
21 September 2022

Slowing down

It is the time of Autumn Equinox here in the Northern Hemisphere,  (for readers in the Southern Hemisphere you can read my post about the Spring Equinox here) that special day of the year when the daylight and darkness is the same all over the world because the sun is directly over the equator.  It heralds the beginning of its journey south and where I live in the Northern hemisphere, we will be getting less and less sun over the coming weeks, our days will get shorter and our nights longer.  It is the start of Autumn, the door way to Winter, a time for us to prepare for the change in the earth's energy.

The Colour of Autumn
The world is full of colour
Tis Autumn once again
And leaves of gold and crimson
Are lying in the lane
There are brown and yellow acorns
Berries and scarlet haws
Amber gorse and heather
Purple across the moors
Green apples in the orchard
Flushed by glowing sun
Mellow pears and brambles
Where coloured pheasants run.

This is a time to be thankful to the abundant earth and all the resources we harvest.  We take our Earth and the gifts it gives us so freely rather for granted, it can be hard to maintain a strong connection when we are so far removed from the means of production.  We need to do all we can to change the thoughts of those that think they can continue to take, take, take without heed to the consequences.

This is a time to be thankful for the rain which will fall in greater abundance in the coming weeks and months, however annoying and tiresome we find it, it is doing an important job replenishing the soil.

This is also a time to give thanks to all those wonderful people we have in our lives and who we spend time with, be it face to face or online, for their support and connection.  We are so lucky to live in countries where we have freedom to communicate with whomever we wish to and have the choice over how we do this.

As the summer fades away and autumn takes its place, so too does the light.  This is the time of diminishing light with days that can be gloomy, the clouds heavy with rain.  For many animals this is the start of a period of rest, either by hibernating or sleeping more and eating less.  It is also a period of rest for the earth, the leaves fall from the trees and plants as they preserve their energy within and enter their period of dormancy.  Would that we could sleep or remain dormant through this time, but our lives don't fit that pattern.

I know I have been guilty of resisting these dark days and of wanting the light and warmth to return as quickly as possible.  By embracing the darkness we too can preserve our energy, we too can slow down allowing ourselves to recharge, like the earth.

If it is your thing a Root Meditation is a lovely way to feel connected to the Earth.   Sit somewhere comfortable and close your eyes.  Imagine there is a tree behind you, you are leaning on it, feel this tree at your back, firm and strong.  Feel its energy, energy that is flowing through down into its roots.  Now begin to feel your roots reaching down into the Earth spreading out like the roots of the tree.  Feel those roots holding you firm.  Feel the earth's energy flowing through you.  Inhale the nourishment, absorb the clam.  Breath in and breathe out.  Feel your breath rising without any effort at all.  The breath of life, like day and night, like the tides, like the seasons, in and out, in and out.  All is in balance.

So lets look forward to the time of darkness and embrace it into our lives.  Lets be kind to ourselves, give ourselves permission to rest and do less.  Lets reclaim the balance within each of us which can get lost in the busyness of life in the warmer months.  As the circle of the year turns we will be able to head into Spring in six months time, recharged and bursting with energy.

Whilst we are in this time of resting and recharging we can reflect on our achievements throughout those recent warmer months, look back and think about all those amazing things we have done however big or small.  This is not a time to be starting big new projects but rather to think and plant seeds in our heads of where we would like to be, to go, to do in the future.

We can also use this time to let go of things, de-clutter your house and give away those things that are no longer of use to you.  De-clutter your minds and let go of ideas or values which no longer serve you, that are troubling you or causing you pain, listen to and trust your inner voice for guidance and wisdom. Find a way that works for you to release them, maybe writing them down and burning them.

I hope you will move into Autumn with more strength, embracing rather than resisting the dark.  I hope you will be kind and gentle to yourselves.  I hope you can find the time each day or week to rest and be still to enable your body to recharge and reclaim any balance lost.


  1. Wise words - and much to think about. De-cluttering is high on my to do list (!) I hope you will enjoy the Autumn too.
    Best wishes

    1. Thank you Ellie. Decluttering is a never ending job, if we stop it mounts up I find!

  2. I love the poem and your encouraging words to slow down and embrace the darkening days. I have signed up for a six week course entitled “Think like a tree.” I have the book by the same name and it looks at applying permaculture principles in managing a chronic health condition. I’ve used permaculture designs in homeschool or as a basis for moving forward when I am stuck! One of my well worn go to principles is: the problem is the solution ๐Ÿ˜‚. When I think about it the disconnect from nature really is very damaging and it’s little wonder our world is in such a mess. However there are any army of us applying another principle of ‘small and slow solutions’ and like the tortoise we will get there in the end. Autumn blessings to you ❤️๐Ÿ๐Ÿ„

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely words San. Your course sounds intriguing. You have reminded me that I have a permaculture book that applies principles to other parts of your life I haven't read it in ages maybe now is a good time to revisit it. You are so right that we are like the tortoise, we get there.

  3. I forgot today was the day! There is something nice about formally recognizing the change in seasons and fall/autumn is my favourite season. I'm hoping to lean in and enjoy it. This year our schedule is busier than usual, but hopefully in a mostly good way? We're adding some new activities that allow our family to stretch and grow. Of course I have to balance that all with leaving lots of space to breath and relax. It can be a tricky balance, but I'm going to do my best...

    1. Balance is the hardest thing isn't it, it needs constant tweaking. The change of seasons always herald a bigger tweak as life changes to fit the season and yes I love to recognise each one and adjust life to fit the season and all it brings. Autumn is my favourite too.

  4. I have been eagerly awaiting this day. How nice for us to have a cold front coincide with the day as well. It is very cold today and I cannot wait to wear a long sleeve shirt.

    1. I always think of you at this time of year Karen, I know how much you love the cooler temperatures. Enjoy!

  5. I used to have a tendency to resist the dark days, but have gradually learned to embrace this time of year. X

    1. I am so happy to hear that Jules. It is so easy to resist the dark days, I hear you. I love the hibernating feeling you get and I am totally ready for that this year.

  6. I'm always sad when autumn approaches, I'm never ready for summer to leave, but we can get some beautiful autumnal days in between those dark and dreary ones.

    1. I am not a fan of the dark and dreary ones either, they are so gloomy aren't they. I hope Autumn is ok for you this year.

  7. As always, a beautiful, gentle and illuminating post. Loved the poem. How I agree with all you have written. I love your meditation, I've been doing that one for many years now and feel my roots are strong, deep and flexible. I just love the changing seasons and the changing mentality they always bring.

    1. I am so glad to hear that you enjoyed this post. I am so glad to hear that you enjoyed the meditation. I too love the changing seasons as well, I have learnt to embrace them for what they bring and look forward to each and every one of them now.

  8. I too resist these darkening days and yet, once I begin to accept and acknowledge the light they bring in different ways, I find myself easing in with comfort. Last night we lit the fire and packed away summer clothes (space is short on a boat!) and I felt a sense of relief. I also have a cross-stitch project eyeing me and a favourite audio book beckoning. Together my daughter and I will begin making space for these pastimes. Even though I love summer and never want it to end, I now feel permission to begin slowing towards rest. Thank you for this beautiful post today.๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ

    1. You are so welcome Alice, I am glad you enjoyed reading. These days are gifted to us to use wisely, I love the sound of your autumnal projects they sound perfect, I hope they bring you much joy, along with the rest.


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