
02 March 2022

A Peek into my Day

Outside my window it is a cold and frosty morning, but the sun is shining so all is well!

Around the house it is fairly tidy, there is box in the hall full of food processor parts waiting for me to photograph and sell online, a the top of the stairs are a few bits waiting to go up in the loft, 

I am thankful that I have a safe place to call home.

It is the Spring Equinox in a few weeks and I am thinking about ways to celebrate it this year and poems/stories and songs to share with Alice in the weeks/days leading up to that to welcome in Spring

In my kitchen I have very tidy cupboards because they have been my focus of cleaning, tidying and decluttering for the past few weeks.  There were many unwashed pots on the side for most of the day made worse by the evening as I am trying maximise my use of the oven each time I turn it on.  The energy prices are about to go up by over 50%.  I made banana bread whilst cooking tea.  Every surface was covered with something by the time tea was ready.  Breakfast was boiled eggs this morning, with humous and broccoli bread, dinner was mushrooms and scrambled egg, tea was a Brussel sprout bake with celeriac salad and roast parsnips it was not planned at all but it was a day of rather a lot of white food!

2022 will be the year of fundraising for us I am creating needle felted hearts with Alice at the moment.  We are making needle felted heart garlands to sell at a fundraising event we are organising in April.

Wednesdays are Mum's taxi day, I am going to pick up Cameron from college at midday a trip which is combined with a supermarket shop and refuelling the car.  Later in the afternoon I will drop Alice at her music club, picking up the veg box on the way home, feeding Cameron and myself some tea before heading out to drop him at Archery, picking Alice up and taking her to Archery and we'll all drive home around 8pm.  I love that it all fits together like a puzzle.  I have to be organised on a Wednesday!

I have two dear friends with significant birthdays this month (the ones where you go into a new decade) I am pondering what to make for each of them.

I am remembering, with fondness and sadness, my wonderful great aunt who died last week aged 104 and a half, she had lived through two pandemics, was born towards the end of one and lived through the second world war.  Sadly I had not seen her for over two years.  She had the most amazing memory and the stories of her life were a fascinating listen, Cameron and Alice loved to listen to her.  She was the last remaining member of that generation in my extended family. it is the end of an era.

I did not manage to fit in much laundry last week and the pile was reaching Everest like proportions, there was so much that I filled the machine with underwear for one wash.  A dry, sunny and windy weekend has seen it reduced considerably I am loving that the temperatures are slowing rising and I can wash and line dry a load in a day, and the smell of line dried washing is wonderful too, don't you think?

I was really busy with work last week, I still have two sets of meeting minutes to type up I am hoping I can get them sorted by today as I have another meeting this evening.

I am reading the odd word here and there, I used to read in bed before going to sleep but lately I have not been able to keep my eyes opened long enough to do that.  I have yet to read a whole book yet this year.

'Enjoy the little things in life because one day you will look back and realise they were the big things' is  My favourite quote at the moment.

There was a very serious tragic accident on the motorway near my house which resulted in it being closed for most of the day.  All the traffic was diverted through my village, there are some traffic lights nine miles North and the queue was back to my house and beyond.  I went for an evening stroll which was rather ruined by the fumes from all the vehicles.  I was stopped by the occupants of one vehicle as they really needed a loo, I took them into the village hall as there was a class on and it was open.  It was a family with small children and they had already been traveling for 6 and half hours, they were two hours from home without the very long queue which I would expect was a couple of hours long, I am wondering if they got home safely.

I am learning languages.  About 10 years ago I signed up to Duolingo to continue with learning Spanish that I had started learning when I was pregnant with Cameron.  I stopped for years and had a yearning to take it up again when I started watching television shows in other languages on a catch up platform.  I thought my account might have disappeared after such a long break but it was there waiting for me to sign in again.  I am currently focusing on French and when time permits a little Swedish.

I am looking forward to a really good sleep tonight, last night was not a good one on that front.  Today has been hard work as I am so very tired and had a lot to do.

I am wearing a long straight denim skirt, thick navy cabled tights, a navy t-shirt, a hand knit navy jumper and a navy scarf covered in small cream sheep and the odd purple one.

I loved listening to Podcasts, I used to be an avid radio listener although it was often on as aural wallpaper.  Podcasts are my new radio where I get to choose what is broadcast. I am listening to the great podcast Human Resources, from the wonderfully named Broccoli Productions, a series about the slave trade it is hard listen but really informative .

A Peek into my Day.


  1. I think these type of posts will be interesting to look back on in a few years, the minutiae of everyday life seems repetitive but I'm sure it must change over time, especially when there's children in the house. I remember well running my two around from one activity to another and hoping that there were no overlaps.

    1. I do love reading back on these posts, I sorted out the labels on my posts a few years ago so that I could do that.

  2. There is a lot going on for you at the moment. It's so good that you are fitting creativity in many different forms into your days!
    Best wishes

    1. Not all my days are this busy, I balance the busy ones with a quiet ones.

  3. Sorry to hear about your Great Aunt. She must have seen such alot through an amazingly long life. It is nice that the days are lengthening and I too am thankful for the relative safety of where we live. X

    1. My great aunt did have an amazing life, she told some wonderful stories about it which I am so grateful that I got to hear.

  4. Thanks for sharing a peek into your day(s). It sounds like spring is coming (albeit slowly), and you're making some productive progress on your various projects. And you're right -- the little things ARE the big things, as it turns out. XO

    1. I am glad you enjoyed my post, yes spring is definitely on its way. I do love the expectation of this time of year.

  5. loved seeing what was on your mind and a nice peek into your day. My days are still recovering from the fatigue of the virus I had last week. I am almost normal!! I'm back to walking daily and getting my exercising in most days as well.

    1. Thank you Karen. I am glad to hear that you are feeling a little better.

  6. Busy times at your house, certainly. I do love this time of year. I planted lettuce and radish seeds in a tub and covered it with plastic, hoping for some early salads again this year. Spring just makes me feel happy all over.

    1. It is a time of hope isn't it. We have to hold on to that when there is uncertainty about.

  7. I always love your daily peeks. My goodness what a busy day and those poor people stuck in the traffic. I love podcasts too and that quote is perfect. B x

    1. It is a busy day, my Wednesday but it all flows well and I know not to add anything extra into the day!

  8. I love that quote and did enjoy the peek into your day. How you cram it all in I'll never know. So sorry to hear of your great aunt, that was a grand age, goodness, the things she's lived

    1. Yes my Great Aunt did l through a lot. Her stories were wonderful, she had an amazing memory right until the end. I can only manage really busy days by balancing it with quiet ones, I could not keep that up every day!

  9. It is a lovely day in Glasgow, too. I enjoy reading peeks into your day posts and see how your days flow. Nicely on the whole, a life well lived. The same must be true for your great aunt! I am sorry to hear she has died.

    1. Thank you Christina, my Great Aunt had some wonderful stories about her life. She was born in Bradford and moved from there when she was 19, down to London. Eighty years later she still had the broadest Bradford accent despite never returning there to live. We all miss her.

  10. Wow! A busy day. I just did a Day in the Life post and think it's always so fascinating to see what people are doing/wearing/eating.
    I also really like the gentle way you structured it - my favourite was your description of your outfit. It reminds me of a British friend of mine who lives locally; she wears outfits just like this and knits and drinks tea and just has such a wonderful outlook on makes me think you'd be kindred spirits <3

    1. Your British friend does sound like a kindred spirit, although I don't drink tea. I wonder if she talks about the weather all the time like we do here! I love to look back at these posts as they record the things that you forget about, the minutae of life but like the quote the little things become the big things.

  11. I adore this post. What a lovely idea to keep a record of days like these. I'm sorry to hear about your Great Aunt, but what a wonderful-sounding lady. And I hear you on falling asleep reading in bed lately...we have switched to an audio book the last few evenings to rest the eyes. The Salt Path. We are thoroughly enjoying it, but invariably one of us falls asleep so we have to nudge back a little the following night! Thank you for this glimpse into your lovely life x

    1. Thank you so much Alice that is so kind of you. I loved reading The Salt Path, I have never quite got into audio books but listening to them at bedtime sounds perfect to me. I think I would be nudging them back all the time!

  12. Thank you for the peek into your day SM. So sorry to hear of your Great Aunt, what a wonderful woman she must have been, and at 104 ! - so many stories to be treasured. Well done with the languages. I may have to have a peek at Duolingo. Whilst I've tried French on and off over the years (I can understand it better than I can speak it), I would love to know some Spanish and German too. Re. the oven usage - I hear you! I'm trying to phase out our long roast dinners, and move to more stir fries to reduce our energy usage :0 Happy Wednesday to you, enjoy your Taxi day ;) xXx


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