
01 February 2020

Rising Energy

This Saturday is Imbolc, the half way point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox, a festival to celebrating the start of the earth awakening as we are starting our slow journey back towards the sun,   It may not feel it at the moment but our temperatures will start to slowly rise, this will bring with it the wonder of nature that is new life, the sap will rise, unseen by us, inside the trees bringing with it new energy.

Wish for the Fields
Night is dark and cold and long,
Winter's hold is still so strong.
But beneath the earthen crust
underneath the frozen dust
Life is growing, moving, thriving
roots are drinking, resting, striving
Buds are swelling on the trees
In the hives still sleep the bees
But moving, humming, strumming, sing
Soon we all will welcome, Spring
M. Johnson

The days are very slowly beginning to lengthen, have you noticed how it a little lighter, from one week to the next,  particularly in the evenings?  It really feels like we are heading towards the time of Spring when that starts to happen doesn't it, that extra light gives us hope and prepares us for the warmer temperatures that we know will come in the weeks ahead.

During the dark time we have looked to our inner strength to grow and support us.  It has helped us to release our fears, a journey that we started at Samhein by bringing them into focus and recording them, leaving them behind, maybe you did this in the flames of a fire.  We have been resting and recharging over Winter, now is the time to truly say goodbye to and cleanse ourselves of those thoughts that give us doubt and lessen our intuition, releasing our fears can help us on that journey to make peace with them, making space for us to welcome in new plans.  We can then start use our inner strength to bring forth our visions as ideas for the future.

The Earth around us is beginning its slow journey of waking after its rest.  This is a time of new beginnings, the buds will soon appear, small shoots will poke their way through the soil, you may have already seen these, the snowdrops are just starting to appear where I live.   As the nature spirits begin to stir, waking from their long sleep and seeds long buried and beginning to wake and shoot; this is a time for us to sow the seeds of new plans and new beginnings, those that we started to think about back at the time of Samhein and have been starting to give shape to since the Winter Solstice, over the coming weeks our seeds of a new beginnings, plans, learning or adventures can start to take more shape.

I like to think
That, long ago,
There fell to earth
Some flakes of snow
Which loved this cold,
Grey world of ours
So much, they stayed
As snowdrop flowers
Mary Vivian

If it is your thing, doing a Rising Meditation at this time of year can be an amazing way to feel connected to the earth and to absorb its rising energy.  If you get yourself into a comfortable standing position, perhaps with bare feet and/or closing your eyes if you want to.  Staying still, feel the ground beneath you feet, feel its energy, feel that energy flowing into your feet, up your legs into your body, into yours arms, your fingers, up your neck and into your head.  Feel that energy flowing through you, strengthening you, holding your hand, guiding you in the direction that you want to go.  Think about your positive qualities, those things that you are good at, you are an amazing person, you can use these qualities you value in yourself in the year ahead, they will serve you well.

We can also use this time to cleanse our lives physically too, maybe giving away possessions that we not longer have a use for or perhaps stopping an activity or job that we find draining and get no pleasure from and that we have the ability to change. Decluttering our homes is a really rewarding thing to do, if it feels like a huge task, start with one small area, or a cupboard, take your time and don't try to do it all at once.

If you have absorbed the rising energy of the earth, try and make time to feel that rising energy again over the coming weeks; use that energy to bring your seeds of new plans and beginnings into being.  As we emerge from our restful state, as we absorb the energy from the Earth may our actions be guided by the reflective, feeling and caring side of ourselves, the path of our heart where we follow our dreams and deepest wishes.  May we pledge to ourselves to listen to the path of our heart and to our intuition,
the inner voice we often quieten with our doubts, but which is so often a voice of wisdom.


  1. It's the lighter evenings I've been noticing. When I finish work I no longer need to use my torch to walk along the dark lane.
    Blessed Imbolc. X

  2. I can definitely tell the days are lengthening now. I'm finishing work and it's still daylight. Yay! Snowdrops are so beautiful. Love the poems in your post. X

    1. There is something rather magical about snowdrops. They look so delicate and yet they appear at the coldest time of the year.

  3. The days have been lengthening since December but I think it's around this time when we notice such a big change. I'm always pleased for that extra light. Such lovely poems.

    1. That is so true Jo, the change is so slow that it takes a while to notice. I am glad that you enjoyed the poems.

  4. It´s so lovely to see everything unfurling and awakening, our Almond blossom is really coming out now and our bottom terrace has a wonderful show of meadow flowers. We use the mountain as markers for gauging the lenghtening days, nice to have that little bit extra. xcx

    1. Your meadow flowers sound wonderful, it is so lovely to watch everything slowly unfurling and waking up.

  5. Lovely to hear a message about imbloc. We were just noticing how it is progressively lighter in the evenings now. I was leaving work in the dark, but its only dusk now and having to walk the dog by 4pm but now we can be out after 5pm. I've even seen some bulbs coming up. Winter seems to have sped past this season, although maybe i wont be saying that in the depths of Feb!

    1. Imbolc is the middle of Winter for me so it still has some way to go. I think as the days are slowly getting longer we feel that it is already the beginnings of Spring but that is a few weeks off yet.

  6. There's a definite stretch in the evenings now and it fills me with excitement - bulbs peeping up, snowdrops showing. I love your meditation and the connections to what we've been nurturing - I hadn't thought about it in that way before but my mind has been wanting to clear things out and ove forward with energy. lovely poems too.

    1. I am glad that you have found my words to be in tune with what you have been thinking. I hope you manage to clear out your mind, it feels such a good thing to do at this time of year.

  7. The snowdrops are just beautiful, such a pure white. It must be lovely to see them emerging now. MegXx

    1. They are Meg, they are truly amazing, so white, so delicate. It is really quite cold here so it never ceases to amaze me that such delicate and beautiful flowers come out at this time of year.

  8. This is such a beautiful, inspiring post! You have me wanting to stand outdoors barefoot and feel all the energy rising up! I love your deep connection to the earth and

    1. Aw thank you! Give it a go! It is an amazing feeling.

  9. I woke up to endless sunshine and I heard some morning bird chatter, delightful! I went through all of my cupboards and the freezer making a detailed inventory of what we have so that I can menu plan and thin out the food.


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