
08 August 2020

Gathering our thoughts

Last Saturday, the first of August, was Lammas here in the Northern Hemisphere, the half way point between the Summer solstice and the Autumn Equinox, for readers in the Southern Hemisphere you can read my post about Imbolc here.  

Lammas, from loaf-mas was a gathering to bring in the harvest, mainly the grain harvest, with celebrations when that very hard physical work was complete.  It is also the time when we are starting to notice that the days are reducing in length, this represents a change in the earth's energy, a change that we can see for ourselves as the first fruits and nuts in our gardens or the countryside around our homes are starting to ripen.  The regenerative power of the earth is strongest at this time as we start to move, like the earth, from the time of bounty to the time of rest.

The corn king gives his life for the land,
We toast his sacrifice with ale in our hand,
And eat the bread, from the harvest made,
As sheaves of corn to the earth are made.

Transformation surrounds us,
The harvest turns to food and drink,
Now is the time to learn and to think,
Of what we can do to learn and grow stronger,
As the summer recedes and the nights grow longer.

We share our rewards and bless the earth,
That brings our fruitful abundance to birth,
May our well earned bounty reward our toil,
As we harvest the seed and grain from the soil.

In Spring, at the time of Imbolc, we planted the seeds for new plans and beginnings for ourselves.   During this time of warmth, when the sun is at its strongest, we have used that energy to bring those plans and beginnings into shape, perhaps they are nearing completion or they are the initial steps of something that is still taking shape.  Now is the time to bring these projects to a conclusion, while you still have the energy and the light, particularly outdoor ones.  They may be nearing completion or maybe this is a time for pausing whilst you take stock and work out where to go next.  

This is a time of transformation.  As the earth's energies are shifting, moving towards the time of rest we need to use this time to prepare ourselves for the waning energy of the sun and how this will effect us.  It is not always easy is it, to allow this change in, resisting it is not a good use of our energies as it is change that will happen, whatever we think or do to wish it otherwise.  We need to make the most of the time we have left with the sun and the light, being outside as much as we can, gathering seeds for next spring, as long as it is not too hot of course!  I wish....

If we allow this waning energy in, without resistance, we can welcome and be thankful for the time, that will soon be with us, to rest and turn our energies inwards for regeneration and renewal of ourselves, the time that we can make sense of all that we have achieved during the months when we are most active.

This is a time of the gathering of our own harvest, the fruits of our labours, gathering ourselves together again after much scattering of our energies on many different projects and thoughts, it is time to reflect on what we have achieved and what you will continue to do, whilst the earth energies are strong. We can bring these fruits of our labours into our hearts where we can store then as blessings and gratitude, we can access them during the time of rest.

If it is your thing then doing a meditation on the seeds of your harvest, is a lovely way to honour what you have achieved over the past few weeks and months.  Find yourself a place where you can be still and quiet, perhaps somewhere where you have been working outside or a place that has a special connection for you, think about what you have achieved, take the seeds in to your heart, let your achievements in and be proud of them, think about what they mean for you,  what you might be able to achieve in the future, listen to your inner voice guiding you to that future.  Listen to what negative thoughts you may be nurturing, try and see if you can reach beyond them to the fear which is sending them to you, when we acknowledge negativity and understand its purpose in our lives it helps us to begin the transformation to a place beyond them. 

We can use this harvest to carry us through the darkness of Winter, the time of rest.  It will help us to understand it further, when the Spring and rebirth comes again we will have the strength and confidence to bring it back into being.


  1. It's been such a strange year and in some ways it seems to have flown by and in others it's been a long year. I've started to notice the days getting shorter, I usually hate to see the end of summer but I think we'll all be glad to put parts of this year behind us and start afresh, though what the coming periods will bring is anyone's guess.

    1. It has been a strange year this year, I agree that it seems to have flown by in some ways and in another way it has dragged.

  2. Love this time of year and the thought of autumn ahead. Much as I love summer it’s those cosy dark evenings by a log fire busily crafting that are very special. Certainly lots of apples and tomatoes to look forward to here. Have a lovely weekend. B x

    1. I love Autumn too but I am still enjoying what summer has to offer and I am not ready for it to end just yet!

  3. we are moving into my favorite time of year....and honestly I can't wait. Not a summer person, although I must admit that spending more time closer to the earth in my own backyard has provided much respite during these strange times.
    Be well my friend.

    1. I love the Autumn too but I am not ready for the summer to end just yet. I think our summers are a little cooler than yours which I am sure makes them more bearable.

  4. Thank you for this beautiful post! I did not know about Lammas (or Imbolc)! One thing I am happy about in the gradually shortening days, is that the days are getting a wee bit cooler! I hope my garden will remain productive as September inches closer!

    1. You are very welcome, I am glad that you enjoyed it.

  5. I have started seeing signs of early fall, and I am eager to ease into the next season! I know that the news will continue to be bumpy but seeing season come and go is so soothing!!

    1. I know that you are not a fan of the heat of the summers you get, I don't want to wish the summer away just yet though, a little bit longer please!

  6. I really enjoyed this post. These posts seem very Wiccan to me, which is wonderful as I love all things

    1. Thank you! I am glad that you enjoyed reading my words.

  7. Yes. August is the time of transition, of giving thanks and appreciation, and assessing where we are in our harvest. It's one of my favorite months, though I am no fan of hot weather. But this month has a gentleness to it, at least where I live, a sense of relaxing now that the hard work of summer is past. That said, these gardeners are planting fall crops, so a new cycle is beginning for us. Late beans, cucumbers, peas, broccoli, turnips, kale, and later lettuce and radishes.

    1. There is a relaxing and breathing out in August isn't there, a month of transition. Thank you for the reminder to plant some autumn crops I need to go and do that this month too.


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