
07 January 2020

Some thoughts

When I was looking back at last year to write my last post I realised that lovely as it is to be reminded of what you have been doing from photos there are so many other things that we have done that are no photos for either because there was no camera to hand or we were too focused on the moment to consider taking one.

I have also been reading old posts from the past few years which reminded me of some of the things that I have shared on here.  I am writing posts once or twice a week which seems to be sustainable for me, this adds up to about five posts a month, I have realised that if I am to write about more of things that we are doing I need to be compiling more roundup type posts that cover a broader range of things rather than those that focus on just one.  I used to join a lovely link up focused on slow living, there were nine topics to write about every month suggested by the host, they helped you to focus on taking things slow, my kind of living.  Inspired by that link up, which is no longer running, I have come up with my own seven words that I will be inspired by and write about each month, like keeping an online journal.

Nourish what we have been cooking and eating using as seasonal and local ingredients as possible, maybe sharing recipes and tips.

Lessen our attempts to lessen our impact on the world inspired in part by the ideas of a circular economy of reusing, repairing or recycling by making something else, of buying less - especially packaged items, buying in bulk and decluttering.

Grow what is growing in the garden, what we are harvesting to eat/preserve.

Thankful what we have been grateful for this month, it could be many things or just one.

Create anything we have created be it with wool, fabric, wood, metal or words the list is endless.

Learn it is never too late to start learning and discover something new and it is always good to share this with others.

Fun saving the best and perhaps most important till last, we all need to have fun and enjoyment in our lives lets embrace it and share.

I would love it if you would join me.  If one or many of these words don't inspire you feel free to leave them out or come up with your own that do.  If it is not your thing I hope you will still visit here and read along with me each month.  Either way I could do with your help.  I have been trying to come up with a title/name for these monthly posts and can't find the right words.  I have thought about using the month name with conscious, mindful or focusing but they are not quite right.

Any suggestions?

I shall be posting my first monthly roundup on Tuesday 4 February.


  1. Hi there lovely gal! Using the word sustainable in the title might be useful after all it epitomises everything you do, not only in relation to your external environment but inner work of body mind and spirit. Simply Sustainable? Just a random musing on a grey Tuesday morning! Will hopefully join along xx

    1. It is a grey Tuesday morning. Doh, can't believe it was so obvious, you are absolutely right sustainable is the word to use. Thank you lovely glad you are thinking of joining me x

  2. These type of posts are always interesting to read and they should be great for you to look back on yourself. They'll definitely give you a flavour of exactly what you were doing each month. As for a title for your post, nothing springs to mind at the moment. I'm not very inventive when it comes to these things, I'd probably just go for monthly roundup, haha.

    1. I am so glad that you find them interesting to read, it makes writing them worth while. I love reading back on them too hence my wanting to start them up again.

  3. Being dense this morning, I'm not quite 'getting,' what you are planning on doing.... -smile- Which is fine. I don't need to understand.

    Everyone one's blogging style is individual.

    That said, my style of blogging is spontaneous. So I don't "do" prompts.

    And it is not a sort of a Diary of the year. So I don't worry about what I might miss.

    And I try to post, often. So they are not too long, individually.

    I do hope your plan, works well, for you.


    1. I hope it makes sense when I come to write the post at the end of the month!

  4. A blog friend of mine just posted "January musings". Jo (Three Stories High) and I post monthly ... ing posts (January... ing). My suggestion is not the most exciting one but I thought "sustainable January", "sustainable February" etc might work? Whatever you choose, I know I'll enjoy reading your thoughts.

    1. Thank you! I am definitely going to include the word sustainable, can't believe I didn't think of it myself.

  5. Sounds an interesting concept, I shall look forward to reading your roundup xcx

    1. I hope it is, I don't want my readers to drift away as I am getting too weird or uninteresting for them.

  6. hm, I like the themed idea! I post about my knitting once a week and my weekends. Fridays are a free for all of whatever I'm thinking about during the week.

    1. I am hoping it focuses me a bit more, my life was a bit all over the place last year.

  7. Look forward to reading your roundups - I might not join in at the moment as I want to totally focus on my wellbeing and create new habits. The sustainable heading is spot on I think. x

    1. No probs, it is not compulsory! I am enjoying reading your focusing too, it is a good way to support each other.

  8. I LOVE the sound of this...very retro-blogging which is the kind I like best. I do believe I shall join in! xoxoxo

    1. Oooh that you be lovely. I suppose it is quite retro now, not thought of it like that!

  9. I'm behind with my blog reading this week, but what a great idea. I'm looking forward to reading your monthly round ups. X

    1. Thank you Jules. I hear you on getting behind with blog reading I do that all the time, it takes a while to catch up doesn't it, thank you for dropping by.

  10. I like this idea! I tend to write roundup posts when I get behind on blogging. I learned some years back that I am work-focused person as opposed to emotional, and have to remember to savor life and accomplishments by slowing down a bit. Your list is a good way to encourage reflection.

  11. That is a lovely idea, I look forward to reading your posts. I always see my blog as a diary, it's always good to look back on. I often forget to include meals I've cooked, must do that more


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