
15 October 2020

Creating a story sack

In my last post I mentioned that I had recently made a story sack.  I have made a few of these in the past and shared some of them on here.  When my children were small they loved to bring these home from the library Alice, in particular, was always really disappointed that we could only borrow one at a time.  

A story sack is such a clever way of getting more out of a book than just reading.  Now that Alice is older I can see why these sacks were so appealing to her,  she has really struggled with learning to read, letters and words were a mystery to her for a long time.  Story sacks are a bag of books, props and sometimes a game on a theme, a thread from the main book in the sack.  The props are toys that enhance the main book.  

In this story sack is just one book, I didn't have time to find a second one, it is part of a series that my children loved when they were smaller, and a few props that Alice and I made.  Percy the Park Keeper looks after a park and spends lots of his time with his friends the animals who live in the park.  Percy and the animals are often to be found having fun together.  In this story they are playing hide and seek, one of the animals choses a hiding place that has unexpected results.

Percy and his animal friends are all needle felted.  Alice made Percy, and between us we made the other animals.  I made a small bag to keep them all in.

I am lucky enough to have an independent bookshop in my local town.  Some of the story sacks I have made have been based on a particular book, more usually I browse through the children's books to find a story that lends itself to be made into a sack.  I love this type of project and am glad that my nephew loves his first story sack, as I am sure that I will be making him more in the future. 


  1. This is such a cute idea - I love it so much! :) Thanks for sharing!
    Jenna ♥
    Stay in touch? Life of an Earth Muffin

  2. How wonderful that you could borrow them from a library - I doubt that could happen now.

    It is a wonderful idea, and the pieces you and Alice have made to go with your nephew's book are absolutely gorgeous. Well done with the bag fabric too, it's perfect.

    1. I haven't been in a local library since March so I am not sure if you can or not, it would be a shame if they have put them away but they would be a nightmare to keep 'clean'.

      Alice and I had such fun making them, she has a real skill for being able to work out the shapes each of these animals needed to make them right. I was so glad to find the fabric in my local sewing shop, it is a treasure trove of fabric but I am never quite sure if I am going to find what I want when I need something so specific.

  3. What a great idea. I love the idea of children helping to make the story sack too.

    1. Thank you Anne. I was delighted when Alice said she wanted to help with making the animals, she is really good at seeing in 3D so was a great help when we were shaping the animals.

  4. Oh, this is fantastic! My kids would have loved these as little ones! xo

    1. Thank you Mel. I have just done a bit of research online after reading this and have realised that story sacks seem to be a British thing. I am not sure who came up with the idea but they are such a lovely way to get children interested in books and to fire up their imaginations.

  5. In my previous incarnation of teaching assistant, we used story sacks a lot with the children. I also made story boxes - smaller than the bags with the props for telling the story. I seem to remember The Three Billy Goats Gruff being a favourite, with the goats from Early Learning Centre, a little pink haired troll and a bridge and two areas of grass.
    They are a great idea and this one looks perect!
    Best wishes

    1. Thank you Ellie, I love the idea of story boxes too. They are great aren't they, story sacks, I have yet to meet a child who doesn't enjoy them.

  6. oh my goodness! this is spectacular for a present for a kid. I love your little toys that are wooly good!!

    1. Thank you Karen. I am realising that these are not widely used outside of the UK. They are always well received whenever I make them for other children, I never made one for my own children tho......

  7. What a fantastic idea! I love those little needle felted animals! :)

    1. Thank you Kat, we loved making the animals they were such fun.

  8. This is a great idea! And your needle felting skills are wonderful. Mine have been limited to a few pumpkins and a sheep that looked surprisingly like a goat/giraffe. Coordinating the sack and the book too makes this the most special gift!

    1. Thank you Steph. The thing I love about needle felting is that it is very forgiving, it sounds like your sheep had a rather long neck!

  9. Those little toys are so sweet. What delightful and thoughtful gift. It is sure to be treasured. X

    1. Thank you, It has been treasured, it is my nephews favourite story now, apparently!

  10. Such a creative fun idea! My daughter still has the lovely knitted farm animals that you made for her several years ago - she has made up many of her own stories with them!

    1. Hello Katie, lovely to hear from you again. I am so happy to hear that you daughter is still playing with her farm animals. My daughter still plays with hers too, they are timeless toys aren't they. I love that she has made up many stories for them.

  11. Thank you so much for dropping by Laurie, I am glad that you enjoyed reading my post today xx

  12. What a lovely idea! You have given us a wonderful learning aid. My nephew could have used story sacks when he struggled, before we learned he was dyslexic. I think they would be great for children who like comics and action figures. You've given me a grand idea for Christmas. Thank you.

    1. You are very welcome! I agree they would be perfect for children who like comics and action figures. I hope you enjoy putting a sack together as I do.

  13. Hello, oh, we've got a Percy the Park Keeper book somewhere. What a lovely idea and absolutely gorgeous felt figures! My kids would love this... and me too! Lulu x

    1. Hello and thank you for visiting. My children both loved storysacks although I never made one for them. Percy the Park Keeper is a wonderful set of stories, I still love to read them.

  14. I think these are such a wonderful idea, I love that there are toys included along the theme of the story. They make great gifts.

    1. Thank you Jo, they are an easy gift to make and can be adapted to suit the child receiving them. I love making them.

  15. What a wonderful idea, and so much skill and love has gone into the felted figures.

    1. Thank you! I love needle felting, we only tried it late last year for the first time. I love how forgiving it is.

  16. That has to be one of the sweetest ideas I ever saw. Just lovely. I shall be borrowing that idea for Littl'

    1. Aww thank you. I am sure your grand-daughter will love them. I have yet to meet a child who doesn't love having a story with a bag and lots of extra goodies to go with it.

  17. Oh, my goodness! I have never heard of story sacks before -- but what a perfect concept! I was a reading teacher in my first career (in the way, way back times) -- and these would have been a wonderful addition to my classroom. So clever! (And those needle felted "characters" are wonderful and charming and so very special.) XO

    1. Hello Kym, I think they must be a British thing and maybe just part of my country too as few people seem to have come across them. Our local library has loads, my children loved them. They are so simple yet so amazing, bringing the story to life and the imagination of the children who use the props to make up their own stories is wonderful too. Thank you for your lovely comment.


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