Am I really being an Ostrich?

06 October 2019

When my children were really little I rarely listened to the news when they were awake, I felt that it was something that they should not be experiencing.  As they have grown older I started to listen to it occasionally, but more recently I have once again stopped this time because now I really cannot bear to listen.  I am not totally out of touch as Cameron has a daily newspaper subscription, I dip into his newspaper when time allows, reading the news and stories that I want to.

I don't listen to the news any more but I do listen to other programmes on the radio, a month or so ago I heard a talk about sensitive people.  In this wonderful coincidental world we live in, the same week, I found another programme on the exact same subject presented by the same person.  This is label that I had come across before, most usually applied to children, it was not something I have particularly given any thought to.

Sensitivity or being a sensitive person is often implied in society as a weakness and applied to something or someone that is perhaps fragile, easily hurt or upset, too thin skinned.  It is a trait most definitely not encouraged in oneself or others. So what is a sensitive person?  It is about having empathy, listening, picking up clues, being intuitive, noticing the details, picking up on body language.  It is about being able to walk into a room and knowing how everyone in that room is feeling, who is nervous, who has needs not being met, who is confident.  It is about grasping concepts quickly, being good at solving problems often by thinking differently or outside the box.  Each and every one of us have these skills, they are on a spectrum, for some people, those that are highly sensitive, these skills are more acute.

They are skills that are really difficult to measure and we live in a world that measures us.  From the day we start in the education system we are tested.  We have to get the answers right.  We move from education into the world of work where we are often rewarded with pay for our abilities against measures that can be tested.  There is no room in this world for the sensitive people with their skills based on emotions.

I had no idea until I heard this programme that this is a label I can apply to myself, although I have never thought of myself as different,  I was never treated as such.  When I couldn't do my history homework, on torture techniques in the middle ages, because it upset me too much my mother told me not to and sent a letter in to school to support me.  When my grandmother told me that I had an amazing skill of being able to 'read people' it made me feel special not different.

The other week I spent some time sitting and chatting in a group of people whom I don't see that often these days, it was good to see them all again, or so I thought.  Afterwards I felt drained, a sort of brain tired rather than physically tired, I was really puzzled as to why I was feeling like that.  I went out again later in the day and found myself not able to answer questions put to me, I simply couldn't think of what to say, it was as if the part of my brain that could answer such questions had become a mush, incapable of coherent thought, totally unlike me.

It was only the next morning that I realised that those conversations were about things that they couldn't do, weren't doing or wish they could be doing, these are people who focus on the negatives in life.  Now don't get me wrong my life is no bed of roses, there are many things going on in my life right now that are hard work and I would give anything to make them go away but I don't let them dictate how I am, I don't let them shape me, I need the positive to keep the balance.  When we only focus on the negative we get out of balance.  I am sensitive to the emotions of others and whilst I know that I cannot do anything to change their situation I absorb their negativity subconsciously and then I need time to discharge that.  It reminded me that when I was a teenager I never wanted to go to anyones house to hang out after school, I just needed to go home and be by myself.  Unbeknownst to me I was discharging from being at school.

I now don't feel quite so bad that I am not religiously listening to the news.  It is so unbelievably negative at the moment that I am quite sure that many people are choosing to switch off and not listen or watch.  Perhaps you do too?


  1. I read somewhere recently about someone with empath tendencies. I'd never heard highly sensitive people being described as an empath before but it intrigued me as I often can't sleep for days when I've heard something which has upset me, especially on the news. I have to turn the TV off on occasion when something just gets too much for me. I don't consider myself an empath but I do think I'm tuned in to other people's emotions and can definitely take them on board myself on occasion.

    1. There is, I am sure, lots of ways of describing this type of skill set, I personally don't really like the use of the label of highly sensitive people. I do like the use of the word empath to describe these skills, having just looked this up I am going to hazard a guess that that is the American term for the same thing.

  2. Yes, yes and yes! I have a quick glance at the news headlines each morning but that's enough for me. I feel like I don't have the ability to deal with constant negativity. It's so draining. X

    1. I am so glad to hear that is not just me that finds the news so draining. It is easy to feel that you are the only one who feels that way isn't it. I never want to even discussed the news with other people for the same reason, but then you end up not really knowing if other people feel the same as you do.

  3. -smile- I just did a post, concerning the need to try to live in my/our own little bubble. And avoid the negativity and even down-right hate, 'out there' in the 'news.'

    Your post is much more cerebral, and wonderful. Mine was on the light side. Starting off with "Pin Curls"! -smile- But we both were heading toward the same conclusion.... "The News" is so filled with negativity and chaos, that my choice, is to avoid it. Do what I can do, of course. All the common sense things. Recycle... Avoid buying more than we need... Avoid plastic... Vote... Etc. Etc. Etc.

    And then realize, that my immersing myself in "The News" does no one, any good. Me, my husband, our life. All it does is raise our blood pressure. And l-i-f-e itself, gives enough hassle! Why add to it????

    I am not as sensitive as you. But I am the one, people like to confide in. And I feel, I *want to* solve everyone's problems. The aura of others, effect me! Have to avoid those who are always "down" about something. They bring me "down," with them. Etc.

    Thank you for this post. It needs to be said. For those who understand. And for those who do not.

    1. There is down right hate out there in the news you are so right, hate is such a strong emotion. It is hurtful to those it is aimed at and those who might be thinking the same way as the person that is hurt, the ripple effect of that hate is strong and widespread.

  4. Brilliant. Isd that why I can't bear films that others find inteesting or as a child hated to see the biys at school hurting each other? Maybe I am on this scale too. I am off to listen to the programme you mention.

    1. Thank you. It could be, everybody is on the scale somewhere but, maybe you are nearer the top than most, I hope you find the programmes as interesting as I did.

  5. I remember years ago being told the importance of smiling for even a short time at the start of the day to release endorphins. That way the day would start positively. It is so easy to be overcome by the mass of negativity everywhere and listening to people bemoaning their lot is so draining. Empathy is very important and being used to lift the spirits of those stuck in that whirlpool of negativity is a very great gift. News watching is definitely a negative whirlpool and not to be recommended. Th odd glance at news headlines is more than enough for me. Long live empathetic people. We could do with more of them in this world of ours. B x

    1. What a lovely idea, smiling at the start of each day, I am going to make sure I do that. A negative whirlpool is a really good way of describing the news at the moment. Thank you for your lovely thoughtful comments.

  6. This is so interesting and I am so glad you found out more information about sensitivity in people. I find when working on people I can become completely drained if the person is in a lot of pain or is going through a lot. I pick up on it and it seeps into me. While not the same issue I can understand a bit about your experiences. Have a wonderful week.

    1. I am glad that you found this interesting. I wouldn't be surprised if your experiences are related and happen for the same reasons. Describing it as seeping into you is the way I feel around some people, it is a really good description.

  7. I think I'm highly sensitive but I keep watching /reading my news because of how quickly it changes. I do put myself on a time limit of reading/watching and being aghast. I tend to worry what other people think and whenever I'm with a group of people I do enjoy myself but I am DRAINED for the rest of the day.

    1. A time limit is such a good idea, I need to try that. I have learnt the hard way that I need to have down time if I am with people a lot.

  8. I wish I had written your words . . . and some of the lovely comments too, but I am not articulate enough at present.

    Being with too many people for too long drains me completely, and as for the news - at present it all seems unbelievable that the current nonsense is going on in our supposedly civilised country, and that's not even looking further to places like Syria or Hong Kong.

    1. Thank you Jayne. I am sorry to hear that words are not flowing for you right now, you do have your hands rather full of other thoughts.

      There seems to be many people who need their down time, their quiet time, maybe that is part of the problem, people are pushing themselves to do, do, do when actually all of us need to rest at some point in the day/week.

  9. Beautifully expressed. I feel the same, I can be extroverted but am often drained by large groups, excess noise and negativity! I swear I can detect a negative person with my eyes shut. How they suck the life out of

    1. Thank you. Negative people do suck the life out of you, I just cannot believe that it has taken me so long to realise that.

  10. What a thoughtful and sensitively (no pun intended) written piece. Your experience with the group of people you met up with and the impact it had on the rest of your day was so interesting to read about. My husband often says that I take the weight of the world on my shoulders and it's true that I do get really upset about global warming / homelessness / inequity / racism / discrimination...(the list goes on and on.)So when I turn the news on sometimes it's almost as though it's the whole barrage of those things that pain me the most being flung at me, because of course positive news - although there is way more of that - isn't reported, or very rarely. So I think you're right to pick and choose with your listening and reading and I do the same, limiting myself hugely. Dipping into my daughter's subscription of The Week Junior is sometimes just about enough for me! Sensitivity and empathy are superpowers and I'll be interested to hear what Hannah Walker has to say about it.

    1. Thank you so much. You are right there is very little positive news out there, I know that I seek that type of story out. I hope you enjoy Hannah Walker's programmes as much as I did. I love the idea that sensitivity and empathy are superpowers ,they so are!


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