
23 December 2019

A time for reflection

Saturday was the Winter Solstice, the day when we, in the Northern Hemisphere, are at our furthest away from the sun.  The earth is at its most dormant now at this time of the shortest day and longest night.  It is paused waiting for the slow return of the sum and its increase in energy.  This time of the earth pausing is our time to continue to rest, to take things easy, to conserve our energy.  It can be such a hard time of year these next few months, the light starts to return and slowly the days get longer but the temperatures will continue to drop and sometimes it can feel as if the warmer days will never return.

Now that the Winter's come to stay
All the trees are bare
Little birds must fly away
To find their food elsewhere

Little seeds lie hidden
In the dark brown earth,
waiting until bidden
To rise above the earth
S. Jarman

Over the past few months the earth has been shedding itself of the growth it no longer needs to help preserve energy, the leaves have all fallen from the trees, some will also lose bark.  We can use this time of dark, of being inside more, to clean our houses, our spaces and our minds.  We can remove those things that we no longer have use for, passing them on to those who will.  We can let go of thoughts  that are unhelpful, that influence us in ways that leave us sad and unhappy.  A clearer mind is so calming, we are more productive, we sleep better and we can manage our day to day life more efficiently.  Decluttering our space and our minds will also give us the room to make ourselves ready to welcome in new possibilities.

In this time of taking it slow, we can also use it to reflect on what we have achieved this year, all those things that we have done, perhaps there are things that you never thought were possible, if we bring them into our minds and hold them there, we can take them with us into the future as a reminder of what is possible.  We can also think about all those things we have been grateful for this year, for all the things we have in our lives.  Sometimes it is the little things we are most grateful for, time for a rest, a smile, or the sunshine when we open our curtains in the morning.  May our hearts be open in gratitude for all their abundance.

We can think about our inner thoughts, those that give us our strength and a greater understanding of ourselves and our emotions.  We should listen to the wisdom of our inner voice, the one we often doubt, and the message it is sending us and give ourselves time to reflect on what we hear.  We can also think about our outer voice too, how we express ourselves and communicate with others, are we always kind and thoughtful.

Since the time of Samhein, at the end of October,  you may have been thinking about the seeds of new beginnings, plans and possibilities, as the days start to grow longer and the sun's strength slowly grows so too should these seeds.  We can start to form ideas of where these might take us, where would you like them to go, how you might turn them into hopes and intentions, perhaps if you are ready to, you could share them with others, to give them strength and power.

May you find peace in the 
promise of solstice night,
That earth each day forward is
blessed with more light.
That cycle of nature,
unbroken and true,
Brings faith to your soul
and well being to you
Rejoice in the darkness,
in the silence find rest,
And may the days that follow
be abundantly blessed.

As we moved towards the coldest time of nature's cycle, I hope you can feel blessed.  I hope that you can find a way to declutter your mind, to let go of the thoughts that feel heavy and drag you down.  I hope that you can find new homes for the things that you now longer want.  I hope that you listen to the wisdom of your inner voice and reflect upon what it tells you as you move forward with your seed of an idea for your future.  I hope that you can find hope through the cold time ahead.


  1. Solstice blessings, and thank you for the loveliest words I have read all weekend.

    Perfectly echoing my thoughts, but far more articulately than I could compose. xx

    1. Thank you so much Jayne, I am so glad that you enjoyed reading my words. I hope they bring you some comfort in the months ahead x

  2. De-cluttering is something I find very hard but I am going to work at it in this coming year. A very lovely post.
    Best wishes

    1. Thank you. I hope you find a way of decluttering that works for you, you are right, it is hard.

  3. I'm so pleased that we've finally reached the shortest day, things are on the up now as more light gradually seeps into our days. You're right though, the coldest months have yet to come, but the spring bulbs are already nosing through the soil so it won't be long until the depths of winter have passed once again.

    1. Sometimes those coldest months can feel like the sting in the tail after all the darkness. When it gets to March and we want it to warm up it can feel a bit slow. But the lightness of the days makes it more bearable.

  4. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful...

    To be honest, I don't have time this morning, to fully read this post. But I will bookmark it and return. To fully savour it.

    Thank you!!!!

    Peace and Joy of the Season...


  5. Thank you for this lovely post - it was just what I needed at this moment in time. I have copied it to print and add to the scrapbook I plan to make as a type of therapy at what I find a difficult time of year. Also found your earlier post about sowing seeds another lesson I need to take on board and will print that out too. When the student is ready the teacher apears and I the student am ready and there you were! Thank you for being my teacher.

    1. That is so kind of you to say so. I am glad that my words are bringing comfort to you at a time of year you find difficult.

  6. Lovely words! I'm excited that it is winter one of my favorite seasons. I think I get the most knitting done during this time of year.

  7. Beautifully written. Solstice blessings to you and yours x

  8. What a beautiful post. Happy Solstice to you.

  9. Merry Christmas to you and your family. I do love the cosiness of winter but looking forward to those days getting slowly longer and lighter. x

    1. Thank you. It is lovely when the days get lighter isn't it. I am looking forward to that to.

  10. Beautiful poetry. I find this dark and cold time of year a good time for cleansing. Reaching inward to readjust where I’ve fallen wayward and put things to right again.

    1. Thank you. I love the way you have described what you do. Reaching inward and reflecting is so important at this time of year.

  11. What a beautiful post and such a stunning photo! Loved the poetry and wise words


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