crazy busy this week, well I have. I have been meeting myself coming back!
The week started with the end of a folk festival which for me, sadly, fizzled out rather than finishing with a bang. The headline act had had to pull out due to a bereavement in her family. Whilst this was disappointing what was more so is the way to was handled by the festival organisers. We went to the festival with another family. Both of us have fairly young children and were not staying up until the end of the music each night. By chance one of us did on Sunday night, so found out through an announcement at the end of the music that there was a change to the programme on the following night. During the Monday we could not find any information anywhere about what was going on, if we had not heard the announcement the night before we would have been none the wiser until the final concert started at 1pm. Part of me really wanted to stay to listened to the other bands playing that afternoon, and the other part just wanted to get home knowing that I had a busy week ahead that needed organising. I have never felt like that at the end of a festival and it has really marred my whole experience of it. The tickets were not cheap, I will be thinking long and hard about returning for another year.
After a lovely sleep in my own bed the next day was very full. I had to plan a food menu for the week, write a shopping list, unpack, start packing again, hang up wet camping gear, and go food shopping. I got in the car and started to drive up the village before I realised that I had a flat tyre, humpf. I phoned my dh to ask him to come and car swop, it was already quite late in the day and I still had a million and one things that needed doing and there was not room on my list to fit in changing a tyre. Luckily for me he obliged and we were our way. Shopping done I started on packing and unpacking at the same time before cooking tea and then driving North to talk to a group who I would be assessing on a d of e gold expedition for four days. I fell into bed exhausted.
I woke on Wednesday and packed the car and drove North, with my youngest, to meet the group out on the fell. We found a spot to park the car, packed up a bite to eat and wandered to a good vantage point and waited for them to walk towards us. We waited and waited and waited, their supervisor arrived and we waited. Eventually, running very late, they did arrive, very wet and tired the ground it seemed was very hard going with a lot of bogs. They walked off to their campsite and we drove off to find ours. We pitched the tent, cooked tea and then drove off to meet the group at their campsite and check they had made it ok, all being well we headed back and fell into bed.
Thursday was a beautiful day, the sun was shining but it was bitterly cold in the wind. We met with group a couple of times and spent the day, walking a little, eating a picnic, enjoying the views, playing wonderful imaginative games with my youngest, knitting, brewing tea on our little stove and eating cake. It was an oasis of wonderfulness amongst all the busyness which was filling my head. The coldness carried on into the night, it was very clear not a cloud in the sky and the moon so large and bright it was like a torch shining into the tent. We woke the next morning to ice in the tent!
We met with the group once again on Friday morning, another bright sunny but cold day. Whilst waiting I played the most wonderful game at the instigation of my youngest. With absolutely no props she announced that I had to come and get in the car as we were going shopping for food for tea. Shopping done we then went home and cooked tea, ate it at the table and then we washed up the dishes. This lasted for about ten minutes, we were sat on the edge of a grassy field. The group arrived soon after and we chatted for a short time before heading on our way, the, to continue their expedition, us to home. After unpacking yet again and cooking tea I fell into bed really early for a very long sleep.
The weekend marked two days at home with no need to pack up and go anywhere for the first time in days. I did some washing, took the car to the garage for a service, packed up a tent from the festival which was now dry and hung up another wet one from the last few days. The best thing was a phonecall from a friend inviting us over to a BBQ, no cooking hurrah! We said goodbye to daddy who is off overseas until the end of the week and then had to wait in for the d of e group as they were calling at our house for a debrief. This is to bring the expedition to an end, a review of what they have achieved and for me hand back their signed books. All done we headed to our friends for a lovely evening. Sunday I 'celebrated' my
wedding anniversary or perhap I should say I observed the day as my husband was not with me to celebrate. I have a quieter week ahead, I hope!
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