
29 December 2019

On being Thankful

Thank you for all the lovely comments you left on my last post, I am really thankful to all who come here to read.  I have been reflecting over the past week over those things that I have been grateful for this year.  It is hard to remember what you were doing more than a month or so ago, so I am glad that I keep a diary that helps me to look back at the past year.  Here are some of the things that I have been grateful for this year:

My family, the adventures we have had together, for our continuing good health, for the laughter and tears we have shared together.

My friends both in real life and online, for the support and friendship that is so freely given.

The beautiful countryside right on my doorstep and further afield that we have spent many days out enjoying.

Home educating my children, words cannot express how grateful I am that I have the legal right to and that we can continue to afford to do this year after year.

Our Monday home ed group where we have celebrated, walked, created and enjoyed so many wonderful hours together.

People who give their time freely to support the education and learning of my children, from Cameron's Archery club, to the organisation supporting us through the Arts Award, to volunteers in the many museums we have visited over the year, to other home educating families who organise activities for all to enjoy.

Having a place to call home which is warm and safe, when so many in the world do not.

My lovely neighbours amongst whom we feel like we are part of a community who look out for each other.

What have you been grateful for this year?


  1. It is a great practice to list things we are grateful for. Just yesterday we travelled 130km outside the city of Perth in Western Australia, where we live. It was so refreshing to get away from the city to a place we visit often, but it means waiting until nightfall to come home. The kangaroos which feed at dusk can inadvertently hop in the way of the cars, and that is not good for anyone! So we had dinner in the pub and came home safely. I will always want to be appreciative of such things.

    1. It is a good practice isn't it. I am thinking I might make it a little more formal next year by writing things down more than I do know, a small ritual at the end of each day. It is good to appreciate those things that perhaps we take for granted.

  2. Thank you for your post! I am grateful for the robust start to our rainy season to dampen the local fire dangers for awhile. I am also grateful for the time spent running on local trails and sharing some of these beautiful places on hikes with my teenager.

    1. Hello and welcome, thank you taking the time to comment. I am glad to hear that you have had rain, I know that there are many parts of the world where it is much needed. How lovely that you are able to explore your local area with your teenager.

  3. What a lovely idea - I must take that on board and keep a journal of things to be grateful for too. Sometimes it is hard to think of things and yet I know there are so many and I could begin my list with my little family, friends, home, enough money to keep my home warm and comfortable when so many have no roof at all, Nature which I find a balm to the soul when I go out into it and hear the birds song and feel the spirit of the trees and so on, love, kindness and shared laughter..... yes just taking time to think of things produces so many I should do it more often.. Maybe I will make 2020 a yesr of gratitude starting today!

    1. I do hope that you enjoy the process. Even when times are really tough it is still possible to find those little chinks of hope by thinking about what we are grateful for.

  4. That is a great idea - often in our busy lives we forget to take a moment to be thankful. In our materialistic society, it is usually the things that are free that are taken for granted, like a sunset or beautiful view.
    Something for me to think about more in the coming year.
    Best wishes

    1. I too have been too busy to stop and pause and be thankful. Being still and noticing or thinking is just as important as being busy.

  5. We have so much to be grateful for if only we take the time to think. We often take things for granted, such as having somewhere warm and safe to call home, but there are so many people who cannot say they even have these basic things which everyone needs.

    1. There is a hierarchy of needs and somewhere warm and safe to call home is very high up on that list. At this cold time of year I definitely feel very grateful that I have this in my life.

  6. Like you I have lots to be thankful for. Definitely family and health and most definitely the beauty of my surroundings. B x

    1. I am really glad to hear that you too have lots to be thankful for.

  7. We all have so much to be thankful for in this country - life is pretty good for us. When my daughter visited Tanzania a couple of years ago the people there had nothing but were so happy with their lot it was humbling.

  8. I have a safe home: it is warm, dry and I am well fed, I am healthy and mobile. Everything else, and I mean *everything* is a bonus. As you and Jo have said: "Maslow's hierarchy of needs".

    Half the world does not have the comfort of those things, and so many of those who do seem to complain about all the extra things they want. I am saddened going into the new decade, I am not sure how it will unfold.

    Thank you for starting to blog again this year. I love your posts and get huge pleasure from cogitating the thoughtful things you write.

    1. I think this time of year heightens the materialistic side of our society in a way that is hard, for those of that do not buy into it, to stomach.

      Thank you so much for your kind and thoughtful words about my blog, it gives me great pleasure to know that the words I write give pleasure to others.

  9. grateful for the quiet after the noise of the holidays, for slow and gentle mornings, for Frodo and Holly and for friendships IRL and virtual!!

    1. Quiet is a great thing to be grateful for. I love your list Karen.

  10. I too, am grateful for your posts.

    I love posts, which "thinking" posts. Words which are not simply of material things. Like recipes and books and etc. Oh these are wonderful of course. But I do love "a helping" of words, which make me think. -smile-

    Remember all which we have. Think much less, about what we may want. A recipe for Peace.

    I am so happy for you, that you can home school, and have much backup, with so doing. Lovely...

    Best of everything, in the New Year!

    Gentle hugs...
    🌲 🏡 🌲

    1. I am glad that you enjoy my thinking posts, they give me such pleasure to write. Thank you for your kind words.

  11. What a wonderful post. I am grateful for a snug and cozy home, beautiful weather, my dog, traveling, the beach, my bicycle, and friends. I am also grateful to my parents for their discipline and hard work, and to my teachers for their training and knowledge.

    1. Thank you. I love the things that you are grateful for, all the really important things that are close to my heart.

  12. Such lovely words as this decade comes to a close. There is so much beauty in the people, animals and nature in my life and that I am surrounded by. Of all this year, I am most grateful for the extra time I have been able to spend with my beautiful Mum. That's something I treasure. A most happy new year to you. MegXx

    1. Thank you. There is so much beauty in people, animals and nature that is such a lovely way of putting it. I am so glad to hear that you have been able to spend time with your Mum, moments to be treasured.

  13. You have so much to be thankful for. After a year of ups and downs I make a conscious effort to try and acknowledge those things which bring me peace and happiness.
    My very best wishes to you and your family for the new year. X

    1. I am really sorry to hear that it has been a tough year for you. I am glad to hear that thinking about those things that are the positives in your life has made the harder things a bit more bearable.

  14. It is always good to realize how much we all have to be grateful for. Such a thoughtful post, respect for home educating your


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