
26 September 2020

Finding beauty in the ordinary

I love the view from my house, sometimes we can see for miles, sometimes, often at this time of year, it is hazy with fog.  A sunny early morning in Autumn will often give us a few special minutes, the near hills bathed in a beautiful light which makes them look golden.  I happened to look out the window at just the right time this morning, minutes later and everything looks less saturated, the contrast gone.

So many things in life can be fleeting, moments that we notice and take into our memories.  Special because they are fleeting.  They are a balance to all that is happening in the world right now, does anyone else feel like they are in a world where things don't feel real?  My decision to stop reading the news has rather backfired in the last few weeks as I have no idea what the rules are where I live, they seem to be changing every day.  I have friends who live in a different county who seem to have different rules.  The home educating community seemed to have fallen through a big hole until someone found a reference to us hidden deep in a government document which may now be out of date, who knows?

An evening swim at a local lake followed by tea on the shore with the sun setting, bathing the lake and hills in a beautiful golden light was a perfect way to end a long and anxiety filling day.  I am slowly filling our days, making sure that we have a balance of time at home and time out and about each week.  When I read my diary for the beginning of this year I can feel a rising of panic.  How on earth I managed to fit in all that we used to do, I have no idea, I know that I absolutely cannot go back to that life.  This pause we have had to take in our lives has been good for me, it has made me reflect on what is really important to me and how we shape our days and weeks.

The start of Autumn means we changed our seasonal table this week, we keep the pieces for the other seasons in shoe boxes, I love to get these down and be reunited with them again.  They are all homemade either by us or gifted to us by friends over the years.  I spent a lovely hour with Alice tidying away all the summer bits, giving the table a really good clean and then arranging all the autumnal bits.  We are going to make a few autumn inspired fairies over the next few weeks, the table is already pretty full but I love to make something each year.

We have been welcoming Autumn into our house for the past few weeks with Autumn stories during our daily morning gathering when we also read poems and sing together.  We have started lighting our candle too, I love this gentle light.  I have been doing a morning gathering with the children for years, it has changed over that time, I love the constancy it has threaded through our lives.  It brings us together to start the day, although these days it is more usually at around 10am and some of us have been awake and busy for a few hours.  It marks a change in intention, more focused, a time to think about the day ahead and maybe the next few days.  On a Monday we use this time to talk through the week, the plans that are already in place and things that the children want to do.

We had an autumn equinox ceremony in a local wood this week.  We chose the day based on the weather forecast at the beginning of the week, when the day came round the forecast had change somewhat.  We still went out and I am so glad that we did, it has been a long time since we visited these woods.  When the children were really small it is a place we went to often, we spent a least one year visiting every month to observe the changes in the seasons.  It used to take all day to walk around, short legs getting tired and needing to stop often.  So much to look at, feel and smell, mud to squelch through.  We picked elderberries this time.  We had not planned to do that, they were carefully placed in a rucksack pocket and survived the journey.  They have been brewed into a large quantity of elderberry syrup, the family are calling it the daily elixir, we are hoping it will keep coughs and sneezes at bay through the coming months.

Now it is the weekend, that time of breathing out and having a pause.  This one is stretching out ahead of us completely empty, our plans to go and visit relatives, were quietly shelved.  In the current circumstances we felt travelling so far was not wise.  I love weekends like this, particularly as my next two are really full.  I am hoping that we will be able to do a swim somewhere, the weather forecast is currently making that a possibility.  

I finally chose a pattern for a hat.  I had forgotten how much l love to knit fair isle, I am sure my technique is clunky and not very efficient, but it works for me.  I have managed to get the perfect tension this time, it has become instinctive which is important when we want to master something isn't it?  I know that knitting is not something that we are all able to master but doing the things we love and enjoy has never been so important to have in our lives than this current time.  I do hope that you are able to make the time for those things in you life too.  So a weekend of swimming and knitting what more could I ask for, I hope your weekend is filled with lovely things too.


  1. You have a lovely view from your house and beauty all around you with the lakes. Our weekend has been decided for us, Leeds has had further restrictions placed on it again, we're unable to mix indoors or outdoors with other families again so it looks like a weekend on our own is on the cards.

  2. Taking time to think and use our senses and wonder and enjoy is so important and with our busy lives, we seemed to have forgotten about it. It's what life should be about and you demonstrate this very well. The simpler things are so important.
    Best wishes for a lovely weekend.

  3. Gorgeous photos - such an important reminder to appreciate the little things of life.
    Jenna ♥
    Stay in touch? Life of an Earth Muffin

  4. I have heard from so many people...echoing your sentiment. Never going back to the rushed crazy pre-COVID lifestyle I used to have. I'm one of them, too. We sometimes think we've simplified life...only to find that there is a simpler way. Love it. And LOVE your hat!!! Kudos on finding that pattern!

  5. You’re right, the changing light in the last week has been amazing, at times so clear with such detail that it is breathtaking. I try whenever I can to actually STOP when I see it, and take a moment to absorb the views.

    I stopped reading news and watching TV news channels at the end of August. I am sure it has helped my mental wellbeing. Like you, I had to catch up a bit in the last few days to find out what was new, but I am going to try to cut right back/stop again.

  6. I love the sense of calm I read in your post today. I love changing things in my house to mark the seasons too.

  7. Your fair-isle knitting looks beautiful. I’m determined to try and master the technique doing it with two hands but it’s tricky! I’m limiting my news consumption too as it is so stressful but like you the ever changing rules are just confusing. Have a good week x

  8. I have been thinking about some Fair Isle knitting too... it is such a lovely meditation! I love your photos... so much. Thank you for bring a wee bit of your corner of the world to my world this morning!

  9. It's always lovely hearing what you have been up to. I loved your take on autumn, the light is always lovely at this time of the year, so mellow and soft. Your autumn ornaments are charming!I've almost given up on new rules, they seem to change so quickly!xxx

  10. I love the idea of morning gatherings. It is something we don't do but probably should, it sounds like it sets you up nicely for the day and days ahead. Mornings are rushed affairs here, I am working from 7:30, kids up about 8 then rushing to get ready for school.... not healthy but it is the way it is at the moment. Is that you swimming just below the waterfall? It looks terrifying! Elderberry juice is full of vitamin C, good for the winter. Have a lovely week x

  11. I love fall and everything about it. I have been enjoying my knitting more than usual because it is colder. The leaves are changing here and my views are colorful.

  12. The seasonal tables sound a lovely idea. Autumn is definitely an abundant time for gathering. Your table will be very full. :)

  13. Such a lovely post. The swim at the lake sounds so peaceful and refreshing. I love your little Autumn peg people ☺️

  14. You have the most gorgeous wild swimming spots around you - wow. I love your collection of Autumn books too - do you have different books for all the seasons?


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