
27 October 2020

A Peek Into my Day

Outside my window, it is raining, again.  Thankfully the wind has stopped blowing although it has removed most of the leaves from the trees.  The beautiful Autumn display is no more, it will be back again next year, it is lovely to know that that is a certainty in this uncertain world.

Around the house, there are wetsuits drying after a swim at the end of last week, the remains of my latest sewing project waiting to be cleared up, books on most surfaces as the cooler weather brings them off the shelves and into laps.

I am wanting to do some more sewing over the coming month, I am thinking about various projects that I could do.

We finally got confirmation that the flights we had booked way back in January were cancelled.  We really did not want to travel so were hoping that this would be the outcome, we are thankful that we will be entitled to a full refund.

In my kitchen it is relatively tidy for once, there is nothing soaking for a future meal, just an empty tub waiting for homemade granola to made to fill it once again.

Now that my shawl is finished I have cast on two more larger projects, I am creating two cardigans, one in 4ply and one in Aran/Worsted weight yarn. one for a friend and one for my daughter.

Today is a fairly quiet day at home with people coming to us, tomorrow will be a day with lots of driving, I am going to drop my husband at work and Cameron for a bike ride with Explorer Scouts, they are in opposite directions.  I also need to go and pick up the veg box in the afternoon.

My husband has re-arranged his leave now that we are not going abroad, we will have him at home with us for two weeks at the end of November.  We are not making any plans at the moment but we are pondering various options that we hope might be possible for things to do together.

I bumped into someone I haven't seen for ages on Saturday, her daughter attends the same gymnastics club as Alice, I discovered whilst talking to her that she is now doing online French tuition (she was teaching French in a school but got made redundant last year), I am hoping that she will be able to continue with Alice and Cameron's French, their old class stopped for lockdown and has not restarted.  

The pile of books on my bedside table is growing so tall, there are so many books that I have started and not finished, I have to be very careful when I remove one to read it.  I have gone back to reading one at time now, currently I am reading When the Body Says No by Gabor Maté.  A fascinating read about the effects of stress on our bodies.

My favourite quote at the moment is Do small things with great love (Mother Theresa), this feels really important to me right now.

Tomorrow both the children have plans to do things with friends, I am looking forward to some time to myself at home, something that doesn't happen very often these days as very few of our home ed groups and meet ups have restarted.

In the early days of lockdown when all our lives were turned upside down, I found comfort in being present, living in the moment and not thinking and looking ahead.  Now that our lives have changed again I still trying to hold on this as much as possible, I am learning to go with the flow much more and being in the present moment.  It is not easy but it feels right when I achieve it.

The weather forecast is atrocious for the end of this week, I am wondering whether the plans we have made will still be able to go ahead.  Spending most of the day outside in heavy rain in late October is hard work but it can be fun if you are wearing the right clothing.  There is nothing quite like coming home to a cosy warm house after a cold wet day.

I am wearing dark blue jeans and my favourite hand knit sweater, it is a cold day today and this jumper was calling to me from my baskets.  

One of my favourite podcasters, Katy Bowman, released an episode this week the first in months I am listening to it as I start my day.

A Peek into my Day.


  1. It sounds rather a lovely day. You certainly make the most of your time. i haven't been so productive as you today, but I have been reading and planning.
    Best wishes

    1. Thank you Ellie. Reading and planning sounds very productive to me, we don't always have to have a physical thing to prove our productivity do we?

  2. My husband and I were just talking about how the leaves seem to be "hanging on for dear life" this year. I'm glad you got a full refund on your trip. I also love that Mother Theresa quote. Going with the flow is how we are getting through this weird time. I hope you enjoy your alone day. All moms need those once in while. Have a great week!

    1. Lovely to hear from you Debi. The leaves have all blown off now, they were lovely whilst they lasted. We have strong winds forecast for the next few days so I think they will all be gone after that! I am definitely enjoying going with the flow!

  3. We're definitely heading into winter now, the weather has turned so cold and I've noticed that the wind has taken many more leaves from the trees too. I'm glad that things turned out as you wished with the flights, I must say that I wouldn't fancy travelling abroad at the moment either, at least you'll get your money refunded.

    1. Thank you Jo, I am glad things are sorted with our flights too. I wasn't worrying about it as I knew that it would all get sorted eventually and it did although quite late in the day. We really did not want to fly so we are glad that this outcome.

      It has turned cold hasn't it, I am rather enjoying wrapping up really warm and going out for a brisk walk, I do love to come back home after doing that, it is nourishing for me.

  4. My days are also rather slow and mindful. Keeping in the present moment is very helpful with all the news about a second wave of CV19. We are only at medium level here, but that could change. We go to the shops if we must, but otherwise rely on deliveries ( we had to shield for 5 months last time ) The weather here has been very changeable; one day warm and sunny and the next cold, wet and windy. Take care, J

  5. What a lovely peek into your day (and I love that sweater!! it looks cozy and warm...perfect for a rainy day!) It is sort of stunning to me that this never-ending year is winding to a close. It does not seem like it should be the end of October!

  6. mother theresa was a very wise woman! Great quote. Sounds like your days have a cosy rhythm to them!

  7. The book about stress sounds interesting. We had a ghastly day yesterday, following the (3rd!) survey on Monday but we bit the bullet and my daughter's tactful but firm email did the trick. Currently listening to a river and birdsong recording on Youtube, which is so relaxing.

    The knitting sounds fun - I gave masses of knitting needles away to the Green charity shop recently - I had gotten half a bucketful from a car boot sale years ago. Time to pass them on and let others enjoy them.

    As we drove home from town today, the wind was blowing the copper beach leaves across the lane and throwing them up like confetti.

  8. It's wet and miserable right now so reading folks blog posts is just the tonic! I hope you have some nice plans for your November together. It's my birthday month, so fingers crossed for some dry bright weather. X

  9. we're just coming off of one of those miserable cold rainy weeks....cold sunshine today and it's my opportunity to get some clean out in the garden and the hummingbird feeders down....and the other ones filled. Having something (anything) to look forward to these days is a plus....hope you can figure out something good to substitute for the missing holiday getaway. Ours, too, got cancelled, but we didn't fill the time with anything....and for that I'm sorry!!!! (Love you favorite sweater!!!!!!!)

  10. This sounds like a lovely, relaxing and productive day. I'm so pleased you got the refund. That is a very wise quote from Mother


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