
05 August 2012

This season is bypassing us this year.  We had a warmer winter than usual, followed by, a times, a very hot spring.  I have resigned myself now to the fact that we are having a very cool, wet summer.  It has rained every single day at some point, admittedly some days it has been at night, for the last three months.  This is great news for my garden as I am not having to water it, but combined with cool temperatures it has not been good as everything is growing very slowly.

Most of my summer clothes have sat in the wardrobe unworn this year.  It is rarely warm enough to venture out without a jumper and I risk very cold toes if I wear sandals.  So it is more like a warm autumn, the temperature is usually about 15 - 16 centigrade.  I am hoping that it will be warm in September as quite often happens, it would be good to feel the sun on my face.

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