2020 which has been working really well for me (my routine is a little different to suit my house/other routines).  Over the Christmas holidays the routine kind of stopped and truth be told it hasn't really got restarted what with one thing and another.  I know that once I get going again it won't be long before everything is how we like it.  I am not after a show home but there are a few too many cobwebs and dusty bunnies for my liking right now.   I am really hope that next week is a more normal week in every way shape and form and I can get back into my morning groove again.

When I was sorting out using a new site to manage the blogs I follow I realised that the settings on my own blog were not right.  After many hours searching online disappearing down several rabbit holes I managed to fix the problem.  I also discovered how to fix a different problem I couldn't seem sign into my blog properly on Safari which meant I couldn't comment without it being anonymous.  So for those of you that use Safari, have a blog hosted through blogger, and you have the same problem you need to go into Safari > Preferences > Privacy and untick the box website tracking: prevent cross site tracking.

I dusted off my sewing machine over last weekend.  I did not do very much sewing last year at all which is not like me.  A friend had a birthday this week and we always make gifts for each other.  I had been thinking about what to make her since the beginning of the month and had not been able to come up with anything.  I tried all my crafting books for inspiration but nothing seem quite right.  I resorted to the rabbit hole of Pinterest which I have a love/hate relationship with, one thing I do love is the ideas for this board facility which shows similar pins to those that you have on your boards.  After a few minutes of viewing those that came up on my sewing board I found what I was looking for.  I always completely underestimate how long things take to sew and thought this would take all weekend.  The only place I have to sew is on the dining room table which has to be cleared for meals and I need to take time out to prepare them too.  You can see why my sewing projects takes so long.  I was pleasantly surprised that I managed to get this all made in a one day, a major achievement.  Perhaps that is where I have been going wrong, I need to reframe things and think that a project will take a long time, equally that could completely back fire!

Now that I am fully recovered I have been enjoying my daily walk once more.  My intention to make this happen every day at some point is really working for me.  Wednesday is Camerons half day at college and I didn't want to come home after dropping him off, I filled the time he was in college with a lovely long walk around the edge of the town.  I love that you can leave a busy main road and within seconds be in a completely different environment, in this case a delightful river walk.  I was amazed to find a huge pool in the river round the back of a busy industrial estate, there were so many birds feeding it made me wish I had bought my binoculars with me, it felt like a hidden oasis.  I have also restarted my morning yoga practice which sets me up for the day, I didn't feel up to it when I was ill, it has been good to get that going again.

The yarn I ordered last week arrived really quickly,  I came back from a walk on Saturday to find it had been delivered.  The colour was perfect which I was really relieved about, it is always feels like a bit of a lottery ordering yarn online when you are looking for a particular shade.  I cast on straight away and have been busy knitting, it has been the perfect antidote to all the busyness I have had this week.  I was delighted to find a new, to me, yarn shop in the town where Cameron goes to college.  I only had time for a quick look round so I will have to go back and have a proper look, they also do fabric and had some wonderful sewing patterns too.  I am thinking that it could be a place that is rather dangerous for the wallet!

I hope you have had a good week, bye for now!


  1. I agree about the sewing projects but I usually underestimate the time it will take me to complete a project! Clearing the table in order to sew takes a good proportion of time and then putting it back again until the next time...if only I had a craft room where I could leave things out, shut the door and then go back to them when I felt inclined, to find they were still there, waiting for me...sigh...perhaps one day...
    Glad to hear you are feeling better.
    Best wishes

    1. I am glad to hear that it is not just me that has to clear everything away when they are crafting. It is a pain isn't it but it is what it is and I have to live with it. A crafting room would be perfect wouldn't it. I might just get one when the children move out but that is a few years away yet!

  2. Love all the pictures! Are they from this week?
    Sorry COVID has been making the rounds; I do not know how we all still manage to be negative as everyone around seems to be testing positive. But I'll take each healthy day as it comes (although I sometimes wonder if we did all have it earlier at some point)?

    Hearing you talk about knitting definitely does make me wonder if I should try to pick up the habit. One of my best friends became a fanatical knitter when she was going through some medical treatments and now it is her GO TO hobby. She makes absolutely lovely things and always seems so happy to be working with her hands. I just haven't felt ready to take the plunge yet...but I'm getting more and more serious about trying it.

    1. Hi Elizabeth, yes the photos are all from this week. The outdoor photos were taken on walks we did over the weekend, I tend to go a little further afield for my walks at weekends, this is a valley about a ten minute drive from where we live.

      I learnt to knit as a teenager but didn't continue you with it so I got my mum to teach me again 13 years ago when I was pregnant with my youngest. I didn't have a friend to ask for help when I went wrong so if you have a good friend that knits that is perfect. I had to use YouTube and books which is not quite the same. I have taught both my children to knit. I find it so relaxing and have read lots about how it is good for relaxing you. It wasn't relaxing when I first started, I think because I was so anxious about making a mistake or dropping a stitch. When you can sort out those things for yourself it becomes a very different activity. I love it but equally I know it is not for everyone!

  3. Well done you on the knitting and sewing projects, love the look of that pattern you are knitting. I would be like you and stay and enjoy the walk rather than drive back and forth especially if there was a wool shop what bliss. Obviously in Jersey our journeys are very short. Since retirement we often prefer to walk especially to town and then catch the bus back. I get so impatient these days if I get stuck in traffic. Have a lovely weekend. B x

    1. We don't have busy roads round here so at least the journey, although long is not particularly slow. It has been lovely to have the time with Cameron too. I love the idea of catching the bus and walking home, sadly we have no bus service from our village now so that would be a little difficult from here. We do, however, have a lot of footpaths around our village so we are not short of lovely walks right on our doorstep.

  4. You have to wonder how many people have or have had Covid without even knowing about it. If you haven't got symptoms and you're not testing, you could have it without even knowing about it. I'm glad that you're feeling better now and that the rest of the family weren't too poorly. I always enjoy getting out for a walk, even when I don't feel like it, once I'm out there I'm really pleased that I've made the effort. As you say, there are some hidden gems where you wouldn't expect such beauty to be, just five minutes away from the beaten track can turn up a wonderful walk. I doubt I'll be out this weekend though, it's blowing a gale here today.

    1. I have wondered that too Jo, how many people have had it without even knowing it. I still can't believe that all my tests were negative and yet I had really similar symptoms to my husband and Alice. So weird.

      It was blowy this last weekend wasn't it, we went out for a blustery walk, the wind was so cold it made my face ache! It was good to get out, and like you say it is always the thought of it, once you are out it is always worth the effort.

  5. That's lovely that you found an unexpected hidden wildlife oasis. I would wish I had my binoculars too. Lovely photos especially the Highland Cow. What a cutie. :)

    1. I am going to go back this week as I am still on driving duty, I will be taking the binoculars this time! The highland cows were gorgeous and so close to us, they are so calm for cows which I often think are quite skittish. They just stood there looking at us.

  6. What lovely photos! I'm glad you're feeling better . . . and hope your days are smoother this week. XO

    1. Thank you Kym, I am still on driving duty so still not back into our rhythm and routines.

  7. glad you are feeling better. I try very hard not to mess with my blog because it causes stress. Since we moved we drive way way less because all of the stores are closer than ever which helps with how much gas to buy. However, the prices of food is up higher since we live near a major city so I guess it evens out!

    1. Thank you Karen. I have no idea how the settings on my blog were as they were but I was glad to sort it out, it did cause a lot of stress as I couldn't seem to find an answer to my problem. It was good to work it out for myself.

      There are always upsides and downsides of any location aren't there. We live miles from a fuel station so we have to be organised and make sure we fill up often. The cost of living is low here, prices are good for houses, food etc but you have to drive a long way to get to the shops so like you say it all evens out.

  8. Good to hear that you are all well now, long may that continue. I do like the look of your projects! How wonderful to find an oasis and a fabric shop! Here's to you getting your routine

    1. Thank you! The routine is not quite back yet, but I have high hopes it will be soon x


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