
27 January 2020

A Peek in to my Day

Outside my window I can see snow on the hills and red tinge on the clouds, a red sky in the morning is usually means a day of wet weather - maybe even snow as it is cold enough for it.

Around the house it is remarkably tidy at the moment, I have been thinking hard, over the past month or so, about how I manage the housework I am trying out a new way of doing things which seems to be working, I will share more at the end of the month.

We have been thinking about a few plans for holidays later in the year, it is always good to think about these at this time of year when it is dark and cold, family time together.

I am thinking about friends who are having a hard time of it at the moment.

We spent the weekend with my brother, his partner and their two year old, I am thankful for time with family and my children building a relationship with their cousin.

I have a pretty busy week this week, I am pondering whether it is a little too busy, I have already shelved a couple of things.

In my kitchen there is lots of frozen fruit defrosting, I plan to make fruit leather with it all.  I processed it all last year but ran out of time to dry it into fruit leather before Christmas. That is a job for do this week.

I have been joining in a knit-a-long this month and I am creating, very slowly, a sock that has been on the needles for a least two years.  I am determined to finish it.

Monday is a busy day for us, later this morning I am going to a local town to take Cameron and Alice to an Art class, after the class we will drive, having a picnic on the way, to our Monday group when we going for a walk perhaps doing some nature sketching if the weather is ok.

The children have been rehearsing a dramatisation of a poem about a local waterfall we are going for a walk to the actual waterfall this week, I am hoping the weather is not too awful.

I am reading the rather wonderful Wilding by Isabella Tree, I am savouring every word of this book and really don't want it to come to end.  It is so rich with information that I am sure that I will read this book many times over the coming years.

I am loving listening to podcasts, I cannot believe I have taken so long to discover them, I am listening to and really enjoying Folk on Foot at the moment, interviews with British folk musicians walking in the landscape where they live and/or grew up interwoven with their music.

My life is very full at the moment, the children have lots of things that they do both in and outside the house, I am loving that they are so interested in so many things.  It is really important that I am one step ahead all the time so that we are organised and don't forget things, I am learning the importance of writing everything down that I need to do, something that I used to do but had drifted away from during the past year.

I went to a gathering organised by a dear friend at the end of last month, it was a beautiful and nourishing occasion, one of the lovely people there shared some wonderful words which have become my favourite quote this month.  Enjoy the little things in life because one day you will look back and realise they were the big things.

I got given a wonderful book for Christmas 2018 which is a tutorial on storytelling.  A friend and I have been working our way slowly through the exercises it is amazing and so insightful we are meeting again this week and I am looking forward to seeing what the next chapter brings.

I am wearing a grey cardigan, with a patterned skirt in shades of dark pink and grey tights with small white and pink spots on.

A peek into my day.


A wee reminder that I will be posting my monthly roundup of sustainable living next week on Tuesday 04 February, if you want to join me.


  1. Thanks for the podcast tip! I love podcasts.

  2. A lovely peek. Glad you are enjoying Wilding ; it is a book to savour. I like the sound of that podcast. Enjoy your week and stay cosy in the wild weather. B x

    1. Wilding is a book to savour. I hope you like the podcast too.

  3. The weather certainly has turned much cooler, we had sleet in the forecast today but it hasn't materialised so far. Your life certainly does sound very full, it was always busy when my kids were young, but I should imagine it's even more so when you're home schooling. Busy but fun.

    1. It is busy but fun. I am a little worried that our lives are a bit too full, although I love everything that we do and would find it hard to remove anything from our week.

  4. Having read Wilding which I got from the library I have now got a copy of my own - it is a wonderful hopeful book and one I will dip into often. Another one to add to The Garden Cottage Diaries about living for a year as if back in the 1700s which you might perhaps enjoy too.

    1. Thank you for the book recommendation I will look that one up, it sounds interesting.

  5. No snow here yet, although it's bitterly cold. Thank you for the peek into your day. X

    1. You are welcome, we had a lot of snow on Monday but it had all gone by the end of the day.

  6. I have still never listened to a podcast. Maybe that's something for me to try this year. Hope you get a fine day for your waterfall walk. What is fruit leather? X

    1. I hadn't listened to a Podcast until late last year, now I would not be without them. There are so many amazing and fascinating ones out there.

      Fruit Leather is fruit puree that has been dried, it is a way of preserving it. It is very tasty although it looks like leather, hence its name.

  7. I have just put Wilding on my wish list. I really enjoy books that can be savoured - I found The Morville Hours and The Easternmost House to be like that as well - I really recommend them if you haven't already read them.
    Best wishes

    1. Books that can be savoured are the best kind I agree. I have just looked those two books up and they both sound really interesting, thank you!

  8. Sounds like you had a lovely week of mostly calm and purpose.

    1. Thank you for dropping by. It is turning out to be a busy but lovely week.

  9. Sounds like a wonderfully rich and varied week. Wonderful!

  10. loved seeing your day and what you are thinking. I am enjoying the whole month of January and I hope I can continue to dwell iin February just as nicely. Hope your friends will be okay through their difficult time.

    1. Thank you for your kind words Karen. I cannot believe that we are in the closing days of January it has gone so quickly. For all those people who say that Winter is so long I am not sure what they are talking about, it is whizzing past.

  11. Thank you for this post--it was like sitting down and having a chat with you, discussing plans and what we've been up to. I have been thinking about our vacation this year, hoping to go to either Ireland again or to Scotland. Funds might be the issue so we shall see.

    1. That is so kind of you to say so. I have not spent much time in Ireland but I love Scotland, I hope you get to either at some point if not this year.

  12. I am very much looking forward to your sustainable living roundup. I am suffering from some serious eco fatigue (I think I contracted the apathy from every single person I have come into contact with recently) so I am excited to get a boost from other sources.

    1. It is so hard to be positive if you are met with apathy all the time, I am sorry to hear that is what you have been encountering. I do hope you enjoy the roundup.

  13. I am really curious to know...what is fruit leather?? First time I've heard of it :-) I'm going to have a listen to that podcast, I love folk music. Wilding is so inspiring isn't it - one day I would love to visit Knepp. I have followed them on instagram and their Knepp safaris look amazing. After reading one of the pages of that book last year (I don't know how far through you are but you may remember it), I decided to stop drinking cow's milk, even organic. I know that wasn't the intention behind her words, but I started looking into it more after that. It's all such a tricky minefield!

    1. Fruit Leather is dehydrated fruit puree sheets which looks a little like leather but is far tastier! I will share some pictures when it is good enough light here to take some.

      Wow you can do a safari at Knepp now that would be fascinting. I am not on Instagram but I am tempted to join just to follow them. Yes milk is a minefield, it is one of the few foods that I would find seriously difficult to give up. I make and eat a lot of yogurt and I wrestle with the eating of it often. Maybe I need to give it some more serious thought.

    2. Oooh yes please do share some pics of the fruit leather when you can - and a recipe if poss??!

      If you go on instagram you don't have to post anything (I used to do it more but now only once in a blue moon) but great for following places like Knepp! Yes dairy is such a massive minefield - I don't feel I'm quite 'there' with where I want to be on the whole ethical eating front, but I'm working on it. At the moment I eat vegan at home at vegetarian out of the house. But, as I say, it's a work in progress and evolving all the time :-)

    3. I will share photos and a recipe of fruit leather.

      I had not thought of joining Instagram just to follow people, hmmm that has got me thinking now.

      I also like the idea of being vegan at home and vegetarian out and about, another thing to ponder on.

      Thank you!

  14. What an interesting life you live, I'm always amazed by how much you fit in, and how varied and interesting all you activities are!xxx


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