
11 February 2023

Busy (Gently) Doing

The last month has flown by and here we are nearly in the middle of February.  I most definitely did not want life to go back to business as usual after the lovely break over Christmas and New Year, that seems like a distant memory now but I would still love to go back to the gentle flow our days had back then.  

Alice and I had a lovely week away visiting friends.  It was a long drive which took most of a day but well worth the trip.  She spend a week with a friend, I stayed a little with her friends parents and also took the opportunity to spend a couple of days with a friend I have known for most of my life.  We met when we were 5.  It's that kind of friendship where we can pick up from where you left off last time we spoke or met.  We haven't managed to meet face to face for eight years but chat regularly on the phone.  I love that so many of the choices we have made in life are the same with out us even talking about it before making them, I sure that is one of the reasons that we have stayed part of each others lives for so long.  My great aunt who died last year at the age of 104 still talked about a friend whom she had known for nearly 100 years.  The friend died a couple of years ago just after their hundredth birthdays, they spoke on the phone every day, I very much hope my friend and I are still doing that in our nineties, if we live that long!  There is something very comforting about a friendship that has lasted so many years.  There is no explaining to do, the shared history is enough.  

Driving to stay with friends was actually my second time away in a month, most unusual for me who doesn't leave my county from one month to the next.  Eldest was on an Archery coaching course over a weekend, it was just far enough away that it would have been a lot of driving back and forth.  I decided to risk it with booking accommodation and wait until a couple of days before, sure enough I found a really cheap property for two nights reducing the driving considerably.  Unfortunately the bargin accommodation turned out to be cheap because the heating was on very very low.  The house despite being a terrace was freezing which we wouldn't have minded except there was no extra bedding in the house and sleeping was difficult in very cold beds.  I think I managed about six hours over two nights, driving home on the Sunday night it was a toss up between a warm car to take off the chill which made me sleepy or a cold car to keep me awake.  It took me four days to properly warm up again and I felt like I was keeping something like a virus at bay too, eldest sadly succumbed later that week and had his first day off college in over a year.

I have taken on some more work hours, it is a temporary situation helping out whilst a permanent appointment is made.  I did not think I have the capacity to work any more hours and I really don't.  It is only an extra two hours a week but it is two hours that I have had to take from other things, two hours, that  in reality I don't really have to give. I knew that, but it is not a permanent arrangement.  There have been many weeks when I have had things on every evening of the week and coupled with busy days and weekends I am meeting myself coming back some days.  But I know it will be ok as it is not forever, I can give it to someone else, I hope sometime soon.  

The day before our week away I picked up my glasses to read a recipe and realised that one of the lenses was missing.  I looked everywhere for it and all these weeks later it has still not turned up.  I hadn't worn them much that day except to drive Alice to her piano lesson.  I am pretty sure it was in the glasses then as wearing them without it made my eyes feel very odd, but who knows, maybe it wasn't there then.  I prefer to wear glasses for driving, I am right on the legal limit in my country, I don't have to, but feel safer when wearing them.  Luckily I had an old pair which were a similar enough prescription for driving.  I wear varifocals and the long sighted bit was not, reading and close work has been a bit of a challenge.  I had had my eyes tested recently and decided not to upgrade my lenses after that as there was only a minor change.  I now have two pairs of new glasses, if a pair breaks I mow have a spare.  It is the first time that has ever happened to me in thirty plus years of wearing glasses, hopefully it is the last.

I have finished reading two books already this year.  One I started last year so not sure that really counts but if I carry on at this rate I will double last years count.  Both books were non-fiction history books, one about Roman Britain, Under Another Sky was a interesting account of Roman remains across the country interwoven with the legacy of that time period both on the lives of subsequent generations and the built environment.  The other book was closer to home, Ring of Stone Circles is about the neolithic and Bronze Age stone circles and henges of the county where I live.  I knew that we had a lot, but I had no idea that they were quite so numerous, they are less well known as in other parts of the country.  My village has a rich history from this period although sadly the evidence has been mostly destroyed by road and railway building.  I love that both of these books has a useful glossary in the back listing the places they visited.

Alice and I have started going for a longish walk on a Monday afternoon each week, we have not always been blessed with dry weather but have decided we will go whatever the weather.  I prefer to walk at this time of year, going out in the rain is not always my idea of fun but there is nothing quite like returning home lighting the fire and warming up after a bracing walk in horizontal rain.  Inspired by my recent reading we have visited an Iron Age hill fort, two henges and three stone circles amongst other places.  We have just finished a project on Geology and have plans to do some geology walks locally too, we also live in an area rich in many different and interesting rocks.

We have also celebrated Burns Supper with our Explorer Scout unit, Imbolc with friends, helped plant over 1000 trees, learnt how to coppice, made a bird feeder, participated in the RSPB Big Garden Watch, finished sewing a rucksack, knitted socks, a hat and some mitts.

The busyness has calmed this past week as Alice had picked up a virus of some sort which has kept us at home all week.  She is all better now but I really needed that time at home to reset.  I managed an afternoon nap and some time on the sofa on more than one evening.  I have hit the weekend feeling more relaxed and am now ready to tackle another full on week.  The peaks and troughs of life flow on.


  1. My goodness, you have been busy! So sorry about the bugs, but glad everyone is well again. The books sound interesting; I think I would like the one about the stones. Wr are hoping to visit England again this year, and maybe we will be able to visit some sites. Still trying to figure out our itinerary, and just when we can get away.

    1. I have indeed and life is still continuing to be so. I hope you have a lovely time when you visit England.

  2. Do you know, I just realized I was probably in your county in 2019! We had no time to explore then, sadly.

    1. Wow, there is so much to see here if you can find the time I can really recommend it.

  3. It is good to hear you have managed some relaxing time. It is so important to have that balance of busy and relaxed. I have one friend like that too - we have known each other since we were four and although she lives abroad, when we do get together in person or virtually, it's like we have never been apart. People like that are so precious, aren't they? You have some beautiful countryside where you are - perfect for your walks.
    Best wishes

    1. So lovely to hear that you have a friend in your life for so long, it is a precious friendship you are so right. I feel blessed to live where I do, the countryside is beautiful.

  4. Wow, you are a busy bee. No wonder you're meeting yourself coming back. What a shame your rental was so cold, I hope you managed to get some of your hard earned money back from them to compensate slightly?

    1. The rental was an Air BnB and the owner has not been at all polite about my feedback, has all but accused me of lying. I shan't be going back there!

  5. I'm so glad you got a chance to rest and recuperate (though sorry Alice wasn't feeling well). I love all the pictures you include; they naturally make me feel calm <3

    I can't see a thing without my glasses and really hate wearing them. I've had glasses since I was 7 and I really am tempted to get the laser surgery. I can't wear contacts and after decades of glasses I am ready to be able to see when I wake up in the morning...or when I go swimming...or for just about anything!

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment Elisabeth, I am so glad to hear that you have enjoyed my photos. I am glad that I don't completely rely on my glasses to be able to see, and always really feel for those that do. It sounds like laser surgery could be a good option for you.

  6. I wonder where the lens went? interesting!! Seeing friends and having a trip sounds wonderful! Spring is coming here soon and with it will begin our plans for visiting family.

    1. I have no idea where that lens went, it is a complete mystery! Spring is most definitely on its way isn't it, we are enjoying the sunnier days.

  7. Good to hear you enjoyed a break with your friend. Goodness, how awful about the freezing lodgings!!! What interesting reading material. Good to hear your specs are now sorted, it's always awful when they break. Great news re all those trees being

    1. Planting the trees was very satisfying, hard work but so worthwhile.

  8. Sorry to hear about the cold cottage, nothing worse in the middle of winter. The owners really do need to take note, perhaps they don't realise. That sort of feedback is something I hope they can act upon.
    There are lots of stone circles and interesting rocks in your part of the world definitely. Hope you manage to find them all. :)

    1. The owner of the cottage did not take too kindly to my comments which I put very politely, all but accused me of making it up. I have noted that others have mentioned it recently too so it is up to her if she wants to do something about it or not.

      There are indeed lots of stone circles and interesting rocks round here, it could takes us a while to visit them all but I am looking forward to walking to some of them this year.

  9. Hi was my reply earlier about the cold cottage and stone circles. Not sure why it was anonymous. X

  10. Oooh that cold house doesn’t sound nice. I’m not surprised you took so long to warm up. You are like me with your love of Roman and ancient history. I’ll have to check out those books. Have you read any by Alice Roberts. She is very readable. How lovely to have a friend that long. Especially your great aunt. B x

    1. I have read a few Alice Robert's books she is a good writer isn't she. If you have any good history book recommendations I would love to know about them.

  11. Goodness, you've been busy! Nothing worse than being cold! It can take ages to warm up, days even. I hope you left a comment in the guest book. It is always wonderful to catch up with old friends, I am glad you and Alice had a lovely time.

    1. We have been busy and still are, I need to find a way to slow my life down a bit I think!

  12. I hope things slow a little for you over the coming weeks. I'd love to see a photo of your finished makes especially the rucksack if Alice is willing to share, totally understand if not! Hope she is feeling much better and that everyone else is ok xx

    1. Hi San, I do plan to share the finished rucksack, just need to take some photos.......She is all better now, thank you for asking, luckily I did not get ill.

  13. I hope you're all feeling better now! I visited a friend for a few days this month, it's always good to have a nice catch-up.

    1. It is always good to catch up with friends isn't it, I hope your visit was a good one.


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