
29 February 2020

On Hibernating

It has been a full week.  A full two weeks. Overflowing with lovely things.

Outside it continues to rain, hail and snow, squally heavy showers that seemingly come from nowhere and leave as quickly as they arrived.  Rushing through like a toddler busy at play.  The wind is constant and noisy, I long for peace and quiet.  It buffets you when you venture outside, blowing right through you and freezing you to the core if you are not dressed in so many clothes that your joints can barely operate.

They call it a lazy wind in these parts, it blows through you not round.

A rare morning of quiet bought with it five inches of snow, a beautiful calm surprise.  It is amazing how snow can make the world so quiet and still.  It could have put paid to our plans for that day but the rain turned it to slush. The roads were rivers making driving a risky occupation.  We did venture forth. Tentatively.  A diversion to pick up a friend on the way, wondering if we would make it.  It was a quiet lane so easy to get out and check the depth of the lakes that had appeared on the roads, we turned around twice, we made it, there is a maze of roads to choose from.

I have had conversations about the summer.

That seems a long way off.  The dry.  The heat.  The stillness.  It is good to dream of these things whilst outside is all stormy and wet.

I have knitted, a lot.  Sat by the fire keeping warm.

Today all is quiet.  I am home all day.  All weekend in fact.  The time stretches before me waiting to be filled.  I can potter and do as I please, there are no timetables to be fulfilled.  This is the way I like my weekends to be.

I am still hibernating.  Enjoying the fact that the weather keeps me inside most of the time but loving it when I do venture out.  That feeling when you return home after being battered by the the cold and wind is every bit as lovely as basking in the sunshine in the summer.  The warm glow in your cheeks.

I have been tardy with my blog reading this week.  I haven't posted here in nearly two, where did that time go?  Filled with life.  My blog anniversary has passed by unreported.

I will be back on Tuesday with my words on sustainable living.


  1. This was a lovely read....a quiet rhythm of days full of of good things, despite the weather.

    I know what you mean about coming in out of the cold to a warm, toasty's a delicious thing. Girl-child and I have been maintaining our daily walks, despite some very inhospitable winds and blowing snow, just for the joy of coming in, red-cheeked and breathless to hot cups of tea and reading books under blankets.

    I'm very ready for spring, though....winter's charms are definitely fading. xo

    1. Thank you. It is a quiet rhythm of days full of good things, something that I aspire to achieve and seem to have managed of late. I am not as good as you maintaining our daily walks I would like to get back to that.

  2. A lovely post... the flow of your words and your vivid descriptions were a pleasure to read. I feel the same about the cold and wind that you do. Sitting by the fire with yarn and needles is the best way to pass those kind of days. Happy weekend!

    1. Thank you Debi. I am loving this weekend, slow and steady, pottering the best kind.

  3. I haven't had much to write about lately. Seems we have all been mostly hibernating. Roll on March! X

    1. I think that has been part of it, even when I have had the time to write a post I am have not been inspired to write anything!

  4. Plenty of lazy wind here at the moment. Haven’t heard gales called that before. Installed in front of the wood stove here watching a starling attack the fat balls. Time I finished the sock I’m knitting. Enjoy hibernating:) B x

    1. I think it is said of any wind not just gales, but I do rather like the expression. I am loving hibernating there is part of me that does not want it to end. Hope you get your sock finished.

  5. It's nice to have some time to enjoy the weekend without having plans, especially in this weather. Yes, the summer seems a long way off just now but I'm looking forward to spring, it can't come quickly enough for me.

    1. I love weekends like this they are the best. I try and make sure that I have a couple each month otherwise I would be run ragged.

  6. I don’t mind staying cosy inside with my knitting but I do look forward to getting out walking without having to trudge through mud with the dog!

    1. There is a lot of mud around isn't there, it would be nice if we could have a break in the rain to allow everything to dry out a little.

  7. It sounds a most lovely weekend ahead; days to just be. Isn't it lovely to return to the warmth of home after being out. Like a warm embrace. Meg:)

    1. It is proving to be a great weekend I love having them in my life. I love what you have said about returning home from the cold, that your home is like a warm embrace, so lovely.

  8. "Lazy wind"... Blows through you, not around! Love that saying. We are having windy weather too. It was supposed to stop, the other night. But I guess Mother Nature didn't get the memo.

    It's best to go with the flow of the weather. Hibernate, when it is logical. Do not pine time away, wishing for another season. -smile-

    1. You are right it is best to go with the flow with the weather, I am loving this hibernating and don't want it to end!

  9. Enjoy the quiet weekend. The seasons each have their own charm. We are at the end of summer...and it is good to think of cooler, wetter weather to come.

    1. I am loving my weekend. You are right that each season has its own charm, I am loving the hibernation of winter.

  10. Sometimes life is so simple that there's nothing really to blog about. And sometimes writing about nothing in particular is nice too. I have wished for some good hibernating winter weather, but it seems that we have been left out this year.

    1. That is so true about life being simple. I have had times when I could have written a post over the past fortnight but I wanted to do something else instead. Winter is a time of hibernation the same could be said of blogging too.

  11. Aside from the roaring wind it is a quiet time of year, perfect for hibernating and dreaming of summer. With the wind and rain lashing against the windows, I gave up trying to fall back to sleep over an hour ago and have already enjoyed my first coffee of the day :)

    1. You were up early! I will confess that I sleep with earplugs in when it is this windy, especially when it is blowing straight at the house as it was last night. I hope you are enjoying some hibernating too.

  12. Your hibernation sounds good; fulfilling, relaxing. We cannot change the weather by railing against it - acceptance is far less stressful.

    But yes, thoughts and dreams of summer happening here too.

  13. happy anniversary on your blog I was wondering where you were, sometimes it's nice to just 'be' and not do anything except live life. We have had little to no snow this must have got it for me!!

  14. Happy blog anniversary! We have had similar weather and our lawn has become a lake of late. It is lovely being inside in front of a warm fire on days like these. The wind has been the same here, blowing right through you..chilling you to the bone. Summer here we all

  15. Happy anniversary too - not sure how long you have been blogging for. I like the winter for hibernating - keeping warm and planning what I might do come the better weather.x

  16. Lovely post. Your writing has such a calm, meditative quality to it. Enjoy your hibernating. I know what you mean about the satisfaction of being out in squally weather and then coming to a warm house afterwards is equal to the sunshine of warmer months. I really like this time of year.


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