
26 August 2020

A Peek into my Day

Outside my window the clouds are low, the views are obscured.  A sparrowhawk is in the tree in the end of a neighbours garden, it is eating something it has caught, it stays out there for a while, hopping around the tree and the neighbouring gardens, looking around.  So wonderful to see this bird so close up.

Around the house is the detritus of life, things scattered and abandoned, the house is in that in between state of not being tidy, nor messy.

Next week is the start of the new School term, it is usually a time when many of the things we do restart again after a pause during the summer, I have only heard about a couple of things that we do that will be starting again, I am thinking about the shape our weeks will take and what we fill our days with.  We are not going back to the ridiculous busyness of the beginning of this year.

I have had a lot to think about over the past week or so, I am so thankful for the wonderful friends I have in my life who have sent me messages, holding me in their thoughts.

In my kitchen there are three bananas slowly going black that are waiting to be baked into banana bread, a glue guns and some yellow sticks the remains of a crafting project that Alice is part way through, a catalogue for the wholefood company that I buy in bulk from a reminder that I need to do an order next week.

My shawl is off the needles waiting to be blocked, I felt a need for a small project so I am creating a hat with some yarn I found in my stash.  I have no idea what I used it for and have had to guesstimate the yardage, I am hoping there is enough...

I am pondering where to block my shawl, it is very large and our house is not very big, floor space is not in great supply.

Tomorrow is my shopping day so I am going for my weekly visit to the local town.

I am wondering whether it will be quieter on the roads once the school reopen next week,  I live in a touristy area and the roads have been unbelievably busy for the past couple of months.

I have a large pile of books on my bedside table, each evening I choose the one that appeals, I am reading, amongst other things, The Body Keeps the Score, Move your DNA and A Natural History of the Hedgerow, an eclectic mix!

This coming weekend is a bank holiday weekend where we live, I am looking forward to my husband being at home for three days, we are hoping that the dry weather forecast is going to allow us to go for a wild swim, a trip out in a canoe and mountain bike ride (not for me - for my husband and Cameron)

A favourite quote I have been carrying around these past few weeks, I am here to get it right, I am not here to be right - Brené Brown, has been a comfort to me.

I started keeping a journal last month, I am learning so much about myself from this daily practice.

It is definitely cooling down here, I am wearing, salmon pink cord trousers with a blue and white stripped long sleeved top.

I have continued to listen to many podcasts this month, I am listening and loving Mothers of Invention, the last episode was such a good listen.


  1. Lovely words -we are not here to be right but to get it right, and we will, if we keep trying!

  2. Yes, the temperatures are much cooler here too, I hate to say it but I think autumn is in the air, I'm always loathe to let go of summer. I've kept a journal for years now but it's only these last couple of years that I've wrote in it every day. I think getting things down on paper really helps in all sorts of ways.

  3. It has definitely felt much cooler here this week. I think I will have to pass on the wild swimming for now but I will join you in baking some banana bread. I printed off a recipe this morning. X

  4. YOur reading pile is quite different to mine (though the Natural History of the Hedgerow is my sort of book). Historical novels at present, three about Eleanor of Aquitane by Elizabeth Chadwick. I've just finished The Crossing by Matt Brolly (crime thriller) and have a book about Aethelflaed on the go too. Plus Bernard Cornwall's The Pagan Lord for bed time reading.

    Much cooler here but now it's stopped raining so I think I will try a walk up the hill to keep my steps up. I began work this morning with a big pan of Sweet Potato and Butternut Squash soup - which tells you everything about the weather - it's Autumn now!

  5. I love this slice of your life! I struggle with where to block things also, in our home. Floor spaces is indeed a hot commodity! I am eagerly awaiting cooler temps! Please soon! :)

  6. I hope you get a lovely weekend. My thoughts are a little selfish as off to the caravan, my first time in four weeks. X

  7. what a wonderful quote....wouldn't the world be a better place if we all adhered to its advice? (I'm not going to get into our shambles of a political situation here, but that quote really resonates!!!!)

  8. I can't wait to see your shawl! I hope you find a spot to block it out. I love when I read about someone's day. I compare to mine and yours is one I nod to agreeing with you.

  9. As always, it's lovely seeing a glimpse of your day. I love the rolling mist and your reading list!xxx


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