
03 July 2020

Sustainable Living June

This blog has always been about living life in a mindful and intentional way, for me this means that most of the decisions we make have been thought about carefully, even if we decide to continue as we are a decision has still been made.  When we take a product from a shelf in a shop or tap a button on a screen, should we stop and think about how it has got this point before we do so?  It can be hard to make decisions over many aspects of our lives, we are often far removed from the means of production and it can be hard to find out how this operates.  Maybe we shouldn't be thinking is there a more sustainable replacement for something, rather do we really need it at all?

To help me keep on track I have come up with some words that I will be using to keep my decision making mindful and intentional, and my life in general as sustainable as I can make it.  If you you want to join me you would be most welcome, either using the same words for inspiration or your own that are more meaningful to you.  These are the words (you can read my thoughts behind some of them here and here) that I have been using in June:

Regular readers here will know that we get a veg box delivered every week, we eat a lot of veg, but some weeks it is not quite enough for us.  I usually top this up at a farmers market and a shop that is near one of the home ed groups that the children go to each week.  As these have both stopped for now the only place that I am able to top this up is at the supermarket, I try to buy as much organic as possible, organic veg at a supermarket is always wrapped in loads of plastic.  I have been trying to keep this to a minimum, each week when I do my menu planning I have been pulling my recipe books off the shelf and searching for new recipes and reminding myself of those that I haven't made in a long time to make more use of the ingredients we have in the pantry.  Black bean and squash burgers, Tofu Nut Balls, Middle Eastern inspired wraps and Sweet Potato Timbales were all delicious and I will definitely be making them again.  A Tofu Walnut Loaf and an Onion Salad both of which sounded like a tasty combination of ingredients on paper were not a hit at all, they were both in one meal which was a bit of a disaster!  I also had a go at making a fermented chutney which was delicious, I have been eating it with my fermented breakfast pancakes.  Whilst looking through my recipe books I was reminded of recipes I had made before including a Savoury granola, it is a mix of nuts, seeds and herbs cooked in the oven with some oil and mustard.  I have been enjoying this on my salads this month.

Like most people around the world I have not had a hair cut for months.  I had been meaning to sort out an appointment when lockdown started so it is actually over six months since it was last cut.  As it is long it is not too much of a problem, however the ends are not looking good.  I remembered that I had read about making hair conditioners using herbs, so I gave this a go to see if could help the ends of my hair which are becoming very dry. There are lots that you could use depending on what nourishment your hair is need of, I used elderflowers, soaked in hot water for half and hour to make a 'tea' and then I dipped the ends of my hair into the liquid.  I was a little sceptical I have to admit but it has made a real difference, my ends are still a bit dry but nothing like as bad as they were.  I am converted! 

We have several solar panels on the garage/workshop building at the back of our house, they are connected to a bank of batteries where the power is stored until we need to use it.  Pretty much everything that needs power in that building, the exception is the chest freezer, runs off this power supply.  We also use it to charge phones, tablets and my laptop.  At the end of May we started to run a cable into the house to see if we run some of the things in the house off this supply too.  We have used it to run my sewing machine, the hoover, the digital projector and the stereo for a solar powered cinema and Cameron's gaming computer.  The savings are not huge each day, but the pennies do add up.  

We had some very unexpected news this month.  My husband came home from work one Friday and told me he had been offered a promotion.  As the main earner in our household (I have a  very part time job earning a little) it has been on my mind, throughout the period of lockdown, how safe his job is and whether he would have one to go back to, when the time came that he could consider going back to work.  I am so thankful that not only is his job safe but that they have valued his contribution to the company over the last ten years so much they want to acknowledge that with this offer.  He has accepted it and is loving the challenge that his new position is giving him.   

Most of what I have been creating this month I shared in my last post.  A purple linen skirt, a new sock project and more rows on my shawl.   I was so excited to discover that my local sewing shop was opening up to allow customers into the shop.  They stayed open throughout the lockdown but you could not go inside, everything had to be ordered and paid for over the phone.  I like to look and feel fabric before I buy it, I could never buy it online.   I bought some linen to make a dress for myself, which is nearly finished.  I need to make a few adjustments as the fit is not quite right, luckily I am able to do that without unpicking too many stitches.  I will share it when I am done.  There was a slubbing in the linen not far from the length that I needed, the shop gave me the extra for free which was rather unexpected, they told me they would be unlikely to sell that 50cm or so.  I was able to arrange the pattern pieces such that I have managed to cut out the pieces for a top as well.  I shall be sewing that up too when the dress is complete.  

The children and I spend every Tuesday morning creating, on one of these days this month we sat and made the pictures in the photo.  They are created using a special paper that lets light though it, some call these window transparencies.  We used a book for inspiration and came up with our own designs for these summer inspired window transparencies.  

I am really enjoying the extra time that I am able to give to my garden this year.  It has not had so much attention since I became a parent when it has always come far down the list.  Everything in the garden is growing really well, not much is ready for harvesting yet except an abundance of lettuce and salad leaves.  The extra time I have been able to spend gardening has meant that I have been able to grow a lot of tender herbs, in the polytunnel, this year.  I grow these most years but they often die off for lack of attention.  I want to try and grow enough to freeze or dry them for use during the colder months when they won't grow.      I have tried a new one to me this year, holy basil or tulsi, I love the herbal teas I have tried made with this herb and was delighted to see that the seeds were available from the company I buy my seeds from.  I have about fifteen plants and have been enjoying tea made with my own leaves, I hope to pick and dry some to keep me going for as long as possible.

I have been doing yoga stretches every morning for about the last five years or so.  I started with a sun salutation which is a series of poses that flow one from another, it is a great way to warm your muscles up each morning. Over the years I have gradually added more poses and now do between twenty to thirty minutes every morning sometimes more.  I have found that if something is on my mind it is a great way to help to make sense of it or release it.  I have also found a way to include a short meditation at the end of my stretches.  I have long wanted to find the time to fit this into my week and during lockdown have been doing some meditating but it has always been a bit hit and miss as to when I would do it during a week.  I have found both of these practices hugely helpful to get through the challenges of the last few months.

I have found more time for reading articles online this month.  One I came across offers an interesting perspective on what we should be prioritising as we find a sustainable way forward for the future.  I want to hope that these perspectives will be part of the thinking for the future, but the queues that were pictured in the media when clothes shops were reopened here in the UK doesn't fill me with much.    The last year has seen a huge increase in people protesting about climate change, last month has seen protests about the discrimination that people of colour face in their day to day lives.  As I have learnt about the level of this discrimination and how it pervades through every part of people's lives it has been hard to comprehend how this is possible.  How we could have been so ignorant about how this has been going on right under our noses and why is it that there are sections of society who think this discrimination is acceptable.  I have been thinking about whether once these protests stop will people continue to demand change and action?  We need to be doing more than paying lip service to the latest issue and thinking about the changes that need to happen on how people think and act.  It is not going to be a quick fix, just as coming out the current situation or slowing down climate change isn't either, when you have generations of people who think in a particular way, changing that viewpoint and thinking is like a muscle that needs to be constantly worked at to keep it strong and working well.  I have always been a little hesitant to speak out and say what I think about issues such as these but this last month has made me realise that not doing so makes me complicit.

We were invited to join some friends for a physically distanced barbecue this month.  They have a large covered area outside where we could sit far enough apart but not so far that we could still chat.  It was a strange but lovely evening.  We had to remember not to get too close to each other but it was good to talk to face to face with someone other than family.

I am sorry there are not many photos in this post.  Sadly my good camera broke this month, I am not sure what is wrong with it, whether it is repairable and where I could get this done.  I have not taken many photos this month!

Thank you once again for reading through this very long post.  I realise that it may seem that I do an awful lot, I suspect you do to, if you were to write it all down like I have here.  You are most welcome to join me, either use the same words or your own which mean more to you, let me know in the comments below and I will head over and have a read.  I will post my Sustainable Living July roundup on Monday 3 August.


  1. I was interested to read about Holy Basil as I'm doing a post about Basil and hadn't heard of this but I see it isn't the basil as we know it. Sounds interesting I shall look up more info.

    1. I am not sure what family of plants Holy Basil belongs to, it looks a little like basil as we know it but the smell is very different.

  2. I always enjoy your sustainable living posts, I find them both encouraging and inspiring. I love how you've used the elderflower tea on your hair. I'd be tempted to give it a try myself but I think my hair is now far beyond this kind of help, it definitely needs scissors.
    Congratulations to your husband on his promotion. X

    1. Thank you Jules, that is so kind of you. My hair is getting to that stage too now, no amount of elderflower tea is going to rehydrate my hair!

  3. Oh how lovely to read all your happenings for June! I do agree with you on the hoping bit - during the worst of the crisis I was (obviously naively) thinking that there was a silver lining because people would now be realising that relationships, family and the environment were really important. That they woulds stop buying crap or at the very least be thinking about why the skies over big cities were cleaner. But no. As soon as the big department store opened in town, there were queues of them waiting to get in. I was sadly disillusioned I have to say.
    I had planned to get my post done today but now its bedtime...oh well ;o)

    1. Thank you Evi, I am always glad to hear when people think the same way as you. I am sure we are not the only one's who will have found the sight of queues outside the shops that have recently opened a depressing sight.

  4. Another lovely and inspiring post! I was really interested to read about the holy basil....I, too, assumed it was just another 'brand' of regular basil and the thought of drinking tea made with it seemed odd! But now my curiosity is piqued....:)

    Congratulations on your husband's promotion....that must be a wonderful sigh of relief in these strange and uncertain days. xo

    1. Holy Basil is an acquired taste like all herbal teas, it is one I rather like so I was glad to find that I could grow it for myself.

      My husband's promotion was a sigh of relief, I don't think I realised quite how much I was holding my breath over his work situation until the news came home with him.

  5. Another really interesting round up. A lot thought provoking things too.
    Congratulations to your husband.
    Best wishes

    1. Thank you Ellie! Glad you found it interesting.

  6. I do yoga three times a week for 30 minutes. The gym was shut down and I have been doing all of my strength training exercises at home with what I have. I needed the yoga to round out my routine. I should do yoga daily!! It helps a lot. My hair hasn't been cut since February, I have an appointment at the end of July. (assuming it's still opened).

    1. I am glad to hear that you love your yoga too. I love doing it every day, even on those days when I don't feel like it once I get started I wonder why I didn't want to! It definitely helps a lot.

  7. Loved reading this post! The little window transparencies are beautiful! I too order a veg box each week (and return the previous week's box for reuse) and love that nothing in it comes wrapped in plastic. I shudder when I see a supermarket's wrapping of so much fruit and veg, not just the organic produce but other produce too. Luckily, if I need to top up, I can visit the little greengrocer. Meg:)

    1. Thank you Meg, veg boxes are wonderful aren't especially as it reduces packaging considerably.

  8. New to your blog . Interested in following your . Hope you are safe and take care

    1. Hello and welcome! Thank you for your comment.

  9. Long and interesting post and your thinking is inspiring. As you say we pay lip service to so many causes without actually doing something but the world works in a funny old way, depending whether you are a pessimist or optimist.

  10. I love the window transparencies, especially the flowers. It is encouraging to hear how you think through your buying process. We have bought little during lockdown only essentials that have run out or run low. Covid has taught us we do not need much and certainly no new clothes as most of our time has been spent in the garden. I daresay many people have been waiting for the shops to open though to go on a spending spree by the look of the Primark queue.

    1. It would seem that way wouldn't it, I had hoped that that would not be the case. It seems that not every one has felt that Covid has taught us that we don't need much.

  11. I am with you on the haircut... I am going to attempt to trim the ends myself. And go you on the veggies! We try very hard to eat what is in season - and I like doing that.

    1. I am still toying with the idea of making a hair appointment, if my hairdresser is back at work.......

  12. Those outdoor window pictures are very effective. What a great idea. :)
    That's really good about your hubby's promotion, but sad about your camera.Hope it can be fixed. X

    1. Thank you, they are really effective aren't they, they look really strange from the back though!

      I am not sure what to do about the camera, we have realised that it is ten years old now so it may not be repairable which is rather sad.

  13. As always an inspiring post.I do feel mellow after reading! Congratulations to your hubs, I'm sure he more than deserves his promotion. Goodness, who knew Elderflowers could act as a conditioner, such a shame mine are turning to berries now. You remind me that we really must get solar panels, we have intended to for years but never seem to get around to it. The window transparencies are just lovely.
    Yes, by not speaking up we are complicit. I met up with friends recently in my garden, it was lovely and as you say strange. You almost forget and go to hug each

    1. Thank you so much! There are many herbs that can act as hair conditioners apparently, depending on your hair type and what needs conditioning.

      The not being able to hug people is hard isn't it, somehow when you meet with friends the virus doesn't seem real.

  14. congrats to your hubby....during this uncertain time, it's so nice to be valued!

    A lovely peek at your your gentle approach to life. Hoping to see some of your garden again sometime soon!!!

    1. It is nice to feel valued, thank you. You have reminded me that I need to do another garden post, everything has grown a lot despite the cool weather we have had.

  15. What a great round up. Many congratulations to your husband, it's such an uncertain time at the moment for many people so it's good to hear some good news on the job front. I've just caught up on your last post, you've certainly been keeping yourself busy with all those wonderful makes. I do love the drawstring bags, I watched Sherry Iris's tutorial when she had the stitch along, such a lovely make. Thank you so much for all the kind comments you have left on recent posts, it really does help to know that so many people have been keeping me in their thoughts at this sad time.

    1. Thank you Jo. I am so glad to hear that the comments you have received on your blog have given your comfort at this really difficult time.

  16. Your posts remind me to be more mindful in my own life. I’ve not bought any new clothes for a year now and have no desire to go rushing back to shops. I had hoped there would be positive outcomes from the pandemic but fear some people will never change.

    1. I too longed for positive change, I do hope there are some to come out of this pandemic. I am glad to hear that you enjoyed reading this post.

  17. Lovely post. So interesting to read about all the things you try out - amazing that elderflower worked on the ends of dry hair! Love the sound of your recipes too, especially the tofu nut balls. Do you use a book for that or was that from an online recipe?

    1. Thank you! The tofu nut balls are from a recipe book, The Enchanted Broccoli Forest by Mollie Katzen. You might find it online somewhere, it is surprising what is online! It is an old book, one of the first vegetarian books I bought back in the early 90s.


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